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SEPO Community E-Mails: April 2022

Sent 2022-04-26: Men’s League Canceled today - 

Because of the rain and conditions of the course there will be no golf today, that being said will play Friday same time same holes that was assigned, thanks Rocky Lockwood

Sent 2022-04-25: VIDEO: Board Mtg (Regular) on April 21, 2022 - 

The video from the Apr 21, 2022 Regular Board meeting is now available for viewing on the Sunshine Web site HERE  or directly from this link HERE. I will be working on the written minutes from this meeting throughout this week, as my time permits. Please contact me with any issues/questions.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents
E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-04-21: SEPO Communications: Out of Office - 

I will be heading back up north Fri morning early. Unless you have an e-mail that absolutely has to go out or a Web site update that absolutely needs to be made between now and Sunday night, I do not plan on doing any SEPO Communications until then. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Beth Parrish     314960-6710
SEPO Enews Email Manager, &

SEPO Web site Admin,

Sent 2022-04-21: Women’s Club activity planning session/potluck - 

Monday April 25th at 12:30 we will be having a summer activity planning session in the hall.
Bring a salad to share. Desert will be provided!
The objective of this get together is to plan activities for the summer. Bring ideas…. Fun things to do!
See you there!     Cathy Richmond (For Dee Novak)

Sent 2022-04-21: Summer potlucks - 

Mark your calendars! 
The dates for summer potlucks have been reserved.
The first on is our Cinco de Mayo potluck on May 5th.
The rest are as follows:
Monday May 30th for a Memorial Day potluck.
Thursday, June 16th
Monday July 4th for a Fourth of July potluck.
Thursday August 18th
Monday, September 5th for a Labor Day potluck.
We will keep the community posted.
Cathy Richmond

Sent 2022-04-19: Found: Keys - 

I found these keys laying on the door know of the woodshop on Thursday and thought they probably belonged to a woodworker. Now I’m thinking somebody else found them in the storage area and put them on the door knob. The keys are on the front desk of the woodshop. Thank you.     Suzie Sawyer

Keys Found.jpg

Sent 2022-04-19: Cinco de Mayo potluck - 

Mark your calendar! Lots of fun on May 5th! See attached for details. See you there.     Cathy Richmond


Snet 2022-04-19: ROCK PAINTING at SUNSHINE - First session is scheduled - 

It's approved, we're having our first ROCK PAINTING get-together April 27, 2022, 1:30pm to 3:30pm in Retzlaff Hall. For this first session, ALL painting supplies (and the rocks) will be provided. If you haven't already signed up in the Library, please send me an email at, or call me at 309-781-3479. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested and doesn't have an e-mail address on file in the SEPO Office.     Karren Amos

Sent 2022-04-18: All SEPO Communications during the Summer 2022 - 

The below is concerning SEPO Communications via e-mail and the Sunshine Web site during this summer 2022.

I will be heading back up north this coming Friday, so I won't be able to pop over to view the 'white board' or walk around the library to see what is posted that I haven't been informed about. I always like to post Sunshine event posters, signup sheets/info etc on the Web site for all to see. And, of course, inform everyone via the SEPO e-mails, which is the best way to keep your 'entire' Sunshine community aware of what's going on. And, when your event is complete, please send any pictures you took to so I can post them as well.

Please keep in mind. one of the main purposes of the Web site is to promote our community as a super place to live. I know a lot of you found out about this great community by viewing the Web site.

Therefore, I will be relying on both the Office and "all of you" to keep me informed of what activities and events are being planned and taking place over the summer. I am already hearing about some things in the works, but have not received anything to send to the community so that everyone knows about it. So lets promote, promote, promote.

And as a final note - Don't forget to complete an 'Activity Request' form so that your event gets added to the Events Calendar by the Office.

Please call with any questions.

And to those of you whom I may not see prior to this Friday, have a super fun summer and I'll see you in the fall.

Beth Parrish

SEPO Enews Email Manager     E-Mail:

SEPO Web site Admin     E-Mail:

Sent 2022-04-18: Reminder - Neighborhood Watch Meeting 3pm today - 

Dear Friends - Everyone's invited to this unique, informative NW  -  CERT opportunity.

