Sunshine Country Club Estates
Women's Club Meeting Minutes
(2019-2020 Winter Season
Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting
February 21, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Eileen Anderson.
John Chajec, SEPO Board President addressed the group, thanking them for the support they provide the SEPO Board. He discussed efforts to cut costs and maintain the pool, and answered questions regarding golf course usage by those outside the Sunshine community.
Susanne Ulrich led us in prayer.
Vice President Janis McFee stated she had sent out 2 get well cards and 2 sympathy cards.
Minutes of the January 17, 2020 meeting was read by Glenda Wetherbee in the absence of Linda Almond Secretary. Minutes will stand approved as read.
Treasurer Cathy Richmond presented the treasurers report of Income of $4821.36, and Expenses of $4022.85. Leaving a balance of $25,855.66. Report will be filed for audit.
New residents present at today’s meeting were:
Robin Fleiner, and Terry Mensing
Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch Activities.
Areas of concern:
Front gate code – Should it be changed and how frequently?
Keypad entry at the Card and Exercise Rooms - Who should have and how often changed?
Vender Patrol - currently disbanded
Review of classes available and volunteer opportunities that are available.
Vickie Jones thanked the attendees for all the help they had provided this year and reported on the past and upcoming activities.
a. Remember When - Share Nelson reported will be this Saturday with tickets still
b. You, Me and Alexa will be March 7, Lassey Dahlstorm
C. Shrimp Boil - We now have a chairman.
d. Sue Swidryk, Activity Director for next season, will be holding a meeting soon
to work on ideas and dates.
Beth Parrish - Media Communications:
Communications Guidelines are being developed
When setting up activity displays please send pictures to Beth.
Send any Resident directory changes to Beth
Any changes in Committee Guidelines should be forwarded to Beth.
Pam Lacey reported the Super Bowl Party was a success with great food and over 70 people in attendance.
Carolyn Clements has purchased 70 patches for next seasons Veterans’ Day Event. We still need a chair for this event.
Deb Robins and Sue Swidryk reported that the directory is ready and will be sent to the printer by Monday. Books will be ready by the end of March for distributing. The Directory will be full of pictures of events and around the community.
We need a volunteer to take over the Historian position. Mary Dronen described the position responsibilities as taking pictures of events and writing a brief description of the event.
President Eileen Anderson thanked the group for all their support and for the opportunity to serve on the Board.
Share Nelson read the duties of each office and presented flowers of each office.
President - Janis McFee
Vice President - Marian Young
Secretary - Glenda Wetherbee
Treasure - Diane Tewell
New Board Members began their duties.
Linda Jones reported the purchase of a Hot Water Kettle
Mari Tennant described the new Honor Wall representing those in our community who have served in the Military, as Police, Fire fighters and EMS. Lenore Combs made the motion to support the Honor Wall project by donating $500. Sally Hardy seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Motion Carried.
Lenore Combs made the motion that we give $1,100 to Neighborhood Watch to help with the recent expenses of new batteries for the AED of $28.00 and batteries for the Neighborhood Watch golf cart of $1,000 and new light for $82. A total of $1,100.00. Eileen Anderson seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Cathy Richmond called for the vote. Motion carried.
Jean Eich reported that on March 1 at 4:30 p.m. we will have a Potluck Dinner to thank the musicians who we have enjoyed every Sunday evening.
Dale Hopfner made a suggestion that we look into good quality flooring for our kitchen.
Heidi Dill reported that Crafty Creation will soon be having their final day of the season in March. She is contemplating whether to continue with the classes. She would appreciate any input.
Winner of the gift for wearing her name tag was Judy Boyachek.
Jean Eich made the motion that the meeting adjourn. Kathy Chajec seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Wetherbee, Secretary
Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting
January 17, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice President Janis McFee.
John Chajec, SEPO Board President, stated he will start trying to attend the Women’s Club meetings for the purpose of hearing issues identified by the members. Two comments were presented to him: 1) the signage for the trees in the dog park are being damaged and, 2) reflective clothing or flashlights need to be used for the evening/night walkers.
He announced that Valerie is off for 3 working days and Marion Young will be filling in at the office. The SEPO Board is working on the budget; one component will be evaluating current wages for SEPO employees.
Nancy Luellen led us in prayer.
Lenore Combs asked that a prayer be said for a local military member recently killed in combat.
Vice President Janis McFee stated that 2 get well, 4 sympathy and 1 thinking of you cards have been sent since the December 2019 meeting.
The minutes of the December 20, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.
The minutes will stand approved as read.
Vice president Janis McFee presented the treasurer report as submitted by Cathy Richmond. Total Income of $344.73, Total Expenses of $416.53 and the bank balance is $25057.15. The report will be filed for audit.
New Residents
New residents present at today’s meeting were:
Genie Newsome, Deloris Pearcy, and Tracy Wagner
Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities. She announced the following:
“Finger Lickin Chicken” was a big success.
The code for the front gate has not been changed, to date.
New lights and new batteries have been installed on the Neighborhood Watch golf cart.
The January 20th Neighborhood Watch meeting is canceled due to the Winter Texan celebration being held on that date at the Harlingen Convention Center.
Garage sales are being held on January 17 and 18th; anyone wishing to do a random patrol are encouraged to wear the Orange vests.
Ambulances do periodic drive throughs to familiarize the drivers with the streets.
Vickie Jones reported on the past and upcoming activities:
New Homeowners party on January 13 was a great success; Marion Young reported there were 36 new homeowners present and thanked all members who volunteered to organize the event. The profit from this event was $735.68
A Valentine dance will be on February 14, 2020; the meal will consist of pizza, a salad bar and dessert. The cost will probably be $10.00; more information will forthcoming.
The scheduled shrimp boil is still in need of a chairperson to head up the committee.
Pam Lacy and Eileen Anderson will co-chair the Super Bowl Party on February 2nd.
Share Nelson announced a “Back When” party will be February 22, 2020. More information will be announced in the near future.
The new Activities Director, Sue Swidryk will be announcing a date and time for a planning meeting for developing the 2020-2021 activities.
There was no report on Media Communications (Beth Parrish) or You, Me and Alexa (Lassey Dahlstorm)
Deb Robins and Sue Swidryk are beginning work on the photo directory; there may be an option for a paper directory as well as a web-based/digital directory.
Marion Young reported 89 residents attended the Christmas dinner; the profit from this event was $284.73
Deb Robins reported the media / tv instructions for the equipment in Retzlaff Hall has been developed, is laminated and they are posted on the wall by the tv.
Cathy Chajec announced the Woodworkers spaghetti dinner will be January 21 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. For the individuals who have signed up to furnish dessert they should have them at the hall by 2 p.m. on the 21st.
Old Business
For new homeowner orientation materials, the new Executive Board will pick up this project once the installation of the new officers has taken place.
New Business
Mary Dronen announced her resignation as Historian and requested someone to step up to fill the position. Also, she is co-chair of the Memorial Luncheon committee and is also resigning from that position. Lenore Combs suggested a committee be formed to fulfill the needs of these two positions. No action was taken.
Deb Robins suggested a telephone be placed by the pool to be used for any emergency situation (use of AED, etc). This item will be placed in the SEPO Board suggestion box.
A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Linda Jones).
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Val Hertel and seconded by Lorraine Lewis. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Almond, Secretary
Following the meeting Lorraine Lewis volunteered to take Mary Dronen’s place on the Memorial Lunch Commmittee.
Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting
December 20, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice President Janis McFee.
Lois Humburg led us in prayer.
Cathy Richmond, reported for Janis McFee, that 2 get well cards and 2 sympathy cards have been sent since the November 2019 meeting.
The minutes of the November 15, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond. The following corrections were made: The video being prepared is titled You, Me and Alexa; the photo directory will be digital/web based versus paper; and, the danglers for the Crafty Creations project will be available for $10.00.
The minutes will stand approved as corrected.
Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $1253.66, Total Expenses of $1132.39 and the bank balance is $24,828.95. The report will be filed for audit.
New Residents
New residents present at today’s meeting are:
Barbara Young and; Donna Magyar
Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be January 20th at 3:00 p.m. She announced the following:
Two (2) residents have completed 40 hours of study from the Citizens’ Police Academy.
There may be a change in the code for the front gate; further information will be forthcoming.
Vendors and contractors are required to get an orange card from the office if their company name is not displayed on their vehicle(s). In addition to safety patrols, include vendor patrols as part of that function.
Reminder that the AED is located by the swimming pool.
On January 10, 2020 the “Finger Lickin’ Chicken” will be prepared; this is a fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch; the cost is $10.00.
The health history forms are available and should be placed in the red envelopes.
The Winter Texan Appreciation Day will be held at the Harlingen Convention Center versus Casa de Amistad on January 20, 2020.
The town of Combes wishes to involve our community more and more in their events such as National Night Out, Christmas Parade, etc.
Upcoming activities:
Marian Young announced the Christmas potluck is on December 25th; social time starts at 1:00 p.m. followed by the meal at 1:30 p.m.
The New Homeowners Party will be January 13, 2020. The event is chaired by Denise Utterback and Carolyn Anderson. Social hour will be at 5:00 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by music with a DJ and a hat parade. The cost will be $10.00 per person.
It was announced that the free will offering for Dr. Leibert’s HOPE performance netted $400.00
Beth Parish announced the Sunshine Web site has been updated as of December 19th. She also said the deadline for the next newsletter will be December 26th.
Sherri Gardner and Mecca Henry presented the findings from their research on the purchase of a new stove for the kitchen. The approximate cost would be $10,000 which includes a required new breaker box. Discussion ensued relative to the need to change from the current stove. Carolyn Anderson made a motion, seconded by Lassey Dahlstrom to not purchase a new stove. The motion carried. Sherri offered to provide instruction on safe and correct usage of the stove to anyone and particularly chairpersons of events which required its use.
Cathy Chajec sent an email reporting on the Thanksgiving Dinner. 120 people attended and positive feedback was received from the attendees. This activity raised $336.68. Cathy also stated the Woodworkers spaghetti dinner is scheduled for January 21, 2020; tickets will go on sale on January 6th.
Marian Young reported on the Craft/Bake Sale. The number of donations was down compared to previous years and indicated there may need to be consideration of a different date next year. The amount of money raised from this event was $1198.10.
Lassey Dahlstrom stated the You, Me and Alexa program on March 7th will consist of 2 parts. Part one will be singing, dancing, magic, etc.; Part two will be the video of Sunshine activities. Janis McFee announced she will be taking photos for this program between 10 and 11 a.m. on December 21 on the streets between Minnesota and Michigan.
Carolyn Anderson presented the Nominating Committee report. The nominees are Marian Young for Vice President (4 year commitment), Treasurer, Diane Tewell (2 year commitment) and Secretary, Glenda Weatherbee (2 year commitment). There were no nominations from the floor nor was there any opposition to the named nominees. The nominees were voted in by acclamation.
Old Business
Deb Robbins was not present to discuss the development of instructions for the media / TVs in Retzlaff Hall.
Lorraine Lewis was thanked for requesting the SEPO Board purchase additional microphones; they approved the purchase but as of this date they have not yet arrived.
Beth Parrish indicated the committee working on the photo directory project, with her guidance as needed, will develop the guidelines for the digital/web based directory.
New Business
There is a need to evaluate and update the Newcomer Orientation information. This will be discussed by the Women’s Club Executive Committee to determine further action.
A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Sue Ann Crapsey).
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Almond, Secretary
Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting
November 15, 2019
(NOTE: The Nov 2019 minutes were approved with corrections at the
Dec 20, 2019 meeting. The corrections are stated in the Dec 20, 2019 minutes above.)
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.
Terry DeBackere led us in prayer.
Cathy Richmond, Acting Vice President, reported 2 get well cards, 1 sympathy card and 1 thinking of you card have been sent since the October 2019 meeting.
The minutes of the October 11, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond. The minutes will stand approved as read.
Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $998.55, Total Expenses of $594.28 and the bank balance is $24,707.68. The report will be filed for audit. (Report attached)
New Residents
New residents present at today’s meeting are:
Janet Peterson and Sharon Ridlon
Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be November 18th at 3:00 p.m. She announced the following:
A program on “Stop the Bleed” and a review of use of the AED will be presented at that meeting.
The Golf Cart Parade, in conjunction with Encore RV park, will be on December 7, 2019. Details will be forthcoming.
Vendors and contractors are required to get an orange card from the office if their company name is not displayed on their vehicle(s).
Since the June flood many workers and contractors have been used to complete repairs; if you are satisfied / happy with their work have their name added to the Mr. Fixit list.
On January 10, 2020 the “Finger Licking Chicken” will be prepared; details will be forthcoming.
The Police Department is encouraging everyone to complete their Personal Inventory list.
The Winter Texan Appreciation Day will be held at Casa de Amistad on January 20, 2020
Vickie Jones, Activities Director, reported on the following:
Thanked the committee members for the Octoberfest party; this activity made $980.00 for the Women’s Club.
She announced that Dr. Leibert’s group will present a program/music in Retzlaff Hall on December 16, 2019 at 7 p.m.
She encouraged members to sign up for the upcoming activities which are posted in the library.
Cathy Chajec announced that the signup sheet for Thanksgiving Dinner is posted in the library; follow the instructions for using the virtual tickets. The committee will meet after completion of today’s Women’s Club meeting.
No one was present from the committee evaluating the pros and cons of the current kitchen stove versus purchase of a new one.
Lassey Dahlstrom was not present to report on the progress of the video presentation, You, Me, and Alexis.
Old Business
Terry DeBackere and Sue Swidryk volunteered to work on the Photo Directory. Beth Parrish indicated once the project is complete, she will post it on the SSCE website. Beth also reminded the members that she has sent an email requesting email addresses for several residents and asked for anyone to help getting that information back to her.
New Business
Members of the Nominating Committee were announced by President Anderson; they are Carolyn Anderson, Pam Lacy and Denise Utterback.
Concern was expressed regarding a lack of microphones for use during meetings. Motion was made and voted upon and passed by majority vote that the SEPO Board be contacted regarding purchasing additional microphones. Lorraine Lewis volunteered to contact a Board member for this request.
Lorraine Lewis announced that for Friday November 29, 2019 bell ringers are needed for Salvation Army donations at Walmart; a signup sheet was circulated to the members present.
President Anderson received a request from the SEPO board to purchase four (4) sets of shuffleboard equipment (cues and discs); with a 10 percent discount the cost of 4 sets would be $600.00. A motion was made to donate $100.00 towards the purchase of this equipment; the motion failed to pass. A second motion was made, seconded and approved by a majority vote that the Women’s Club donate $600.00 towards the purchase of said equipment. Per Marion Young, this activity will be every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
It was stated that detailed instructions are needed for operation of the media system in Retzlaff Hall. President Anderson will contact Wade Prater to see if he would be willing to develop these instructions.
Terry DeBackere announced the Craft / Bake Sale will be December 7, 2019 from 8:00 to 11:00 Retzlaff Hall. The baked items are due the evening of December 6, 2019 and they should be wrapped and labeled.
Heidi Dill announced the next Crafty Creations will be December 4, 2019; members must pre-register in order to participate; the cost is $50.00.
Jean Eich announced that a signup sheet for serving ice cream at 7:00 p.m. for Sunday night music is posted in the library; the Eich’s will continue to purchase the ice cream.
Jean Burgoine said a new boom box that uses CD-R writable discs is needed for the swimming pool exercise activity. If anyone knows where one can be purchased or if someone would like to donate one, please contact her or Cathy Chajec.
A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Bev McIntosh).
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:03 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Almond, Secretary
Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting
October 11, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.
Nancy Luellen led us in prayer.
Cathy Richmond was acting Vice President over the summer and sent out 27 cards since March.
The minutes of the March 15, 2019 meeting were read by Vickie Jones. The minutes will stand approved as read.
Cathy Richmond presenting the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $150.00, Total Expenses of $2001.99 and the balance is $24,303.41. The report will be filed for audit.
There were five new residents present at todays meeting.
Lenore Combs invited the Sunshine community to participate in a teaching event lead by the Harlingen Fire Department. The event will take place on Monday, October 21 at 3 pm. She also announced the following:
Neighborhood Watch is continuing and Linda Jones is the contact person for scheduling.
Vendors and contractors must report to the Office for orange cards, to confirm they are doing work for a resident in our community.
Red Envelopes are the new way to keep your history current for you and your pet.
Save the date: Saturday, December 7, Golf Cart Parade.
Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Saturday: October 26 starting at 9 am. The Combes PD needs a few volunteers to help with the event.
Vickie Jones reported that there are many activities that still need co-chairs and volunteers. So please talk to your friends and sign up for an event.
The Goofy Golf scheduled for November will be cancelled for this season because the co-chairs will not be here until after Christmas.
Eileen Anderson and Vickie Jones will be in charge of the Oktoberfest party on October 30.
Lassey Dahlstrom reported that the video presentation “You, Me and Alexa” is in the works and will hopefully be completed soon.
Photo Directory, no one volunteered to take this on.
We needed to vote on an updated amendment to the WC Bylaws for Article V, Section 4, regarding an annual audit of the treasurer’s books.
The proposed amendment would read:
…official audit to be conducted on March 1st of each year and in the event the treasure changes, at the time the books are transferred to the new treasure.
A motion was made and voted upon and passed by majority vote.
Bonnie Fransene, President of the Women’s Golf stated that league play would start November 6. The fee is $25.00 for the year. The women play every Wednesday morning at 9 am. There is no sign up, you just need to show up at 8:30 by the office and teams will be assigned.
SEPO Informational Meetings – there was discussion as to how we felt about the change in the informational meetings not being open to all the residents. A vote was taken that a letter should be written to the SEPO Board encouraging them to have open informational meetings, so we keep the lines of communication flowing between the board and the residents.
A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her nametag (Jan Baethke).
There being no further business a motion was made to adjourn and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Jones, Acting Secretary