Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: June 2021
Sent 2021-06-28: Neighborhood Watch Patrol coverage + Misc -
Dear Friends -
The JULY Patrol schedule is not properly covered due to unforeseen last minute changes. It may also reflect uncovered time until September or October....
If anyone could step up for the time, it would be appreciated.
This is 1 shift at 9pm to lock up and check out the area.
I can orient you at your convenience and there is a thin manual for overall instructions you can read.
Also, for the JULY meeting on 19 July 2021 at 3pm - I am planning a meet 'n greet and social with our local Harlingen PD, Combes PD, Hgn Fire Dept and local EMS.
Retz Hall 3pm Everyone is welcome.
Police and Fire Depts. are having a Battle of the Badges Blood Drive today at Station 8 on Grimes St. Great time to go down and meet them.
Thanks for all you do to make SCCE a safe and secure place to live and play.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2021-06-27: Video of Special SEPO Board Meeting held on June 24, 2021 -
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 PM was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those who wished to attend in person. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed from
HERE. This same file can also be viewed from the Sunshine Web site HERE. The minutes from this meeting will be published soon. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-06-26: Thanks for the POTLUCK + other Misc stuff -
Dear Friends -
Thanks to all who came out to our community Potluck. The food looked gorgeous and tasted fantastic. There were almost 80 residents present.
With several little tasks, the entire plan came together, thanks to Marian's coaching, and Lupe and Valerie's assistance. Vic Hillman gave the invocation. Irene Philips did some of the decorations. Your hosts were Cathy Richmond, Judy Parker, Joy Olson, Brenda Crothers, Kathleen Sunders, Mary Grande and Nancy Lyne. Several newer residents introduced themselves, their new abode and their furry friends.
(BTW Marian is 1st VP of our Women's Club and Cathy is the Treasurer).
The helpers prepared the Hall, dressed the tables and assisted in placing the dishes when brought in by our residents. Clean up was easy as many chipped in.
It was a huge success - THANKs - to all.
Hope to see you at the Golf and Potluck on Saturday 3 July. There is a sign-up sheet in the Library. You may play golf, attend the Potluck or both. Details and sign-up are in the Library conveniently posted for you. The awards will be presented to the Golfers after the meal - It is optional to stay for these awards and you are welcome.
The next Community Potluck is Thursday 29 July.
Per usual Doors open - 4pm Social - 4:30 Serving - 5pm.
Since this team set such a good example, hopefully more residents will step up and most importantly, more residents show up. This is the Sunshine way and we are all excited about activities starting up again. It was a long year without fellowship.
Thanks everybody -- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 😊❤
Sent 2021-06-24: Shower renovation -
Our pool showers will be getting a facelift starting tomorrow, June 25. The tiles will be replaced. The work will take at least 2 days. The pool and hot tub will remain open. While the showers are out of commission, please, use the shower in the Pavilion restroom before entering the pool or hot tub. Thank you. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2021-06-24: Thursday 6/24 potluck -
Reminder! Tomorrow’s community potluck starts at 4PM in the hall! Bring a dish to pass and enjoy the fellowship! All are invited! See you there! Cathy Richmond
Sent 2021-06-22: CALL ME TODAY PLEASE: POTLUCK help/volunteers needed -
Dear Friends
This note is a call-out for assistance with POTLUCKS. Your help will only be needed for a short duration while Marian Young is tending her leg injury.
There is s POTLUCK scheduled for this Thursday 24 JUNE 2021.
Please let me know TODAY where you can help to make it happen.
Many hands make light work.
Note - We can use some help with the Golf Potluck piece on Saturday 3 JULY too, please.
HONEY-DO list:
I will get the key to Retzlaff from Valerie today.
Put out table numbers - Lenore or someone can call Table numbers.
They are in the Storage Room with the deck of cards.
(The last 2 tables called usually get their choice of dessert first.)
Friendly reminder to all - take what you will eat.
Invocation ????? who
Ice - 1 bag 20 lbs - put in cooler with a scoop
Iced Tea - Make in advance - 5 pitchers (make ahead of time and keep in fridge in Retzlaff).
Coffee - Make coffee in the Bunn - someone keep an eye to refill as needed.
Tables - Set up 3 tables down the middle for food - serving pieces etc.
Card Table - 1 card table at the beginning for plates, KFS etc napkins S&P.
** Leave 1 table by the Kitchen window for desserts.
Just cut them up - let the guests pick what they want.