Reminder - see ya at 3pm for an exciting NW-CERT meeting. We will go on an informative  UTILITY RIDE VIA GOLF CART TOUR. Meet you at the side door of Retzlaff Hall  3pm. Upon return we will have a discussion and refreshments.
Also, the May Patrol calendar has a few blank dates for Patrol. Summer Patrols begins about 9pm.  You will be fully oriented. Please consider your opportunity for our safety & security.  Thanks
See ya at 3pm     Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276   NW - CERT Coordinator

Sent 2022-04-16: REMINDER - Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting Monday 18 April 2022 3pm

Dear Friends - Everyone invited to this exciting meeting.  Meet us in your Golf Cart for a guided tour - utility ride around Sunshine learning about transformers, dangling power lines, how to turn off power in an emergency and a bunch more. Return to Retz Hall for refreshments and a briefing with Q & A.
-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276     Coordinator NW - CERT

Sent 2022-04-15: SEPO: March 2022 Financials - 

The March 2022 Financials are posted on the website HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mark Owen     SEPO Treasurer

Sent 2022-04-15: NOTICE for Executive Board Meeting, Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 

Thursday, April 21, 2022
Board Members Only
(Retzlaff Hall - Immediately after the 1 PM ‘Regular’ Board meeting)


This is a formal notice to the SEPO community that Board President, Share Nelson, has called an Executive Board Meeting, to be held in Retzlaff Hall on Thursday, April 21, 2022, immediately following the SEPO Regular Board meeting scheduled for 1 PM.

This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law. As stated in Section 4.03 of the SEPO Bylaws, the Board may discuss any of the following items in this closed session.

  • actions involving personnel

  • pending or threatened litigation

  • contract negotiations

  • enforcement actions

  • confidential communications with the property owners' ASSOCIATION attorney

  • matters involving the invasion of privacy of individual owners

  • matters that are to remain confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of the Board

The 1 PM Regular Board meeting will adjourn. The Google Meet session will be stopped. Anyone attending the Regular Board meeting in person will be asked to exit Retzlaff Hall.
Share Nelson     SEPO Board President

Sent 2022-04-15: AGENDA for BOARD (Regular) Meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2022 @ 1 PM - 

The agenda for the 1 PM, April 21, 2022 SEPO Board (Regular) meeting is posted on the Web site HERE. Valerie will also be posting a paper copy in her office, on the poolside door into Retzlaff and by the mailboxes this morning.
Beth Parrish     SEPO Board Secretary     E-Mail:     314-960-6710

Sent 2022-04-15: Card Room - Missing Items - 

It has come to the Board’s attention that some SEPO supplies (cards, marbles etc) have been turning up missing from the Card Room. This causes various Sunshine activities scheduled to take place in that room to be cancelled. We realize it’s possible someone might have taken items home (maybe even inadvertently) and forgotten to return them. Whatever the circumstance, we are requesting if you have anything that should not have been removed from the Card Room that it be returned. And ongoing, please do not remove items belonging to SEPO from this room.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.     SEPO Board

Sent 2022-04-13: Bird Walk Cancelled - 

The last Bird Walk of the season that was scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30PM has been cancelled.     Bill Peterson

Sent 2022-04-13: Saturday Breakfast - 

Final Women’s Club Breakfast of the season!

The Women’s Club will be sponsoring a Saturday Breakfast in Retzlaff Hall, this Saturday, April 16th from 7:30 - 10am. This time we will have scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits with sausage gravy, and mini blueberry muffins - all for just $5.00! Coffee, orange juice, and water will be included with purchase.


Stay and eat with friends in the hall or out at the pavilion…or grab a a plate to go! Saturday Golf Scramblers, make sure and stop by before you tee off!


