Sunshine Country Club Estates
Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Oct 2019.
Sent 2019-10-31: PLEASE CONFIRM/UPDATE: Various Club/Committee Info -
Please let me know ASAP if the below info that is currently on the Web site is accurate (
Please list the club/committee you are responding about:
If yes - simply reply YES.
If no - Please say NO & Provide the CORRECT info.
Meetings: Other Clubs & Committees (2019-2020)
Sunshine Birding & Nature Club:
Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each Month (Nov thru Apr) @ 6:45 PM in the Library.
Open to all residents in the community.
Neighborhood Watch:
Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each Month @ 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall.
Open to all residents in the community.
Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Friday of each Month @ 1 PM in the Woodshop.
Men's Golf League Business Meeting:
Meetings are held every Tuesday following the 8:30 AM tee time group in Retzlaff Hall.
Ladies Golf League Business Meeting:
Meetings are held the 3rd Wed of each month (Nov thru Mar) in Retzlaff Hall.
Nov 20 @ 10:30am
Dec 18 @ 8:30am
Jan 15 @ 8:30am
Feb 19 @ 8:30am
Mar18 @ 10:30am
Killer Bees Quilting:
Meet briefly every week at 9 AM in Retzlaff Hall.
Rest of the morning is spent working on projects.
Memorial Committee:
Meetings are held as needed.
Thanks so much.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Web site Admin (
Sent 2019-10-29: Fitness Room & 24 Hour Access -
In order for Sunshine Residents and Renters to have 24 hour access into the Fitness Room a keypad was installed today. The code to the keypad is available in the Resident's Only section of the Web site:
Please treat this code as 'confidential' to those who reside in the Estates.
Call Frank Tewell @ 850-797-5520 with questions/problems.
Sent 2019-10-29: MEMORIAL COMMITTEE -
Anyone interested in serving on the Memorial Committee, please contact me. Thank you,
John Chajec SEPO President
Sent 2019-10-29: SEPO Covenants - Architectural Control Committee -
In order to lessen/eliminate confusion and misunderstanding concerning the Architectural Control Committee rules, I have asked the Web site admin to place the "Building Conditions and Improvement Regulations", which is Exhibit B of the SEPO Covenants, more prominently on the Sunshine Web site.
You can now find them quickly by:
Going to the 'Covenants-Exh B-Architecture Cntl Comm' listing under the Rules/Officers Tab on
OR -
The direct link to the committee rules page is:
The Exhibit B section referred to above is listed below but I'm not sure how the formatting will look on the various devices used to read SEPO E-mails.
John Chajec SEPO Board President
The SEPO nominating committee for the 2020 board election is:
Neil Morehead, Chairman: 815-535-3271
Jerry Drost: 231-588-6354
John Whitley: : 956-551-0266
Please contact one of them if interested in running for the board.
John Chajec SEPO Board President
Sent 2019-10-27: Former Resident Death -
I was informed today that one of our former residents, Carrie Schaubert, passed away this morning. She was 96 years old. Earl Weir
Sent 2019-10-27: Sunshine Newsletter (2019-11) -
Hi All – The November Newsletter has been sent to the office to be posted in the Library and it is also available on the Web site: (
Also note that going back to October 2018 all published Newsletters can be found on the Sunshine Web site here:
Beth Parrish E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-10-27: Oktoberfest -
Just a reminder that Octoberfest is Wednesday, October 30th and the last day for sign up will be end of day Monday. This is the first event of the season and is a fund raiser for Women’s Club.
Any questions please call Vickie Jones, 262-689-7068
Sent 2019-10-25: Sept 30 2019 SEPO INCOME STATEMENT -
Please take note: Although this statement is being distributed to the community prior to the Residents' meeting scheduled for next Monday, it has not yet been officially approved. Due to it's confidentiality the document has been stored in the Resident’s Only section of the Web site in the "SEPO Financials: By Year" page.
John Chajec SEPO Board President
Please take note: Although these minutes are being distributed to the community today, prior to the Residents' meeting scheduled for next Monday, they are the 'unapproved version'. These minutes will be officially approved at the next director's meeting. They are available on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
John Chajec SEPO Board President
Sent 2019-10-24: Crafty Creations Club description/signup info for rest of 2019-2020 season -
Since attachments cannot be sent in the e-mail system/application (Send In Blue) that SEPO uses for sending info to the Sunshine Community, the documents have been placed on the Sunshine Web site. So please click on the links provided below to view/download them.
Please see this document for the "info on what we will be making this season" - (
Please see this document for the "Registration Form for the Nov 13 class" -
Registration info prior to each class will also be available in the Sunshine Library.
