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 Sunshine Gift & Memorial Committee (G&MC) (Est 2005)

  • Committee Lead: Vickie Jones

  • Committee Members (Other):
    Mel Wendel, Marge Lehman, Eileen Anderson, Lois Bjornson

  • Meets: When Needed - At various times.

  • Location: Retzlaff Hall or members homes.

  • Purpose:
    According to the G&MC Guidelines - The Sunshine G&M Fund is established to provide a means to honor the departed loved ones of the community and give a lasting tribute here among friends and neighbors and to receive gifts for the benefit of the community.

  • Details:

    • Refer to 'In Memoriam' Page on this Web site​​​​​​​



Newsletter 2023-02: Memorial Committee - 

FYI - The Memorial Committee is busy working on updating the Memorial Books. If you wish to make a donation in honor of a past resident we ask that the minimum amount be $5.00. We thank you in advance as this makes it easier for our accounting records. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me about the Memorial Committee.

- Vickie Jones, 262-689-7068


(2021-04 Newsletter) Memorial Committee - 

The Board would like to give Irene Phillips a huge “Thank You” for working on this committee by herself the past few years. She has done a fantastic job. Thank you again Irene.


Mel Wendel has offered his services for the Memorial Committee.  However, he also expects some volunteers (3-5 is a good group) to step up and offer support. Please consider giving Mel a call (701-840-2339) and volunteering to help him. If volunteers step up, the Board will continue their support of this committee. Otherwise, the Board may have to take further action under advisement. We are anticipating your positive response to support our community in this endeavor. Thanks


In case you’re not aware of this committee or have forgotten its purpose – those working on it are in charge of the "Gift and Memorial Fund". The following should give you an understanding of just what that means.





All funds accumulating in this fund shall be administered by a committee of five (5) members to be appointed by the Board of Directors. 


Each member shall serve for a term of three years with new members being appointed as vacancies occur. 


Duties of this committee include the keeping of detailed records of contributions including the names of those wishing to be remembered or in whose honor a contribution is made and the amount given. 


Although consideration will be given for a specific memorial item requested by the donor, the committee will not be restricted to that use taking into consideration the overall needs and appropriateness of the particular memorials.


The committee shall act as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors in the use of said funds from time to time.



PG. 7   Donations to SEPO 

When an individual, committee or organization purchases “something” for SEPO, then ownership becomes SEPO’s unless explicitly noted otherwise.  Once accepted by SEPO (either explicitly or implicitly), future maintenance, usage replacement or removal will be SEPO’s responsibility and expense. If SEPO has ownership, the Board will have sole discretion for its usage and whether replacement or removal is in SEPO interest at that time.  There is no guarantee of replacement.  If ownership remains with the donor, then future maintenance, usage, replacement and removal will be the owner’s responsibility and expense, however SEPO may request its removal at any time for any reason or no reason.

SEPO Board

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