For questions or info, contact Pam Davis at 214-516-4844

Sat Breakfast_2022-04-16.jpg

Sent 2022-04-12: Neighborhood Watch - CERT meeting Monday 18 April 3pm Retz Hall - 

Dear Friends
Open invitation to all Sunshine residents -
Please join us for a great trip around Sunshine.  This month is reserved for Disaster Preparedness.where we shall learn about hazards involved in efforts associated with a disaster or weather emergency.
Meet at Retz Hall --  side door --  at 3pm  --  in your Golf Cart.
We will then have an escorted Safety First tour around here for flooding and water shut off valves, utility pads, electric power poles, transformers and lines, our Lift Station (on Montana & Missouri) and home Gas shut off instructions etc.
After a familiarity session on the go, we will head back to Retz Hall for more info and questions & answers. And refreshments.  
The NW - CERT bulletin features some safety articles for your interest and there will be handouts.  
All residents and  Neighborhood Watch - CERT members are invited and encouraged to participate in OUR RULES TO LIVE BY.   
see ya
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Coordinator Sunshine CC Estates NW-CERT 

Sent 2022-04-12: ROCK PAINTING at Sunshine! - 

TO all: I am trying to see if there's any interest in ROCK PAINTING at Sunshine!  It would be a good hobby during very hot periods of time.  You do not have to have any previous rock painting, or any painting talent at all.
Have you noticed painted rocks by the mailbox entry?  I left them for anyone that would want them.  They are always gone the next time I go check our mail, and leave another rock.  I've received feedback for a couple of the rocks I left there.  One is on its' way to WI by a Sunshine resident.  
If you are interested, please let me know by contacting me per my information below.
Depending on interest, or not, I will be providing further details on how this would work.  Best days, times, etc.  Those that are interested could go to FB Harlingen Rocks to get a glimpse of "painted rocks"!  Anyone could enjoy this activity with no previous painting or art experience.
Karren Amos     ph 309-781-3479   email
I look forward to hearing from you soon

Sent 2022-04-12: 1st Fishing Club Meeting Wednesday April 13 - 

Folks - 

Please Join us for our first SCCE Fishing Club Meeting
When: Apr 13 @ 6:00 PM
Where: Retzlaph Hall
Who: Any and All interested in any kind of fishing or fishing related activities

Join in person or Virtually address of Link (Google Meets)

Sent 2022-04-11: SEPO E-mails not getting delivered - 

I wanted to let everyone know that, anyone with the following e-mails provider:






has not been receiving SEPO e-mails since April 5 around noon.

The SEPO system is sending to these addresses, however the providers are blocking them from going to their inbox.

I have notified everyone affected, by using my private e-mail address, to send them the instructions they need to follow to get this issue fixed.

Unfortunately, they won't receive this e-mail. So if you have friends/neighbors who tell you they aren't getting SEPO e-mails ask them to check for directions from

Beth Parrish     SEPO Enews Email Manager   E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-04-11: IMPORTANT: Retzlaff Hall and Keys - 

Please note - Retzlaff Hall is available for use by Sunshine residents/renters and it is not 'owned/managed' by any SEPO Club or Committee.

The following is being provided to the Sunshine community in order:

  • to clear up any misunderstanding and/or

  • for anyone who -  

    • may not be familiar with or

    • has forgotten about

the 'key checkout & checkin' process when you are hosting/chairing an event in Retzlaff Hall.

This pertains to Retzlaff Hall Kitchen Doors, the Supply Closets and the big Freezer in the Storage Room. These areas must remain locked at all times when not in use. You must sign out the key(s) you need from the SEPO Office. All keys must be returned either immediately when you leave the hall or the day following completion of your event. In the event you require emergency entrance to any of the affected areas, and the SEPO Office is closed, please contact the SEPO Board Director in charge of Retzlaff Hall.

Exceptions to the 'immediate' return of keys are:

  • If you require in and out access for multiple days during setup of your event, the person who signed out the keys will be in charge of them during the entire time period of setup and the actual event.

  • If you have an event on a weekend, you may keep the key(s) until the Office reopens.

A checkout / checkin form is now available in the Office and on the Web site. The above, along with the capability to view/print this new process and form is on the Web site HERE.

One final item: Do not duplicate any of these SEPO keys. If you have a duplicate of any of them in your possession at this time, you are requested to turn them in to the Office.

