Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: November 2023
Sent 2023-11-30: CORRECTION: Birding and Nature Club - Special Speaker -
See corrected info in the 'CORRECTION #2' email sent on Dec 1, 2023 HERE.
Sent 2023-11-30: UPDATE: Street Cleaning Rescheduled -
Hello Sunshine owners,
Harlingen street maintenance had equipment issues Wednesday and were not able to wash the oil spills on the streets. But they have told me they will be here Friday to clean those spots, please try and keep those areas open for them. Thank you - Thomas Perrier
Sent 2023-11-30: CORRECT FORM: Acty/Mtg Requests -
First, Valerie and I would like to say Thank You to everyone for being diligent with filling out Activity/Meeting Request Forms in order to avoid having conflicts with the many events and meetings that are taking place these days here in Sunshine. These forms are used to keep both the SEPO Calendar and the Sunshine Website up-to-date.
We just want to make sure that everyone uses the most recent request form - dated July 5, 2023. It is form Revision #4. A picture of the form is below. It can be downloaded from the website HERE and is also available from Valerie in the office.
If you have any questions about how and/when you need to fill out this form, the Process is on the website on the same page as the form (see link above).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this process.
Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Officer Mgr &
Beth Parrish, SEPO Website Manager
Sent 2023-11-30: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Spec) Minutes, Nov 28, 2023 -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Nov 28, 2023 Board Meeting (Special) can be found on the Sunshine website HERE AND viewed/printed directly from HERE. They will also be posted outside the office today.
- Kerry Howard (for the SEPO Board)
Sent 2023-11-30: MARKET: Home For Sale -
See my home at 2029 W Montana Ave that is for sale on the Sunshine MARKET.
- Deb Salemi by -
Sue Ann Taubert (RE/MAX Elite, Associate Broker​​), 956-245-4184 email:
Sent 2023-11-29: Special Speaker in Retzlaff Hall Monday Dec 6 @ 7:00 PM -
See corrected info in the 'CORRECTION #2' email sent on Dec 1, 2023 HERE.
Sent 2023-11-28: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Spec) Oct 27, 2023 -
The video from the Nov 28, 2023 Special Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE AND directly from HERE. Please contact me with any issues/questions.
- Beth Parrish (for Share Nelson, SEPO Board President)
Sent 2023-11-28: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Dec 2023 -
This Dec 2023 Sunshine Newsletter is hot off the press with the LAG Sunshine News & Notes. Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you have questions about any of the information in this Newsletter, please contact the person who wrote the article. You can view/print a copy of it directly from HERE or on the website HERE. Valerie will be placing copies in the library area this afternoon.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Mgr Email: 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-28: REMINDER: Street Cleaning -
Hello - Here's the REMINDER email, as promised.
On Monday the 13th of November, the Harlingen trash truck leaked hydraulic fluid in several places around the community. On Wednesday the 29th, they will be here power washing those areas. If you know you have an area that needs cleaning, please keep that part of the street clear. Thank you
- Thomas Perrier SEPO Board
Sent 2023-11-27: WC New Year's Eve planning meeting -
There's going to be a short meeting this Friday, December 1st at 10:00 am in the library, for anyone that is interested in helping with the New Year's Eve party. If you can't make it but are interested in helping out, call or text me so I can get your name and number. - Jill Ventrello
Sent 223-11-25: UPDATED: Sunshine Activities 2-Pager -
I've updated the Sunshine Activities 2-Pager with all of the info I know as of this date. It can be accessed directly from here:
I'm in the process of updating the website as well.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-25: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Christmas Decorating -
Hi neighbors! The Woman’s Club is looking for volunteers to help decorate Christmas trees in Retzlaff Hall on Saturday, December 2nd at 12PM. It will be a great time of community spirit and camaraderie. All help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you! - Pam Davis
Sent 2023-11-24: AGENDA for Board Mtg (Special) on Tuesday, Nov 28 @ 1 PM -
The agenda for the 1 PM, Nov 28, 2023 SEPO Board (Special) meeting is HERE and also posted on the Web site HERE. Valerie will also be posting a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff Hall and by the mailboxes today.
