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  SEPO Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes 

 (04-2021 thru 09-2021 Summer Season) 

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Thursday, September 23, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

APPROVED at the October 12, 2021 Mtg.

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-09-23)
Meeting Minutes-02.png




(Revised September 22, 2021 for)


Thursday, September 23, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

Board Mtg Agenda (2021-09-23)
Meeting Agenda.jpg




Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

(APPROVED as Revised at the September 23, 2021 mtg.)

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-09-21)
Meeting Minutes-02.png




Tuesday, September 21, 2021 @ 1:00 PM

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

Board Mtg Agenda (2021-09-21)
Meeting Agenda.jpg




Tuesday, August 31, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

(APPROVED at the September 21, 2021 mtg.)

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-08-31)
Meeting Minutes-02.png




Tuesday, August 31, 2021 @ 1:00 PM

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

Board Mtg Agenda (2021-08-31)
Meeting Agenda.jpg




Thursday, July 15, 2021 @ 1:00 PM

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

(APPROVED at the August 31, 2021 mtg.)

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-07-15)
Meeting Minutes-02.png
Board Mtg Agenda (2021-07-15)




Thursday, July 15, 2021 @ 1:00 PM

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

Meeting Agenda.jpg
Board Mtg Minutes (2021-06-24)




Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 1:30 PM

'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

(APPROVED at the July 15, 2021 mtg.)

Meeting Minutes-02.png



SEPO BOARD MEETING AGENDA (Amended on 06-06-2021)

(print from HERE)

Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 1:00 PM CT


A ‘hybrid’ meeting will occur.

 Retzlaff Hall will be open to Board members and those who wish to attend in person.

Some Board members and anyone else who wishes to attend this meeting “virtually” can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 12:45 PM.


To join the video meeting, click HERE.



  1. Call to Order.
    Roll Call

    Tony Tramel                                               Jean Burgoine                                         Beth Parrish
    Mecca Henry                                            Larry Keller
    Lyn Swonger                                             Lenore Combs

  2. Verify the Agenda for this meeting was made available to the community by the 72-hour pre-Board meeting requirement for posting.

  3. Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.

  4. Review and consideration of approving the June 10, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)

  5. Unfinished Business - 
    Board – Discuss an action plan concerning recommendations of the SEPO Rules Review Committee
    (Attachment 2) regarding current SEPO Covenants, ByLaws and Policies & Procedures (Attachment 3).

  6. Adjournment



  1. June 10, 2021, Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting
    View / Print from HERE

  2. Recommendations of the SEPO Rules Review Committee
    View / Print from HERE

  3. Copies of Current SEPO Rules (Covenants, ByLaws & Policies & Procedures)

    • Covenants: View / Print from HERE
    • ByLaws: View / Print from HERE
    • Policies & Procedures: View / Print from HERE​
Board Mtg Agenda (2021-06-24)




Thursday, June 10, 2021

1:30 PM, 'Hybrid' Meeting (Retzlaff Hall & Google Meet)

(APPROVED at the June 24, 2021 mtg.)


CALL TO ORDER President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM CT on June 10, 2021.

ROLL CALL  was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine and Lyn Swonger were all present in Retzlaff Hall and introduced themselves to the audience. Tony then acknowledged that Beth Parrish and Larry Keller were present via Google Meet.


Tony informed everyone that the meeting was being recorded. The recording can be viewed by clicking HERE.


To meet the 72-hour pre-Board meeting requirement for posting, the ‘amended’ Agenda was sent via e-mail to the community and put on the Sunshine Web site on Sunday, June 6, 2021 @ 4:15 PM CT. It was also posted outside the SEPO office and on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall on Monday, June 7, 2021 @ 8:40 AM CT.


President Tony Tramel asked if there were any amendments or additions to the posted Agenda.

MOTION: Mecca Henry moved two items be added and she would like them to be considered individually.

1. The purchase of sod, which has already occurred.

2. The sale of a ‘SEPO owned’ trailer.

Beth Parrish seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.



President Tony Tramel asked the board if there were any items to discuss prior to approving the minutes from the May 20, 2021, Board meeting (Attachment 1 in Agenda).

MOTION: Mecca Henry motioned to approve the minutes as presented to the Board. Larry Keller seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.