Please come join your friends and meet new friends and make some great items for your home. Trust me, you will have a blast!
Heidi Dill -- call or text 307-272-2440
Sent 2019-10-23:Oktoberfest, October 30th -
Oktoberfest tickets are available in the library. It is a sign-up and you complete the info on the envelope to have a virtual ticket. Please include your money with your reservation. The cost is $10.00 per person. It is a BYOB party, so please bring whatever you would like to drink for the happy hour and dinner.
The date of the event is Wednesday, October 30th. Happy half-hour starts at 5pm with dinner at 5:30. There is no program. This is the first Women's Club event of the season so come and get reacquainted with new neighbors and returning ones.
The menu is:
Brats and hot dogs
Potato Salad
Cole Slaw
Apple Dessert
Iced tea and water
Vickie Jones Women's Club Activity Director
Sent 2019-10-22: FINAL REMINDER: Nov Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on the 24th -
This is a day earlier than the scheduled communication, but it is your FINAL reminder that if you have an article you would like published in the Nov 2019 Sunshine Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month. I've only received six articles to publish to date and I know there are lots of activities scheduled in Nov.
The Newsletter is one of the best forms of communication we have at Sunshine. So get that info to me so the entire community knows what's coming up.
Newsletter Guidelines are posted here:
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish
Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor
Sent 2019-10-22: Passing the Torch for the Mr. Fix-It List -
I was truly blessed that Mike and Karen Bricker have agreed to be the new Mr. Fix-It List editors. If you go to the Sunshine web page ( and look under “Amenities” you can download the latest list and their contact information.
So – If you have been happy with a person or company who did work for you, let Mike or Karen know:
Many Thanks Pat Harvey
Sent 2019-10-21: Limited Access to Sending SEPO Community E-Mails -
Hi All - I will be traveling Oct 22-24 and will have limited access to sending community e-mails and replying to you that I have received your Newsletter articles other than in the evenings. If you have anything that is an emergency and can send it to me today, please do so. Thanks for your understanding. Beth Parrish 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-10-20: Mr. Fix It List – Passing of the Torch -
Pretty much everyone knows the Mr. Fix It List either from the neighborhood Web page or from a paper copy you got from the office. I've maintained it for several years now but the time has come to “Pass the Torch”.
I would like very much to hand off the responsibility for maintaining the list. It's a simple process of adding (or deleting) a line in a spreadsheet, then sending a copy to a web site and to the office. It's a five minute process maybe 3 or 4 times a month. I will provide a step by step procedure and be available in case of a problem.
So – If you would be willing to help your fellow neighbors find a reliable worker, send me an e-mail or give me a call.
Pat Harvey 956-412-6132
Sent 2019-10-17: Kittens Looking For A Home -
There are 9 kittens looking for homes. If anyone is interested please contact me in the next 24 hours. They will be going to the shelter after that. Thanks Marge Sandusky 815 975-8025
Sent 2019-10-17: GENTLE REMINDER: Do Not Reply -
This is a GENTLE REMINDER to those of you who have heard this before and NEW INFORMATION for those of you new to SEPO E-Mails.
When you receive an e-mail that is FROM 'SEPO COMMUNITY' please do not reply to that e-mail unless you are requested to do so. If the author is asking for info/replies, please reply to the author directly.
When you reply to SEPO COMMUNITY, it ONLY comes back to the e-mail admin (Beth Parrish).
Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 314-960-6710.
Beth Parrish SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin
As of this Thursday morning no one has requested to speak at the October board meeting. Only the committees listed below in the agenda, are required to submit a report to the board. The last couple of years the SEPO organizations have held their reports for the Information meetings. Please do the same for next week's Resident Meeting.
Board and Resident meetings dates, times and locations can be found here:
I hope to have the Board Meeting minutes and financial reports out before the Residents Meeting so you can be prepared with any questions. Better yet, between the minutes, financial reports and our presentations, you won't have any questions at all.
The Board meeting is an open meeting.
Thank you,
John Chajec
SEPO President
Board Meeting Agenda -
Roll Call
Board member resignation and reassignment of positions
Previous meeting minutes, approval or disapproval
Officer reports:
Treasurer: Mark Olson
Area 1, 2 &3: Frank Tewell
Golf Course: Lyn Swonger
Committee reports:
Architectural committee
Memorial committee
Unfinished (old) business
New Business
Nominating committee
Suggestions etc
Sent 2019-10-17: Women's Club Meeting Minutes: 10-11-2019 -
The minutes from this meeting are available HERE.