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-11-24: SEPO Communications back at 100% -
Hi all - I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I actually did get turkey and pumpkin pie here in the hospital.
I just wanted to let you all know my laptop has found its way to the hospital and I can now do all of the SEPO Communications duties I was performing before my accident. I started working on getting the website up-to-date yesterday, so bear with me on that task over the next few days. Go ahead and send me any and all updates for emails and the website per normal. I will also be working on the Newsletter this weekend. Questions? Give me a call.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-24: Women's Golf League Meeting -
Our second Women's Golf League Meeting will be held Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. Meeting will be held even if too cold to play or raining. Coffee and donuts will be available to enjoy during meeting.
Our last meeting was attended well, appreciated those who attended and participated in group discussion. We follow an agenda as close as we can and hope to speed up each meeting. We will need to follow-up regarding the Potato Bake, as well as the lunch for the Good Neighbor Day Golf Tournament event for our two money-making events. Please plan to attend.
We still need some of you to signup to be hostesses. If you are a new player and wish to learn, we have several who would be willing to assist you.
I personally want to thank each of you for your attendance, your participation in discussions, and most of all your attention during the meeting. Each of you are an important reason we continue to have our Women's League.
Reminder: At each league play, the hostess will announce the teams, and tee number. Please do not leave until each team member has been announced. Remember to bring in the CTP's and score cards to the library to the hostesses once your team is done playing.
Look forward to our next meeting.
Nancy Lyne
President- Nancy Lyne
Vice-President- Deloris Pearcy
Secretary- Marlene Hall
Treasurer- Glenna Boardman
Handicap Monitor- Donna Myers
One more item - Thank you Glenna for getting the donuts!!!
Sent 2023-11-24: Street Cleaning -
Hello - On Monday the 13th of November, the Harlingen trash truck leaked hydraulic fluid in several places around the community. On Wednesday the 29th, they will be here power washing those areas. If you know you have an area that needs cleaning, please keep that part of the street clear. There will be a REMINDER email sent on the 28th. Thank you
- Thomas Perrier SEPO Board
2023-11-22: Follow-up from Men's Golf League Meeting: Input Requested -
At the Men's League meeting of 11/21 a committee was formed to collect and organize suggested changes to any and all aspects of the SEPO Tuesday Men's Golf League. Please communicate suggested ideas to any of the following members (emails below) of the committee ASAP. A follow-up meeting to consider and vote on the received suggestions will be held in Retzlaff Hall at 11:30 AM Tuesday 11/28.
Please consider changes to By-Laws, Rules-of-Play, League play format, awards, dues, or any other aspect of the League that will result in easier administration and enjoyment of play.
Paper copies of the By-Laws and Rules of Play can be found on the table in the library near the sign-up sheet.
Randy Davis ""
Jim Tennant ""
Larry Keller ""
Rocky Lockwood ""
Dan Boardman ""
Thank You. Dan Boardman
Sent 2023-11-21: Market: House for Rent -
The house at 1933 W Iowa Ave is currently For Rent. Wishing to rent out on a long term basis. Looking for two year lease, renters insurance required, renter pays all utilities, at $800.00/month. Pictures have been added to the Sunshine MARKET since this email was sent.
- Steve Holten 218-329-1635
Sent 2023-11-22: FINAL REMINDER: DEC 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Nov 24, 2023 -
Happy Thanksgiving to all from my hospital bed. Hope everyone has a super day. And enjoy that Pumpkin pie, which I'm sure I won't be getting any. Boo Hoo. :(
This is the FINAL reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. I haven't received much of anything yet. I know there are lots of great activity updates that need to be shared with the community. So get out your pens & papers and get that info to me.
If you would like to include information about future Sunshine Activities beyond Dec 2023, please feel free to send me those as well. I will update the guidelines soon with this expanded scope.