Item #5 in the Agenda – Tony & Larry:
Discussion & Board Approval/Rejection of contract with D&J Site Construction, in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents noted as Ver11 and summarized in the Exhibit labeled “Sunshine Estate Country Club Summary of 2021 Road Project from D&J Site Construction dated 2021 05 27 (Attachment 2 in the Agenda), which reflects a total estimated cost of $62,836.


  1. Tony reported there were extreme problems with trying to obtain competitive bids for the needed work on W Indiana Circle. Ten sets of plans were sent to various contractors with little to no response. Responses that were received stated the project was either too big or too small for them. Associated General Contractors (AGC) (who have access to 10s of contractors) were then contacted and sent the documents. Even with that exposure, we only received one bid (Rhyner Construction) and it was 50% more than we had allocated for the project.

  2. After doing a value engineering exercise to determine how we could reduce the cost of the project, we chose to reduce scope by only doing half of our original plan. We also reduced cost by indicating using ‘removed’ asphalt so it could be recycled into the finished pavement.

  3. After asking for bids on the reduced scope, the original bidder, Rhyner Construction, bid $58,312.32 and a new bidder, D&J Site Construction, bid $35.728.60.

  4. We then approached D&J and asked if they would consider doing the original scope of the project. They could do that for $49,536, and then also include needed miscellaneous spot repairs of approximately 250 square yards of pavement, primarily on W Michigan Ave, and asphalt crack sealing for a grand total of $62,836.

  5. At this point, rather than fielding questions from residents during the Board meeting, Tony indicated he would personally meet with any homeowner on W Indiana Circle and describe any details they wanted to know concerning what this project is about and how it will impact them during the construction timeframe.

  6. Larry Keller said there has been a LOT of time, work and consideration put into this effort to get us to this point. In meetings with both contractors, they felt this is being done right and professionally. Jean Burgoine noted the community was extremely fortunate to have Board members with the drive and the education/knowledge to get us here. There has been a great effort and a lot of time exerted and we have educated people working on this subject. We can rely on their guidance.

    MOTION: Based on what he has seen and in reviewing the contract Larry Keller motioned that the Board move to authorize President Tony Tramel to sign the contract with D&J Site Construction in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents. Jean seconded the motion. Board vote was unanimous to approve.

  7. Tony will work on getting all insurance and any other miscellaneous items addressed and get the contract signed, hopefully within the next week.


A.  Item #2 added to Agenda at start of meeting: Mecca Henry –

The purchase of sod, which has already occurred.

  1. A check was written to an employee to pay for a service provided by that employee’s wife’s company. It was done this way because the wife is not a US citizen and has trouble cashing checks.

  2. This is in direct violation of IRS rules. An employee should not receive both a W2 form as an employee and a 1099 Misc form as a contractor for non-employee compensation. Mecca was given this information by our CPA last year and she had passed it on to the Board. If the TWC (TX Workforce Commission) finds out about this, we are going to have to pay taxes and fines on the money paid to the employee for the work done by his wife’s company because we paid it to an employee.

  3.  The check has already been cashed. At this point we can’t stop it. Mecca’s point in bringing this up is that we can’t ever do this again. We may have to pay a little more upfront for work we need done, but we won’t want to have to pay at a later day for any inappropriate action.

  4. Larry didn’t think there was any intention of deception. We have now all been made aware and it should not be done again.

  5. Everyone agreed there was no need for any kind of motion. This item is appearing in the minutes as an acknowledgment that the Board has heard Mecca’s statements and that, as a Board, we will do the right thing ongoing.


B.  Item #3 added to Agenda at start of meeting: Mecca Henry –

The sale of a ‘SEPO owned’ trailer.

  1. Mecca has been made aware that we have sold a trailer to an individual, Fabian Flores. As this is SEPO property the sale should have been discussed by the Board prior to the sale occurring. Because this has happened in the past does not make it right.

    MOTION: Mecca Henry motioned that all sales of SEPO assets, whatever their value, should be discussed by the board prior to the sale. Lenore seconded the motion.

    Discussion - Larry asked if we had an asset inventory. Mecca indicated we do but has no idea if it is accurate. This a project that needs to be undertaken – clean up the list. There was additional discussion on how asset depreciation was calculated and how Mecca goes through SEPO records and also talks with the CPA to determine an asset’s value.

    Vote - The motion was approved five (5) to one (1) with Lyn Swonger representing the ‘no’ vote.