People tables - usually 7 with Table numbers on them.
Air Conditioning - Usually we have it on 75 or so to cool off Retz - then about 2p or so check the temp - may have to be set at 70 degrees.
Someone for dessert monitoring - when desserts come in - set them out etc.
POTLUCK FOOD - Helpers to assist guests with food to place on table.
Clean-up crew -
1. Utensils need to be washed and put up.
We do not wash the dishes of the guests - they take them home to wash.
2. Wipe down tables.
3. Take the garbage out to the back of the Kitchen for proper disposal.
Misc: check toilets, lights out. a/c to 79 degrees and Lock up AMEN
Leave the Hall as it was found - neat and clean. Thanks.
No help - no Potluck - hope this is not the case.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-06-21: New 'Big Blue' Mailbox in Sunshine -
Haven't most of you at one time or another needed to mail something from the USPS Big Blue mailbox located in front of the Tennis/Pickleball courts? Now when you need to do that, you will notice a much more appealing look to that box. In other words, a NEW box. It has taken a couple of months working with the Harlingen Postmaster to procure this new box. And it finally happened last week. See the 'before' and 'current' pictures below. SEPO Board


Sent 2021-06-21: Golfing and Pot Luck -- Saturday JULY 3rd 2021 -
Dear Friends,
Mark your calendars - Everyone invited.
There will be a Sunshine Saturday Golf scramble on Saturday 3 JULY 2021.
Tee time 9am - to be followed by a community Potluck at 5pm (social 4:30pm).
We hope to see many of you participate.
Per Marian Young:
The JUNE Community Potluck is still on for the 24th of June.
The JULY Potlucks are now as follows:
The July 4th Community Potluck is being moved to July 3rd.
The second Community Potluck for JULY is still on for the 29th of July.
Back to the 3rd of July.........
You can do one or both events -- Golf Scramble and/or Potluck OR both.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Library for the Golf and for the Potluck.
Judy Parker and Lenore Combs will do Golf sign-up.
Grace and Warren Clark will do the Golf Pairings.
There is a $5.00 Golf Entry Fee for awards - and an envelope provided.
Please put your name and $5.00 for each Golfer in the envelope.
Drop your envelope in the designated locked box.
Social 4:30pm & Potluck 5pm in Retzlaff Hall - Marian Young
Business as usual, thanks to Marian.
The reason for the sign-up sheet is for us to set out enough tables etc.
There is no fee, but bring a dish to pass to serve 6 - 8 folks, please.
One more thing: FYI
The City of Harlingen is hosting Freedom Fest on July 3rd 4pm - 9pm.
Lon C. Hill Park
Fireworks begin at 9pm.
So who says Harlingen is a sleepy little town with nothing to do ?????
God Bless America 😊❤ Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 (scribe)
Sent 2021-06-21: NW-CERT information for June 2021 -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
Sunshine NW-CERT notice NO Meeting on Monday 21 June 2021
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
A few words:
We will NOT have a June NW-CERT meeting this month but hope to resume in July. My plan is to have a brief meet ‘n greet open house in Retzlaff Hall for an introduction, fellowship and dessert. We can also plan some classes. I will invite the Harlingen PD, Combes PD, the local EMS and the Harlingen Fire Department.
The McGruffmobile: The “driver side” door came in and Charlie Gardner will put it on. The “passenger” side will be taken off and a new vinyl window replaced. May need some addition help with reassemble.
The McGruffmobile - The Black Case has current resident info. We will have two (2) new Fire Extinguishers. The First Aid Box is current.
The JULY schedule should be out soon, and Linda will send it to me.
Lesson for the day:
This season is forecasted to be wetter and warmer so Hurricane preparation may become a familiar part of our vocabulary. A word about our pets – Make sure you have a plan for Fluffy and Fido and other critters. If sudden emergencies arise there will be less stress if you include a plan for your pets. If evacuation is quick, having some extra supplies on hand is a good idea. Also, talking to your Veterinarian for other advice; being aware some public shelters may not be equipped to handle pets; some hotels do not allow pets etc. Is your pet microchipped? Maybe consider planning with neighbors, friends or relatives for availability to care or evacuate your pets if you are unable to do so. You can contact your local animal shelter if you are unsure how to care for your pet during an emergency.
How ‘bout an Emergency Kit for your pet? Think about the basics for survival – food, water, meds. Maybe have 2 kits – one if you are sheltering in place and a lightweight version if you are evacuating. Remember to ensure contents stay fresh.