All articles need to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest. The current Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-20: REMINDER: IMPORTANT Men's League Meeting -
Important Men's League Meeting
There will be a very important meeting regarding the future of the SEPO Tuesday Men's league on 11/21/23 in Retzlaff Hall immediately after the 10:00 AM tee time players conclude - approximately 11:15-11:30 start. A brief agenda is below. As indicated there will be only one decision item - if and how to proceed with the Men's League. Most of the agenda is informational only - go through existing By-Laws and Rules of Play. Copies of these documents are available in the library (on the table near the signup sheet) and will be available at the meeting. If you are interested in continuing to have a Men's League please try to attend this meeting.
Agenda for Men's League 11/21 meeting.
Brief explanation of why meeting was necessary and what is hoped to be accomplished - Boardman
Review of existing By-laws (information only) - all
Review of existing Rules-of-Play (information only) - all
Vote - decision item - choose one of the following:
a. Remain as is with current By-Laws. If this option is chosen then an election will be held 11/28 for the officers identified in the By-Laws. Officers will then suggest changes to By-Laws, Rules of Play, etc. as outlined in By-Laws and provide suggestions at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place.
b. Form a volunteer committee (4-5 + members) to review By-Laws, Rules of Play, how the league operates, etc. The committee will provide options (everything can be considered) for members to vote on at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place.
c. Disband formal League entirely. A small committee of 3 or 4 volunteers will work on how to accomplish this and suggest possible options to replace League format. Report at follow-up meeting 11/28. Same time, same place.
d. Other options??
Thanks. Dan Boardman
Sent 2023-11-19: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) Minutes, Nov 13, 2023 -
Until Beth Parrish lets you know differently, the UNAPPROVED Minutes from the SEPO Board Mtg (Reg) on Nov 13, 2023 are located here:!ArA0fRIwdohil61V5Uj9uSE5j1IoEw. They will also be posted outside the SEPO Office when it reopens on Monday.
Please contact Share Nelson, SEPO Board President, with any questions.
- Kerry Howard (for the SEPO Board)
Sent 2023-11-18: WC: BAKE Sale -
The planning committee and anyone else interested in helping will meet Tues am at 10 am at the library.
Hope you can attend.
- Terry DeBackere 309 714 4743
Sent 2023-11-18: IMPORTANT Men's League Meeting -
Important Men's League Meeting
There will be a very important meeting regarding the future of the SEPO Tuesday Men's league on 11/21/23 in Retzlaff Hall immediately after the 10:00 AM tee time players conclude - approximately 11:15-11:30 start. A brief agenda is below. As indicated there will be only one decision item - if and how to proceed with the Men's League. Most of the agenda is informational only - go through existing By-Laws and Rules of Play. Copies of these documents are available in the library (on the table near the signup sheet) and will be available at the meeting. If you are interested in continuing to have a Men's League please try to attend this meeting.
Agenda for Men's League 11/21 meeting.
Brief explanation of why meeting was necessary and what is hoped to be accomplished - Boardman
Review of existing By-laws (information only) - all
Review of existing Rules-of-Play (information only) - all
Vote - decision item - choose one of the following:
a. Remain as is with current By-Laws. If this option is chosen then an election will be held 11/28 for the officers identified in the By-Laws. Officers will then suggest changes to By-Laws, Rules of Play, etc. as outlined in By-Laws and provide suggestions at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place.
b. Form a volunteer committee (4-5 + members) to review By-Laws, Rules of Play, how the league operates, etc. The committee will provide options (everything can be considered) for members to vote on at 11/28 follow-up meeting. Same time, same place.
c. Disband formal League entirely. A small committee of 3 or 4 volunteers will work on how to accomplish this and suggest possible options to replace League format. Report at follow-up meeting 11/28. Same time, same place.
d. Other options??
Thanks. Dan Boardman
Sent 2023-11-17: VIDEO: Residents' Mtg from Nov 14, 2023 -
After I finally received the Video from Google, I've been working on this daily with no success on getting a good link to send. I do think now everyone should be able to access it. Click here to give it a try: Let me know if you have issues by replying to this email.
- Beth Parrish for SEPO Board
Sent 2023-11-17: REMINDER: DEC 2023 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day Nov 24, 2023 -
Here's the first reminder that next month's Newsletter articles are due by the 24th of this month. This is a super way to get the word out about upcoming activities. If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Dec 2023 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on Nov 24, at the latest. The Newsletter Guidelines are posted on the Web site HERE. Please call with questions.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-15: SEPO 2024 HOA Assessment Fees -
If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact me.
SEPO 2024 HOA Assessment Fees are here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6gekHOmkEUOkceonw
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-11-15: WC: Thanksgiving Day Dinner 1pm Retz Hall -
Dear Friends - Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
Thanks to Beth to put the word out.
Helpers are needed - turkey Bakers (4) Turkey carvers
Set up and take down and etc help needed
We will get more turkeys if needed - depends on signup count
In The past we have sold left over turkey
4 Turkeys will be purchased (unless we need more) then we will buy more
We will eat at 1pm
Tables in Retz Hall will be set 8 style
There will be a "food" table, (potluck) ,dessert and beverage table etc
Bring a dish to pass - please
Stamped Envelopes will be in the Library $5.00 per person
A signup sheet is in the Library - to bring a side or etc
If there is left over turkey, we will bag it and sell it.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Mari Tennant
Mary He
Sent 2023-11-15: Men's Golf League: Hole-in-one payout mistake -
It has been brought to my attention, and clearly stated in the By-Laws, that the official start to the Men's Tuesday Golf League is November 1st. Therefore the hole-in-one I made on 10/31/23 was NOT eligible for the payout.
Because of this I have returned the payout and those who have submitted their $2 shall have the choice of getting it refunded or remain on the books as paid in advance for the next hole-in-one. Let me know which you prefer. I apologize for the inconvenience.
- Dan Boardman
Sent 2023-11-15: Women’s Club Meeting -
Don’t Forget!
This Friday Morning 9am is our next Women’s Club meeting.
Nov 17th in the hall.
We will be going over the upcoming events and other business. This will include Thanksgiving next week.
For our gift giveaway this month we will be doing a little Christmas craft project.
If you have any extra color pens or small Christmas decorations. Please bring them with you.
Hope to see everyone there!
Women’s Club President
Vicky LeRoy Krueger
Sent 2023-11-14: Women's Golf League -
A reminder we will be having our first Women's Golf League Meeting Tomorrow Wednesday November 15th, 2023, at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. An inspiration there will be donuts and hopefully coffee. Meeting will be held regardless of the golf course remaining closed. This is Randy Davis's decision, if open for play, we will then play right after our meeting and after each member is assigned a team/starting hole we then will go to our assigned tee box. Please stay until we know all have been assigned a team/hole.
Meetings are important to attend and to have everyone's attention to go over the year's set dates, events, to answer any questions, reports to be given and to welcome our newest members as well as our established members. Please plan to attend. Let's make this a fun year let's all work together to make this happen.
A reminder fees are due of $25.00, if not paid please plan to pay your fee's, for those who have not paid. Small bills are welcome, 1's if able.
While we are conducting meeting the hostesses' sheets will be passed around to sign up to host. We need two per week for league play.
Look forward to seeing everyone!!!
Board members this year 2023-2024
President- Nancy Lyne
Vice President- Deloris Pearcy
Secretary- Marlene Hall
Treasurer- Glenna Boardman
Handicap- Donna Myers
Rules/Regulations- Karen Peterson
Thank you for your attention.
- Nancy Lyne
Sent 2023-11-14: Garden Club Tonight (2023-11-14) -
Garden Club Speaker Tonight
Retzlaff Hall at 6:30-7:30
Container Gardening and Display by,
Rosie Garza Martinez, Master Gardener.
One of her displays will be the door prize.
All are welcome.
Susanne Ulrich
Sent 2023-11-13: Video: Board Mtg (Reg) from Nov 13, 2023 -
I think everyone should be able to access this video. Click here to give it a try:
Let me know if you have issues by replying to this email.
- Beth Parrish for SEPO Board
Sent 2023-11-13: SEPO BUDGET 2024 (APPROVED) -
The 2024 SEPO BUDGET was approved at the Board Mtg (Reg) on Nov 13, 2023 and can be found here until it is moved to the website. Beth will send the new links at that time.
Page 1 is here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6QcqhXe6msX92CpWQ
Page 2 is here:!ArA0fRIwdohil6Qbja22HBn7EEbgMw
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-11-13: Men's Golf League -
Although there will be no golf tomorrow (Nov 14) I will be available in the library from 8:30 to 10:00 to collect yearly fee ($20), hole-in-one ($2) fee (if interested) and answer any questions that I can about the Tuesday Men's League.
- Dan Boardman
Sent 2023-11-13: Sending 'SIMPLE' SEPO Emails -
Hi all. I wanted to let everyone know that I am able to SEND SEPO Emails containing verbiage only AND Also if u want to send me ur info in a pdf file I can link to it. I know there r events coming up this week and next so feel free to send the info to me. If I can't get it out I will let u know. I won't b able to do any web updates until I can get back on my laptop. Hoping next week or even b4. Can u tell I'm bored in this hospital.
- Beth Parrish 314-960-6710
Sent 2023-11-13: Agenda for 11-14-23 Residents Mtg -
Agenda is located here for time being:!ArA0fRIwdohil6QUm-FbqsUhWnx22g
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-11-07: Link Included: AGENDA: BOARD (Reg) Mtg on Mon, Nov 13, 2023 @ 1 PM -
Here's the best I can do for now for everyone to get to the agenda online:!ArA0fRIwdohil6NLyDzoHEDA_YclrQ
- Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
The agenda is physically posted in the normal three locations. It may or may not get sent via email or posted on the web today. If you wish to have a paper copy, you can get one from the office.
- Share Nelson SEPO Board President
Sent 2023-11-03: It's Party Time -
Date: Nov 15, 2023
Time: 5 - 9 PM
Place: Retzlaff Hall
Entertainment: DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant
Cost: ZERO
Food & Drink: Bring your own drinks and snacks
Brought to you by the "Class of '69"
Questions: Contact Steve Fransene
Sent 2023-11-03: Wood Shop Orientation Class Tuesday Nov 7 at 5 pm -
Woodshop Orientation Class Tuesday Nov 7th 5 pm in the woodshop.
This class is a requirement for using the woodshop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 with any questions.
Sent 2023-11-02: REMINDER: WC: Chili Cook-Off -
Howdy Neighbors!
Just a reminder of The Women’s Club Chili Cook-Off this Saturday, November 4th in Retzlaff Hall. The doors will open at 3:45 for those making chili and at 4PM for everyone attending. We will start eating around 4:30. The cost will be $5 per person for this event (pay at the door).
The Women’s Club will provide diced onions, jalapeños, sour cream, crackers, corn chips, cheese, butter, ketchup, coffee, tea, and water. Please BYOB. We will be selling ice cream sandwiches for dessert.
The chili will be judged by three (3) Harlingen Firefighters. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and for whackiest chili. The winners will be announced around 5 to 5:30PM.
We will have a “Share the Wealth” and we’ll be selling tickets and having drawings throughout the event.
There will be music, dancing, games with prizes and LOTS OF FUN!
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to see you there!
The Chili Committee
Pam Davis, Pam Lacy, Pam Adams, and Lisa Perrier
Sent 2023-11-02: Celebration of Life -
A Celebration of Life will be held for Duane Dyer on Friday, November 10th, at 2:30 in Retzlaff Hall.
- Karen Baase
Sent 2023-11-02: MONDAY NIGHT EUCHRE -
Monday night euchre has started.
Mondays 6:30 pm in the card room.
All are welcome.
Questions: John Chajec 708-280-8940
Sent 2023-11-01: Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library -
The tradition starts up again here at Sunshine - Thursday morning Coffee & Donuts in the Library. The first one will be this Thursday, Nov 2nd from 8 am-10 am. Grab a donut and a hot cup of coffee for only $1. Please come check it out. Visit with current friends/neighbors and possibly make some new friends.
- Valerie Basaldua, SEPO Office