  2. Beth Parrish asked if we needed to approve ‘after the fact’ the sale of this trailer.

Lyn Swonger said a new trailer was purchased last year. The trailer being sold needs lots of repairs. However, Lyn thought it was worth more than $400, which is the most that has been offered for it in the past. We still have the trailer in our possession and have received $300 (of the $600 selling price) from Fabian. That money is in the SEPO office.

MOTION: Larry Keller moved to approve the sale of the trailer for a sum of $600 and authorize Lyn Swonger to sell it. Jean seconded the motion. The motion was approved five (5) to one (1) with Lenore Combs representing the ‘no’ vote.


Larry Keller made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 PM CT.

Respectively Submitted,


Beth Parrish

SEPO Board Secretary


ATTACHMENTS (from Agenda):


  1. May 20, 2021, Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting​
    View / Print from HERE

  2. Summary of D&J Site Construction Bid Proposal dated 2021 05 27
    View / Print from HERE

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-06-10)



SEPO BOARD MEETING AGENDA (Amended on 06-06-2021) (print from HERE)

Thursday, June 10, 2021 @ 1:30 PM CT


A ‘hybrid’ meeting will occur.

 Retzlaff Hall will be open to Board members and those who wish to attend in person.

Some Board members and anyone else who wishes to attend this meeting “virtually” can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 1:15 PM.
(This is the same link used for our last meeting.)


To join the video meeting, click HERE.


Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected.  At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting. 



  1. Call to Order.
    Roll Call

    Tony Tramel                                               Jean Burgoine                                         Beth Parrish
    Mecca Henry                                            Larry Keller
    Lyn Swonger                                             Lenore Combs

  2. Verify the Agenda for this meeting was sent to the community via e-mail, posted on the Sunshine Web site and physically posted in both the SEPO Office and on the door to Retzlaff Hall.

  3. Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.

  4. Review and consideration of approving the May 20, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)

  5. Unfinished Business

    Larry & Tony –
    After seeking out competitive bids for W Indiana Circle and Miscellaneous Asphalt Repairs, we only received one bid from Rhyner Construction, which was approximately 50% over our budgeted amount of $65,000.  A value engineering exercise caused us to reduce the scope of the project pertaining to curb replacement by 50% and also permitted the use of recycled material / asphalt to be incorporated into the specifications.

    A bid for this reduced scope was then solicited from both Rhyner Construction and D&J Site Construction. Rhyner Construction’s bid was $58,312.32 and D&J Site Construction’s was $35.728.60 for the reduced scope.  With this knowledge it appeared SEPO could do the full project as originally designed for a cost of $49,536 for W Indiana Circle, provide needed miscellaneous spot repairs of approximately 250 square yards of pavement primarily on W Michigan Ave, and asphalt crack sealing for a grand total of $62,836.

    It is recommended SEPO enter a contract with D&J Site Construction, in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents noted as Ver11, and summarized in the attached Exhibit (Attachment 2) labeled “Sunshine Estate Country Club Summary of 2021 Road Project from D&J Site Construction dated 2021 05 27, which reflects a total estimated cost of $62,836.

    This firm is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.  They are qualified and competent contractors.  A motion to Authorize the President to take this recommended action is requested. The project is estimated to take 60 days plus or minus. If the Board approves entering a contract for the 2021 Road Projects today and if everything goes well, one might expect construction to commence after the July 4th holiday and be completed within 90 calendar days, which would be the end of September.

  6. Adjournment



  1. May 20, 2021, Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting
    View / Print from HERE

  2. Summary of D&J Site Construction Bid Proposal dated 2021 05 27
    View / Print from HERE

  3. Copies of proposed construction plans / sketches, 20 pages
    View / Print from HERE

Board Mtg Agenda (2021-06-10)




Thursday, May 20, 2021

1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only

(APPROVED at the June 10, 2021 Mtg)


CALL TO ORDER President Tony Tramel called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM CT. Tony then informed everyone who was on Google Meet that the meeting was being recorded.

This recording can be viewed by clicking HERE.


ROLL CALL was taken. Tony Tramel, Mecca Henry, Beth Parrish, Lenore Combs, Jean Burgoine, Larry Keller and Lyn Swonger were present. Note: Lyn Swonger joined just prior to discussing ‘New Business’.



To meet the 72-hour pre-Board meeting requirement for posting the Agenda, on May 17, 2021 between 11:45 & 11:55 AM CT the Agenda was 1) sent via e-mail to the community, 2) posted on the Sunshine Web site, 3) posted outside the SEPO office and 4) posted on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall.


President Tony Tramel asked if there were any amendments or additions to the posted Agenda. There were none.


President Tony Tramel asked the board if there were any items to discuss prior to approving the minutes from the March 22, 2021 Board meeting (Attachment 1 in Agenda).


Beth Parrish moved the minutes from the March 22, 2021 meeting be approved. Mecca Henry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by all present.



  1. Lyn Swonger - Golf Course
    Tony reported that Lyn had been inspecting the golf course this morning assessing if there had been any damage as a result of the recent rain.


  2. Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 1) SEPO Buildings

    1. The hot tub heater is down due to a leak.

    2. We are getting a new motor for the AC unit in Retzlaff Hall that will cost approximately $2000.

    3. The Pavilion area is going to be repainted to help keep people from slipping. This project has been moved up before redoing the showers because of the safety issue.

    4. There was a crack in the ceiling in the Billiards Room – Lalo has put spackling over the crack and is waiting for it to dry. Then he will paint it. Larry thought we might be having some ‘settling’ issues in those buildings. Tony indicated we probably want to incorporate this into the discussion of the Capital Improvements program.

  3. Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave

    1. We have been cleaning up Michigan Ave, particularly burying/removing some of the inappropriate pipes and other items.

    2. The front entrance has been re-landscaped.

    3. We are trying to adjust the sprinklers around Retzlaff Hall to cut down on the amount of water that is accumulating on Michigan Ave.

    4. The Siren Sensor Board at the front gate was causing the gate to hesitate and not close. This board cost $500-$600 to replace. Tony reported that while testing the new board with the technician, it didn’t work properly either. Another new board has been ordered and Tony will test this new one with the technician – hopefully, next week.

    5. See Indiana Circle update below.

  4. Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maint. Area 3) Storage & Woodshop, Tennis/Pickleball & Shuffleboard

    1. She thanked Pat Harvey and Vic Hilman for the new can shed shutters and picket fence.

    2. She is looking to put a Roadbed in the storage lot – from the gate to the tree debris area. It will be a designated area of “where to drive in and out of the storage lot”. It will protect the individual lot rental areas and keep the lines/ropes designating each lot from needing to be constantly restriped. She is going to look into a product suggested by Larry Keller and work up a spec sheet to present to the board for review and vote.

    3. She thanked the SEPO staff for weeding and all the other work they do in the Lot.

    4. She is concerned about residents not taking care of their rental lots. There is lots of debris and loose items that need to be cleaned up. Larry asked if residents signed anything when they rented a lot. Beth confirmed there is a one-page Lot Rental Agreement that the residents sign at the beginning of each year. Lenore will get a copy of this form, rework it as needed and present it to the board for review and vote.

    5. Harlingen and Combes were upset over the tree debris being dumped in the Storage Lot due to the cost of removing it. It used to be that when a vendor trimmed the palm trees, they would haul the trimmings away. Now they are put in the storage lot. Lenore investigated having them recycled, but it was too costly. She will continue to monitor this situation.

    6. John Chajec donated a practice tee net. Lenore is looking for assistance to get it put up.

    7. She is still looking into a new Surveillance system(s). The current plan is to do one area at a time – Front first, then woodshop, then antennas, cameras and other areas. Tony has some info that may assist with this effort.

  5. Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports

    1. Mecca need to get Board approval of the Feb, Mar & Apr 2021 financial statements. Larry moved to approve them. Beth seconded the motion. All present approved.

    2. Mecca volunteered to provide background material to the directors supporting areas they may not be all that familiar with. She can gather that information at the same time she is creating the budget sheets. Tony hopes to have a special meeting on Budget preparation.

  6. Beth Parrish - Secretary
    Beth has created a OneDrive area where board-related items are being placed. Only those on the board with the link to this area can access these documents. She will be placing the results of the Rules Review Committee there and send everyone the link.


  7. Tony Tramel - President
    Tony is concentrating on resolving issues with residents who are guilty of SEPO Covenant violations. He is of the belief they have all been resolved except one that the Board is currently dealing with.

    Prior to this meeting the Board was polled (via Google Form) to determine where everyone stood on lifting SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. There were varied opinions. After investigating if the results from such a poll could constitute an official Board vote, it is now Tony’s belief that it does not. The use of this type of inquiry into Board matters will be discontinued. All items requiring a Board vote will be placed on a Board agenda and discussed/voted on at a Board meeting.