Here’s a suggested list – several days of food, water, bowls, meds, collar w ID – harness, leash, crate or carrier, grooming needs, sanitations stuff- litter box, litter, newspapers, paper towels, trash bags etc. Don’t forget a picture of you and your pet together for ID purposes. And don’t forget their favorite toys.
One more thing….. John and I are up to specs with COVID-19 instruction guidelines and are offering several classes free in a COVID-safe environment for all NW-CERT volunteers.
We can review Hands-Only CPR and review the AED. First Aid and STOP-THE-BLEED are an option If we have a chance and maybe we can cover Near-drowning.
Can’t say THANKS loud or long enough for all your volunteer efforts to make Sunshine a safer place to live and play.
Next NW-CERT meeting -- Monday 19 JULY (3rd Monday) 3pm
Sent 2021-06-20: FOUND: Keys - (Update - the Keys have been claimed.)
A large set of keys with a whistle was found somewhere along Minnesota Avenue. Jean Burgoine has them at her house and will turn them into the office by 8:30 in the morning. You may call Jean before 11 tonight if they are yours and you want them. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2021-06-20: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT -
The Agenda for this meeting can be viewed/printed HERE. Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall on Monday morning.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-06-15: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, June 10, 2021 -
The UNNAPPROVED SEPO Board Meeting Minutes from June 10, 2021 are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Or they can be viewed/printed HERE.
Respectively Submitted, Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary
2021-06-15: Hot Tub -
Yeah. Finally, the hot back is back in operation. Just give it a few hours to heat back up to 102 degrees. Thanks for your patience. Jean Burgoine
2021-06-14: SEPO May 2021 Financials -
Hello Fellow Homeowners, I am sending you the May Financials. They can be found HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mecca Henry SEPO Board Treasurer (469) 766-4245 meccahen@yahoo.com
2021-06-11: Video of Special SEPO Board Meeting held on June 10, 2021 -
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on June 10, 2021 @ 1:30 PM was a Hybrid meeting. Retzlaff Hall was open to Board members and those who wished to attend in person. Some Board members and others attended this meeting “virtually”. This meeting was recorded and can be viewed from HERE.
This same file can also be viewed from the Sunshine Web site HERE.
The minutes from this meeting will be published next week. If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
2021-06-09: Thursday Night Happy Hour -
Our Thursday night Happy Hour starts at 4:00 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Bring your own beverage and if you wish an appetizer to share. Plates, silverware and napkins will be provided or you can bring your own. If your a golfer you can come and still have time to play with the O'Clockers. Everyone is Welcome. Ladonna Harvey
2021-06-09: UPDATE: Palm Tree Trimming -
We apologize for the setbacks on the trimming, the weather has been unpredictable.
And now with the wind, trimming of the residential palms is still pending. They are going to try to get through them by the end of this week.
Thank you for your patience...
Valerie Basaldua
SEPO Office
Sent 2020-06-08: VOLUNTEER NEEDED: Women's Club SEPO Newsletter Editor -
Hi All. I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I’ve waited before sending this out to see what my time allocation between SEPO communications and being on the Board would turn out to be.
What I anticipated was going to happen is happening. Between the Board and doing all SEPO communications I’m approaching overload. And knowing how much effort I will need to put forth to keep the Sunshine Web site up-to-date this coming winter season (now that the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted within Sunshine) I am resigning as Women's Club Primary Newsletter Editor. Both I and Janis McFee (Women's Club President) are hoping that one of you kind, friendly and willing female Sunshine residents will volunteer to take over this position starting with the next Newsletter.
What I’m proposing ongoing is that the Primary Newsletter Editor:
Prepare the SEPO E-News e-mails they want sent out for –
* the initial e-mail notice that Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of the Month.
* the final e-mail notice that Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of the Month.
These e-mails generally don’t change much, if any, from month to month.
Ensure the sender of the article is notified that it was received (This is a canned response).
Review the article (content and accuracy of data) and work with the requestor to get the article finalized (if any revisions to the original are needed).
I’ll be honest - Sometimes that’s a smooth process and sometimes it’s not. -
Take all of the finalized articles and format/create the Newsletter.
Send the ‘final’ document to me (Beth Parrish).
The Primary Editor will also be responsible for maintaining the Newsletter Guidelines on the Web site HERE.
The next steps I’m proposing is that I (as the Secondary Newsletter Editor & SEPO Communications):
Review the final Newsletter sent to me by the Primary Editor.
Add any applicable Web site links or anything else that may be applicable (i.e. attachments).
Send out the Newsletter to the community via SEPO E-News e-mail prior to the first of the following month.
Post it on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
The Women's Club ByLaws state the Newsletter is published for the months of September thru March. Since I have been Editor, I have been sending them the end of September thru the end of March. I don’t believe I have ever published anything 'for' September. I will be requesting this change be made to the Women's Club ByLaws this coming winter season.
With all of that said, I will be willing to work with the new Primary Editor for as long as it takes for that person to feel comfortable doing it on her own. The first e-mail that needs to be sent soliciting articles doesn’t need to go out until September 17. I would love to start working with a volunteer by September 1, 2021 at the latest.
Please feel free to call me at any time with questions. I look forward to working with one of you ladies on this.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Newsletter Editor
E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com
Sent 2020-06-08: 4 O'Clockers NEW NAME & Play Guidelines -
The board had previously questioned whether the "4 O'Clockers Golf Scramble" was a SEPO-sanctioned golf event. Tony found a document describing it – what, who, when etc - but wasn’t sure if it had been previously approved by a Board or if anyone, other than those who gave it to him, had ever seen it. Beth updated it and requested the Board approve it at the May 20 meeting. Due to the start time of this event varying depending on how long it stays light and how hot it is, the following occurred at the Board meeting.
Jean moved we change the name to the “O’Clockers Golf Group”. Beth seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation.
Jean then moved to approve the document, with the name change. Larry seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation.
Since then:
1) Beth updated the document accordingly
2) Tony distributed it to -
* Those residents who run/guide this event (George Moore & Donna Myers)
* the SEPO Office
3) Beth -
* put it on Web site HERE.
* is distributing it to the community via this e-mail
SEPO Board
Sent 2021-06-08: Name Tags Available in the SEPO Office -
Sunshine Name Tags for those listed HERE have been received and are available for pickup in the SEPO Office. If you aren't physically at Sunshine right now, please contact the office so your nametag can be put away for a later pickup date.
Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sunshine Country Club Estates sepo.office@gmail.com
Sent 2021-06-08: CHECK THIS OUT: The Can Shed in the storage lot is no more -
The Can Shed in the storage lot is no more, It's now the Can Cottage !!
The old can shed in the storage lot has been replaced by the Can Cottage. Under the direction of Lenore Combs (SEPO Board member in charge of the storage lot) a committee was appointed by the Woodworker's club to consider the condition of the can shed. The committee (Vic Hillman, Tony Tramel and Pat Harvey) checked the old building and it was solid, even if it had been badly mistreated over time. The committee, working with Lenore decided to make it a “Fun” project and it just sort of happened from there. Vic offered the pickets, a new door handle, stepping stones and trim boards along the front. Sam Davis offered the porch (steps), Pat supplied the paint and Heidi Dill did the signs / art work. It's amazing what we can accomplish as we work together.
As nice as it may look, it is still the place to bring your empty aluminum beverage cans for recycling. Regards
Pat Harvey
What a great thing for SCCE - makes me proud to live here.
As Director of Storage Lot - can't say THANKS enough
Lenore Combs
SEPO Board
The next time you start to throw your cans in the Trash, take a minute and remember what your fellow Sunshiners did to spruce up what was previously called the 'Can Shed'. It's now the 'Can Cottage'. See the pictures below.
Also see the Sunshine Web site for information pertaining to the Storage Lot.
Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin

Sent 2021-06-06: REVISED: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 1:30 PM CT -
The REVISED Agenda for this meeting can be viewed/printed HERE. Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall on Monday morning (June 7).
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-06-04: Hot Tub -
Bad news. The hot tub will be out of commission till mid-June. Something broke in the heater. The new part has been ordered and is expected to arrive between June 9-14. As soon as the part arrives we will get it installed. Sorry for the inconvenience. The swimming pool will remain open. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2021-06-04: Calling All Dogs and Cats - Summer Addition -
Hey Everyone - Sandra Delaunay will be available once again to trim our pet's nails. Sandra will come to your home instead of everyone going to the dog park. Any size dog, or any cat, is welcome.
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Time: Starts at 1 pm until finished
Place: Your home
Cost: $10
Contact: Marian Young to set up an appointment, 719-468-4556
Thanks, Marian