Respectfully submitted, Vickie Jones, Acting Secretary
Sent 2019-10-17: REMINDER: Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on the 24th -
This is a reminder that if you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Nov 2019 Newletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month.
Newsletter Guidelines are posted here:
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-10-16: Veterans Day Tribute -
Dear Friends, Please give this communication your best consideration. Sunshine is a great place to live because we have great people living here. I am representing the following event.
Veterans Day - 11 November - Monday
Sunshine is planning a Veterans Day appreciation.
In the past it has been a ceremony followed by a Pot Luck.
Marian Young knows about the Pot Luck and we are requesting help for this.
About the ceremony - If we have a posting of the Colors, we need several folks to carry these flags - John Combs will take the lead.
Lenore can do Flag Retirement Ceremony where a Flag will be burned - under safe conditions etc. We need YOU!
Last year Helen Perry spoke about Veterans Day, Carolyn Clements passed out Patches for the Veterans etc...….
Call me if you are interested. It would be a shame not to recognize our Veterans. Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2019-10-15: Women's Club Event: Oktoberfest -
Hi All - We want to provide you with some initial information about the first Women's Club event of the 2019-2020 winter season. We will be hosting an Oktoberfest on Wed, Oct. 30. There will be brats, hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw & sauerkraut. Dessert to be determined. It is BYOB (bring your own bottle). Additional details will be provided as soon as they become available. Co-Chairs: Eileen Anderson & Vickie Jones
Sent 2019-10-15: Women's Club Meeting was held on Oct 11 -
We had our first meeting October 11th and it was well attended. It was great to see so many friends and new residents at the meeting. To stay informed on what events are coming up, please see the bulletin board in the library. Feel free to put your name & number on the sign-up sheets and volunteer for a committee. New ideas are always welcome and a good time is had by all. You can also stay informed about activities and ideas by attending Women’s Club meetings. All ladies of Sunshine are invited. Coffee and donuts are available. Eileen Anderson President
The question has always come up “How do we communicate to the board if we can’t talk at the meeting and/or “Why can’t we go to the board meeting?”
All board meetings per SEPO bylaws and Texas state law are open meetings and anyone can attend.
It is unproductive to have open discussion at the board meeting.
The SEPO board adapted the policy, for speaking at a meeting, that has become common practice across the country.
Anyone can submit a written request to speak on an issue at the meeting. During the remainder of my term, I will accept any request, written or oral submitted the Friday before the meeting. In the case of the upcoming meeting, the deadline would be Friday, Oct 18 th. Please include your issue to allow me time to possibly prepare a response or solve the issue before the meeting.
Suggestion box: Located next to the window in the office is a suggestion box for your ideas, thoughts, complaints etc. If you sign your suggestion you will receive a response.The nature of the “suggestion” will determine whether it will be read at the board meeting.
There are 3 suggestions from April, which definitely deserve researching. I apologize we have not responded sooner.
All the above are “formal” means of communication.
We are a small community; everyone has access to the resident address sheet/directory and the resident e-mail list. The most recent copies of both of these documents are always in the Library and on the Sunshine Web site ( You know where I live, my phone number, and e-mail address. If you have a question, situation or complaint, let’s discuss it. If you are unhappy with my response, then you should definitely proceed with a formal inquiry.
We will be having a Residents Meeting, tentative date per my schedule, Monday, Oct 28th. I have been given many suggestions on how to run this meeting. At this time my thoughts are, it will be an informal meeting and I will be the emcee unless some else wishes to volunteer. The board and SEPO organizations will be making presentations. There will be an “open mike” for questions etc.
Thank you,
John Chajec
SEPO President
Sent 2019-10-11: 2020 SEPO BOARD ELECTIONS -
Per the SEPO bylaws a nominating committee must be appointed 60 days prior to the election in February, the December board meeting.
There will be 4 board openings. John Chajec, Dick Shelton, Lyn Swonger and Clint Wunderlich will be completing their first 2-year term.
If anyone is interested in being on the Nominating Committee, please contact me or any board member.
If you aren't aware of who the current Board Members are you can find the entire list here:
Thank you, John Chajec, SEPO President
Sent 2019-10-10: Name Tags for New Residents -
Please come by and pick up your name tags in the office.