  1. Board - SEPO & Covid-19 Restrictions (Attachment 2 in Agenda)

    1. Lyn Swonger joined the meeting at this point.

    2. Everyone who wanted to voiced their opinion on lifting SEPO Covid-19 restrictions.

      1. Beth Parrish & Larry Keller – Seeing how things have started opening up around the country they wanted to drop all restrictions.

      2. Lenore – People are going to get vaccinated or not. The responsibility is on each individual to take care of themselves. She wants to open everything.

      3. Lyn Swonger – Stated there were 11 new Covid-19 cases in Cameron Co today and a total of 128 in May. Although people need to be responsible for themselves, what about non-vaccinated people who may start coming into Sunshine?

      4. Jean – Wants to drop all restrictions.

    3. Larry made a motion to drop all current Covid-19 restrictions in SEPO previously initiated by SEPO boards. Lenore seconded the motion. Voice Vote was: Lyn Swonger and Mecca Henry – no, Jean Burgoine, Larry Keller, Lenore Combs and Beth Parrish – yes. The motion passed – four to two - effective immediately. Beth will compose an e-mail for Tony’s review that will be sent to the community documenting this decision.

  2. Mecca Henry – Reserve Fund
    Tony indicated we need to have an account designated for the Reserve Fund. Mecca stated the Frost Money Market has $104,000 in it that would accessible as soon as/if needed. Mecca Henry motioned that we designate the Frost MM as our Reserve Fund. Lenore seconded it. The vote was a unanimous yes by acclamation.


  3. Lenore Combs – Storage Lot

    1. Most of the items in the agenda has already been discussed in Lenore’s status report above.

    2. Storage Lot 504 - Women’s Club property: This lot contains two sheds. Lenore needs to get with Marian Young (Women's Club) and Lassey Dahlstrom (who is familiar with many items in the sheds on this lot) to discuss next steps for repairing these sheds to avoid damage and/or theft of items stored inside them.

    3. Can Shed (added during meeting): This is not a ‘garbage’ can shed. Residents need to be more diligent about cleaning out their cans (remove food etc) before putting them in this shed.

  4. Beth – 4 O’clock Golf Scramble (Attachment 3 in Agenda)

    1. The board had previously questioned whether this was a SEPO-sanctioned golf event. Tony found a document describing it – what, who, when etc - but wasn’t sure if it had been previously approved by a Board or if anyone, other than those who gave it to him, had ever seen it. Beth updated it and requested the Board approve it. Due to the start time of this event varying depending on how long it stays light and how hot it is, the following occurred.

      1. Jean moved we change the name to the “O’Clockers Golf Group”. Beth seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation.

      2. Jean then moved to approve the document, with the name change. Larry seconded it. It was approved unanimously by acclamation.

      3. Beth will update the document accordingly and get it distributed to 1) those residents who run/guide this event, 2) the SEPO Office 3) to the community and 4) on the Web site.
        (See Attachment 1 - Updated document)


  5. Tony – Fair Housing Exemption and selection of an HOA knowledgeable attorney.

    1. The Rules Review Committee uncovered items related to Fair Housing Act that we currently aren’t conforming to. It appears we need a documented survey method occurring “every two years” or process for gathering certain information. Tony would like to move forward with developing something and getting the rest of the board more involved.

    2. We need to find a new attorney in the next month or two as our current one is retiring. He/She needs to at least be knowledgeable (even if not an expert) of HOA laws.

    3. How do people know this is a 55+ community? Tony and Larry are proposing we place the following text/numbers at the front entrance, so it reads “A Senior Community (55+)”.

    4. Tony and Valerie have come up with a procedure for new residents that are selling or reselling property in order to issue them a resale certificate (which is what occurs and is required by TX RE Law) to document and agree to our Covenants, By-Laws and Policy and Procedures, before they purchase a home in Sunshine Estates.


  1. Lenore – All items had already been discussed.

  2. Beth – Employee Handbook Update Clarification (Attachment 4 in Agenda)

    1. Only the proposed updates were included in the Agenda. Lenore made a motion to approve the changes. Jean seconded it.

    2. Open discussion – Lyn had a problem with two 15-minute breaks, which was an item that had been approved previously during a meeting on March 8, which he had not been able to attend. He said for the past three years, the Golf Course employees had taken a break from 10-10:30 for breakfast and then from 12:30 to 1 for lunch. The discussion ended with Lenore rescinding her motion until this was resolved.

    3. The next step is to ensure, if we leave the current handbook as it is (stating two 15-minute breaks) but continue to let the Golf Course employees take them in a 30-minute bundle, as they currently do, that we are in compliance with Federal and State work requirements. Tony suggested 2-3 board members pursue this; put a draft together and send it to the entire board. All handbook updates will then be on the next Board meeting agenda for a vote.

  3. Tony – Committee review of Policies, Bylaws, and Covenants
    The Board will have a special meeting on June 24 (if that day works for everyone) to review the committee’s recommendations and develop an action plan on how/when changes, if there are any, ‘can’ be implemented.


  4. Larry & Tony – Current Status of W Indiana Circle bid process

    1. We have reached out to several general contractors. One attended a meeting to discuss our proposal. His estimate was much too costly. We then revised what we would like to have done and are still waiting on a new cost estimate.

    2. Larry has since found another general contractor that we hope can work with us.

    3. When we find someone to do this work, we will report to the board with the details and ask for approval. If not approved, it’s back to the drawing board.

    4. At some point during this process the proposal for work to be performed will be presented to those residents who live on W Indiana Circle for review/input.

  5. Tony - SEPO complaints and resolution of same
    Each Thursday, Tony reviews any Suggestion/Complaint forms submitted in the box in the Office and has addressed most of them himself. He agrees with Beth that a formal process for submitting Suggestion/Complaint forms needs to be developed and the community informed of said process.


  6. Tony - Committee to develop a 3–5-year capital improvement program.
    Tony hopes to put together a draft to use to start taking action on this item.


  7. Tony – Reinstatement of Golf Trail Fees and date of reinstatement, if approved.
    There has been some discussion about whether we should re-instate these fees and the corresponding language that would go with them. Jean and Lyn questioned what the fees would be used for. Tony indicated they would be used for trail maintenance and other amenities that would be directly associated with the golf course itself, i.e., landscaping, water pumps, fountains, major irrigation changes. Tony will prepare a report for Board review/vote at the next meeting.


  8. Tony & Mecca – Reserve Fund: Was previously discussed.

  9. Tony – What is status of ACC updating their process and revising the request form?
    Tony attended the last ACC mtg as a Board rep. They are in discussions about creating a new submission form that would include why a permit was denied. They are also looking into what the Board can legally do if a resident who has been denied a request continues with the work in spite of it being denied by the ACC.


Beth Parrish made a motion to adjourn. Mecca Henry seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM CT.


Respectively Submitted,


Beth Parrish

SEPO Board Secretary



  1. O’Clockers Golf documentation

(Attachment 1) (print from HERE)

Board Mtg Minutes (2021-05-20)
Board Mtg Agenda (2021-05-20)




(Called by the SEPO Board President)

Thursday, May 20, 2021

1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only


Because of Covid-19, only a Virtual Meeting will occur.  Persons who wish to attend this meeting can do so by Clicking the following link beginning at 1:15 PM.  Board members and SEPO residents will be connecting virtually, there will not be any physical meeting in Retzlaff Hall. This is the same link used for our last meeting.


To join the video meeting, click HERE.


Please make your screen and microphone are available on your device by checking off the area shown on your screen to activate these features once connected.  At the bottom of the screen, you will see a button noted as “Caption”, please turn this on so you might be able to see the text of words spoken by each person during the meeting. 



  1. Call to Order.
    Roll Call

    Tony Tramel                                               Jean Burgoine                                         Beth Parrish
    Mecca Henry                                            Larry Keller
    Lyn Swonger                                             Lenore Combs

  2. Verify the Agenda for this meeting was sent to the community via e-mail, posted on the Sunshine Web site and physically posted in both the SEPO Office and on the door to Retzlaff Hall.

  3. Consideration / Adoption of any Amendments to the Posted Agenda for this meeting by Board Members.

  4. Review and consideration of approving the March 22, 2021 Board Meeting (Attachment 1)

  5. Reports of Officers:

    1. Lyn Swonger - Golf Course

    2. Jean Burgoine (Common Grounds/Maintenance Area 1) SEPO Buildings

    3. Larry Keller (Common Grounds/Maintenance Area 2) Streets, Drainage & Irrigation Ditches, Texas Ave

    4. Lenore Combs (Common Grounds/Maintenance Area 3) Storage & Shop Area, Tennis/Shuffleboard

    5. Mecca Henry - Treasurer - Financial Status / Reports

    6. Beth Parrish - Secretary

    7. Tony Tramel - President

  6. New Business:

    1. Board – Determine next steps (Review/Change or Not/Approve) SEPO Covid-19 Restrictions with discussion and potential Action. (Attachment 2)

    2. Mecca – Formally: Approve and Designate a specific account and Budget line item as “Reserve Fund.”

    3. Lenore –

      1. “Roadbed”

      2. Lot 504 - Women’s Club property?

      3. Orientation on weeds and other products

      4. Debris and loose objects stowed under sheds = potential problem in a hurricane

      5. Lots of debris generally spread out in Storage Lot

      6. Hgn & Combes – issue with tree limbs etc

      7. Practice Tee netting replacement

      8. Ref: By-Laws 16-01………

        1. Covenants – SECTION 2-3 COMMON AREA

        2. Policy & Procedures: Tennis Court, Pickleball, Shuffleboard, Storage Area, Storage Area Buildings, Woodworker’s Shop

        3. FORMS:  Not aware of any.

    4. Beth – 

      1. ​4 O’clock Golf Scramble (Attachment 3)

        1. Document consideration.

        2. Activity Name Change consideration.

    5. Tony – Discussion regarding Fair Housing Exemption and development of a survey instrument / formal process. Recent review of other HOA documents and need to move on selecting a HOA specialty attorney to assist in needed changes.

  7. Unfinished Business:

    1. Lenore -

      1. Forms, Documents and Process for the Storage Area

      2. Surveillance Cameras

      3. Can Shed

    2. Beth – Employee Handbook Update Clarification. (Attachment 4)

    3. Tony – Update on committee status concerning review of Policies, Bylaws, and Covenants and potential modifications, need for action plan.

    4. Larry & Tony – Current Status of W Indiana Circle bid process

    5. Tony - Discussion on the need to establish a formal means of addressing SEPO complaints and resolution of same.

    6. Tony - Committee to develop a 3–5-year capital improvement program.

      1. Tony, Larry & Lyn

      2. Document deliverable is a 2-3 page Excel Spreadsheet listing equipment, and other capital-intensive projects, like pavement repairs, golf course improvements, rehabilitation of Retzlaff exterior, pool shower tiles replacement, hot tub rehabilitation, motors and pumps for golf course and the pool, additional lighting around office, etc., and a timeframe for such expenditures.

      3. Need to identify a method to fund / replace expenditures within our reserve fund.

      4. Document past to next Board for Consideration.

    7. Tony – Reinstatement of Golf Trail Fees and date of reinstatement, if approved.

    8. Tony & Mecca – Formal designation of Reserve Fund / Account, Budget 2022, and Capital Improvements Program Follow Up

    9. Tony – What is status of ACC updating their process and revising the request form? Beth put together a proposed process document for the Web site and sent to the board for review. There were questions from some. Tony indicated the ACC was working on a Revised Form. What are next steps to get this finalized - Form & Process? On April 17, the new form was still in process. It may list items you 'do not' need to have a permit. (Attachment 5)

  8. Adjournment




  1. March 22, 2021 Unapproved Minutes of Board Meeting

  2. SEPO & Covid-19 Restrictions Review

  3. 4 O’Clock Golf Scramble documentation

  4. Employee Handbook Update Clarification

  5. Proposed ACC Request Form


(Attachment 1)

NOTE: Items in the minutes in blue were added after the ‘unapproved’ minutes from the March 22, 2021 Board meeting were published to the community on March 26, 2021.


SEPO Board Minutes (March 22, 2021)

To be considered for Approval at Next Board meeting on May 20, 2021


SEPO Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 22, 2021

1:30 PM, Virtual Google Meet Only


The 'Revised' Minutes from March 22, 2021 submitted for approval during this meeting can be viewed/printed from HERE.


(Attachment 2)
SEPO & Covid-19 Restrictions Review​


The below is from the Sunshine Web site.



  • Wearing a Mask is a requirement as stated in the DIAGRAM ABOVE.

  • Please maintain Social Distance EVERYWHERE.

WHAT IS OPEN: (other than what is shown in diagram above)​

  • Woodshop - As long as a Monitor is present.

  • Front gate (Continues to be locked at night as normal.)

  • Access to Encore.



  • Residents/Renters who have get-togethers:

    • In their Homes are no longer limited to ten participants. Social Distance is recommended.

    • In the Common Areas are no longer limited to ten participants, but must maintain Social Distance.


  • Keypads are active:

    • Into the Sunburst Building (on Fitness Room door)

    • Into the Library/Lounge

  • Upon entering and exiting any buildings that have an active Keypad, please shut the door behind you to eliminate entry by anyone not permitted in that building.

  • The Keypad codes can be found on this Web site in the "Residents Only" section.



  • Mail packages that are too big to fit in your mailbox are being placed in the General Purpose Room, which is located between the Pool and the Fitness Room. A slip will be placed in your mailbox by the postman to inform you of delivery.

  • This room has a Keypad to allow residents/renters 24 hr access. It also has a video camera with monitoring capacity. The Keypad Code can be found in the "Residents Only" section of this Web site.


(Attachment 3)

4 O’Clock Golf Scramble documentation


In the 2021 SEPO Board’s continuing effort to document SEPO Activities, Clubs & Processes, this document is being proposed for consideration and adoption by the Board. If approved, it will be distributed to those resident’s who are currently overseeing this scramble. They should have it available at all times in their golf carts during scramble play in order to answer any questions that may arise from the event participants.


Sunshine Country Club Estates

Four O'clock Golf Scramble


  1. The Four O'clock Golf scramble is a golf event approved by the SEPO Board. Therefore, it shall adhere to all the same rules as other SEPO approved golf events.

  2. Play shall commence at 4:00 pm each day and may be delayed, postponed or canceled when conflicting with special events (IE: Good Neighbor Golf Tournament), or prior established events (IE: 3:00 pm Thursday Golf Scramble).
    (NOTE: During warmer months the start time often gets pushed back to avoid the worst heat of the day.)

  3. The Four O'clock Golf Scramble is open to all Sunshine Country Club Estate residents and renters and their immediate family and guests.

  4. This is a shotgun start best ball scramble. Teams and start hole will be determined by a random draw. The number of start holes and team size will be determined by the number of players present. At no time shall any team exceed five players.

  5. No advance signup is necessary. Player's meet at 4:00 pm (or a later designated time) in the parking lot outside the SEPO office.

  6. Team one will commence play on hole one and other teams will start on consecutive holes two, three, four, etc.

  7. There is no cost to play. Therefore, no prize monies are paid.

  8. In an effort to accommodate all golfers not participating in the 4 O’clock Scramble, individual players may tee off following the scramble team on hole one.

  9. Participants shall adhere to normal golf etiquette by allowing players already on the course to complete their hole before proceeding. Example: The scramble consists of four teams starting on holes one through four. There is already a group on hole two preparing to tee off. Scramble Teams on hole one, three and four may proceed to tee off. But the Scramble team on hole two must wait until the group already there completes that hole and moves on.

  10. The course is not closed for this scramble. Therefore, all players need to be courteous and respectful toward all golfers.


(Attachment 4)

Employee Handbook Update Clarification


The verbiage highlighted in YELLOW indicate changes proposed by various members of the SEPO Board.




Sunshine Estates Property Owners

Employee Handbook



When one of our employees is absent, the other employees possessing the necessary skills required, should strive to cover the workload of that employee during his/her absence.


Hours of Work

A normal work week for hourly Maintenance employees (Golf Course and Groundskeeper) is 40 hours from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.  Each Maintenance employee is entitled to a 30-minute unpaid and uninterrupted period of time for their lunch break and two paid 15-minute breaks each workday.



Perform new resident orientations all year.


Must perform other duties as assigned.


Golf Course Lead

Required to exercise independent judgment. He must maintain open communication with the Bookkeeper and Board Members. The relationship between the Golf Course Lead and the Bookkeeper is critical in maintaining Sunshine Estates as a pleasant place to live for all our residents.  Must perform other duties as assigned.


Golf Course Employee

Have knowledge of operation of golf course and other common areas. Is responsible for maintaining 9 -hole golf course and to know about chemical and fertilizer application.  Is responsible for all of SEPO's equipment. It must be kept clean and in good working condition.   Support other areas of responsibility (Central Facilities or Grounds) within Sunshine Estates as requested, consistent with meeting the primary requirements of this position. Must perform other duties as assigned.


Grounds Keeper

Have knowledge of the operation of the common areas. Is responsible for:

  • Other duties as assigned.


(Attachment 5)

Proposed ACC Request Form

2021 04 15 Draft ACC Form Document_.jpg
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