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                                                                         BYLAWS OF
                                                                 MEN'S GOLF LEAGUE
                                                       SUNSHINE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES
                                                          AMENDED JANUARY 27, 2015


To promote mutual enjoyment and friendly competition of male residents of SCCE.

General Rules:

Male residents shall pay a weekly fee in addition to annual dues in order to play. The bulk of the weekly fee is to be used as prize money for play that week. Guests shall pay normal green fees plus the normal weekly fee to play and will not be eligible for any weekly prizes except CTP. Annual dues of $20 are payable before November 30th• The golf season is from November I" through October 31st. Weekly fee are $1 and are payable anytime prior to play for that week. A player must have current year dues paid to be eligible for weekly prize money.

Players will adhere to the SSCCE Men's Golf League Rules of play. (attached)

The tee times during the period of November 1 st thru March 31 st will be 8:30 and 10: 15 am,unless there are not enough golfers to warrant two schedules. If this occurs, then a 9:00am tee time will be used. The tee time for April 1 st through October 31 st will be 9:00 am unless changed by officers. Members must sign up by noon on Monday to be eligible to play. All players must pay weekly fees before playing. The weekly payout of prize money will be made after the first round of golf the following week. All score cards must be tallied and signed by the scorekeeper and checked and signed by one other member on the team before turning them in. Players may pick up their winnings as early as the next scheduled play date, but no later than six months from that date. If for some reason they can not collect their winnings, they may make arrangements with the Secretary/Treasurer and the winnings will be mailed to them. All monies not picked up or mailed within six months will be put in the general fund and be used as prize money in the final tournament.

Officers will be elected for one(l) season. The term of office shall be from March 31st  through March 30th of the following year. League officers will include: President, 1st vice president, 2nd vice-president and Secretary/Treasurer.
Only scores recorded during league play will be used to determine handicaps. A minimum of

Tbree(3) league scores will be necessary to establish a league handicap. Until three (3) league scores have been posted, a zero (0) will be assumed. Once handicap has been established, the best four(4) of the six(6) most recent posted scores will be used to determine league handicap. The maximum handicap will be twelve (12) and the handicap chairman will revise all player's handicaps once a month. The handicap revision will be done following the fourth Tuesday of every month during the Winter season. Scores will only be posted for handicaps during that part of the golf season from November 18t thru March 31st. For weekly play, players will be placed in flights according to their handicap.

A copy of the bylaws and rules will be provided to each member. Bylaws may be adopted, amended, or deleted by a 60 percent majority vote with a quorum present at an official meeting.

The "Hole in One" prize ($1 to join) is open to paid members only and will be paid out only for play from November 1st up to the men's championship tournament. During and after the tournament through October 31st, $5 will be paid. No monies will be paid to non "Hole in One" members. However, if a non member gets a "hole in one" on a CTP hole, they will receive the CTP monies.

Officers Duties and Responsibilities:

Plan and supervise weekly league play on Tuesdays.

Hold and chair league meetings each month during the golf season to discuss old and new business. Meetings are to be held on the fourth Tuesday or at the discretion of the officers. Keep suitable records of league play and official meetings. Plan and supervise the annual final tournament within the following guidelines:

  • Schedule for the 1st week of March. Format is 36 holes by flights.

  • A wards to be given for overall low gross and low net as well as low gross and low net in each flight. A player can only win one award.

  • Other presentations and awards as determined by the tournament committee.

  • Establish a "Rain Date" in the event of inclement weather.

  • Establish a date and arrange for an awards dinner.

Provide a slate of candidates for all league offices to be voted on at an election held the morning of the last Tuesday in February. Additional nominations shall be solicited from the floor.
Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. There shall

be no requirement for a quorum. New officers will be introduced at the awards dinner.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall collect annual dues and maintain an accurate record of all collections and disbursements.

Prepare a list of local golf rules to be followed during league play.


The Banks Award is to awarded annually to the golfer who maintains the low gross scoring average for the SCCE Men's Golf League. Computation of the average will be based on rounds played during Tuesday league play from November 1st to, but not including the League Championship. A minimum of 12 league scores must be posted in the aforementioned time period to qualify for the award. In case of a large number of play date cancellations, the award will be based on fewer rounds. The winner must be a paid member of the Men's League. The award will be presented at the annual banquet. SSCE Men's League officers, or their designee(s) will be responsible for seeing that the computation is completed in a timely manner. Winner of the Banks Award will receive a trophy emblematic of their accomplishment and have their name engraved on the permanent plaque on display in Retzlaff Hall.

This award was established in 2007 in memory of Ernie and Billie Banks. The first recipient was Ron Pemberton.



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