Name tags are in for New Residents:
Brenda Johnson
Dana Boatcher
Joan Boatcher
Dennis Pickett
Hollie Pickett
John Magyar
Donna Magyar
John Pearcy
Deloris Pearcy
Beverly Mason
Steve Holten
Dianne Holten
Thomas Mensing
Theresa Mensing
Max Dabney
Linda Dabney
Along with Previous tags that are still in the office:
Marlene Hall
Nile Hall
Sandra McAfee
David McAfee
Sandra Boardman
Daniel Boardman
Jim Clifton
Daniel Clifton
Rebecca VanCleave
Michael Kinser
Ronald Ciotti
Deborah Ciotti
Dan Philips
Rose Phillps
Darrel Bjornson
Lois Bjornson
Michael Winner
Bonnie Winner
Lisa Norman
Edward Norman
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420
Lyn Swonger has been wearing two hats since the resignation of Dick Shelton as SEPO president: golf course guru and acting president.
This morning the board approved the following reassignments of board responsibilities.
John Chajec: President
Dick Shelton: Secretary
I need some time to analyze my new position so:
The board meeting scheduled for next Monday, Oct 14th, will be rescheduled for Monday Oct. 21st at 1pm.
The Newcomers Meet and Greet is canceled until further notice but will be rescheduled within a reasonable time. The format, agenda, of this meeting is under board review.
The October meeting will not be broadcast on the web but will start in November. The equipment and technicians are unavailable at this time.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. John Chajec SEPO President
Sent 2019-10-10: Women's Club Mtg Reminder and Other Information -
Attention ladies!! Please invite our new residents to come with you to our Women’s Club meeting this Friday morning at 9:00 am. Also, I forgot to mention to wear your name tag, you may win a prize.
Eileen Anderson President
Sent 2019-10-09: Death of Anita Kurtz -
My sister, Anita (Wayne) passed away last week. They were previous residents of Sunshine Estates. Her husband, Wayne Kurtz is hospitalized with a respiratory infection. Rodney Fink
Sent 2019-10-08: Bill Halbrook -
I received a text message from Bill Halbrook’s daughter Tami, stating that he passed away last week. Cindy Shriver
Sent 2019-10-08: CORRECTION: Upcoming Meetings -
Board of Directors Meeting:
Monday October 14th - Board Meeting @ 1pm in the General Purpose Room
Meet & Greet Meeting:
Wednesday October 16th - Meet & Greet for Board and New Residents only @ 1pm in the General Purpose Room
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420
Sent 2019-10-08: Upcoming Meetings -
Board of Directors Meeting:
Monday October 14th - Board Meeting @ 1pm in the General Purpose Room
Meet & Greet Meeting:
Wednesday October 16th - Meet & Greet for Board and New Residents only @ 1pm in Retzlaff Hall
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420
Sent 2019-10-07: Women's Club Meeting Notice -
The first meeting of the 2019-2020 season will be Oct 11th at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. Please come and enjoy a cup of coffee and a donut. Also a great time to reacquaint with friends that have been gone over the summer.
Eileen Anderson President
Sent 2019-10-05: Updates to Activities List for 2019-2020 -
In anticipation of residents returning to Sunshine for the 2019-2020 winter season, I have uploaded the updated 2-page Activities List on the Web site. You can find the directory by clicking on this link:
Also, at any time you can find Activites info by going here:
Beth Parrish 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-10-05: Updates to Web site and Directories -
I have made multiple updates, supplied by both the SEPO Office and individual Sunshine residents, to both the Resident Directory and the Resident E-mail address list. These documents are in the 'Resident's Only' section of the Sunshine Web site for everyone to view/review. (
If you see anything that requires updating please inform BOTH myself and Valerie. Thanks for everyone's help in keeping these documents up-to-date. Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Communications 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-10-04: FRIENDLY REMINDER: All invited to OPEN HOUSE -
At the Dyer's request, see below for the information previously sent concerning their Open House this Sunday, Oct 6.
Valerie Basaldua
From: SEPO Community
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 12:04 PM
Subject: All invited to OPEN HOUSE
There will be an Open House on Sunday, Oct 6, from 2 to 4 PM at the Dyer home, 4117 N Nebraska Street.
Valerie Balsadua Office Manager
Sent 2019-10-03: Closed Area Friday -
The Main Entrance to the Library and the North side of Retzlaff Hall Door will be closed in the afternoon for maintenance on Friday 10/04/2019. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sent 2019-10-03: Sign-up deadline for Crafty Creations -
----- JUST A REMINDER -----
Sign-up for the Crafty Creations session to be held on October 18 closes October 5th!
All of the info about this session can be found here:,h_1264/For%202019-10-18_Signup%20Info.jpeg
You can e-mail me at You can also text me at 307-272-2440. Heidi Dill ---
Sent 2019-10-01: All invited to OPEN HOUSE -
There will be an Open House on Sunday, Oct 6, from 2 to 4 PM at the Dyer home, 4117 N Nebraska Street.
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager