Sunshine Country Club Estates
SCCE Fishing Association

Contact: Bill Peterson
Meets: Monthly on 2nd Wednesday at 6 - 7:30 PM (as of Nov 2024 thru Apr 2025)
Location: Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet
Participants: Open to all Sunshine Residents/Renters.
There has been lots of interest in fishing and fishing related activities here at Sunshine.
I have organized a Fishing Club to address the interest in different styles of fishing in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). It is quite different than most Winter Texans are used to.
With this Club platform we can share ideas, methods, and trade equipment.
There are many activities and projects that are possible. Future plans could include:
Working with area captains and work out deals for the club.
Have guest speakers about fish and fish habitat and how our club could make a difference.
We may plan a fish fry as a money maker for the club.
Work with the SEPO Board in pond flora, fauna & habitat.
If organized correctly and run positively this club could be a driving force in SEPO's future.