We thank you in advance for being respectful of and adhering to the above.     SEPO Board

Sent 2022-04-11: Bird Walk - 

The last Bird Walk of the season will be Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30PM.  We will meet at the Gazebo to see if there are any migrants around. Please bring binos if you have them.  We will use the scopes at the lake. Golf carts are welcome for those who can't walk.     Debi Warner

Sent 2022-04-07: Golf Course Update - 

Due to wind conditions, we will not be spraying the golf course today, Thursday, April 7. So play is available. The golf course will be closed all day tomorrow, Friday, as we attempt to spray again. If winds are heavy again, we will postpone until next week on a day with the appropriate calm winds. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Randy Davis     Golf Course Director

Sent 2022-04-07: WC Updates: New Officers and Bylaws Feb 2022 - 

The results of the Women's Club elections, from Feb 2022 have been updated on the Web site HERE
Also, the Women's Club updated their Bylaws on Feb 18, 2022. They are now available on the Web site for viewing and printing HERE.

- Karen Baase     Women's Club Secretary

Sent 2022-04-07: Gerri Preter info - 

Dear Friends - Condolence cards can be sent to Dave --- Gerri and Dave's Son. We will miss both of them and remember their contribution to Sunshine. They were both very active in programs here., especially Birding.
Mr. David Preter, 3274 Chipping Wood Crt, Milton  Georgia  30004

-- Lenore J Combs

Sent 2022-04-07: NEED: Signature on SEPO Suggestion Form - 

Yesterday, there was another SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea form retrieved from the SEPO Suggestion box that did not have a signature or any other contact info on it. It pertained to an issue concerning the Women's Club.

I do believe this submission should be addressed, but we do need to be able to contact you. Therefore, would the person who submitted this form please contact Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary, at 314-960-6710 in order for the Board to address your "SEPO Complaint" per the proper process.

These guidelines state specifically -

Before submitting the form, ensure your NAME, DATE and CONTACT INFORMATION are included. (If your NAME is missing, your submission will not be addressed by the Board, and you will nor be able to contact you.)

  • There is a Suggestion Box outside the Office to submit your form.

  • Please allow five to ten days to receive a response from the Board.

Thank you in advance for your quick reply in providing the Board with your contact info.

Beth Parrish     2022 SEPO Board Secretary & Governing Documents

E-Mail:   314-960-6710

Sent 2022-04-06: Golf Course Closure - 

The golf course will be closed Thursday, April 7, at 11:00am for herbicide spraying. It will reopen Friday, April 8, at 1:00pm. Sorry for the inconvenience.     Randy Davis   Golf Course Director

Sent 2022-04-06: NOTES: SEPO Board Executive Session on March 25, 2022 - 

The Notes to the community from this Executive Session can be found HERE.

Beth Parrish     SEPO Board President

Sent 2022-04-05: Sunshine Home for Rent - 

Please go to the Sunshine MARKET ( to see our home that is for renting in Jan & Feb, 2023.     Tom & Deb Eich

Sent 2022-04-04: Calling All Dogs and Cats - 

Hi Everyone, Sandra Delaunay will be coming to the Estates on Thursday, April 7, 2022 to take care of your pet's nails. She will start at 1:00 pm. Please text or call Sandra, and she will schedule your appointment. Sandra's number is 956-226-9919. Sandra will come to your home, and the cost is ten dollars for each pet. Thanks, 

- Marian Young     719-468-4556

Sent 2022-04-03: Former Resident Passing - 

I have been informed that former resident Gerri Preter passed away on Friday, April 1, 2022.
- Lenore Combs

Sent 2022-04-03: Door to card room - 

The outer lock on the door to the card room does not work.  I hope Lalo can fix or replace it tomorrow. (Monday)
- Jean Burgoine

Sent 2022-04-03: Resident Passing - 

I am sad to say that Saturday evening 4/2 I lost the one and only love of my life. We had 52½ good years together, but I can tell you it wasn’t enough.     Mike Bricker


Sent 2022-04-03: Dog Rescue Fundraiser - 

On Saturday March 26, the community of SCCE came together for a fundraising event to support Lost Ball Rescue who has helped us in the past with stray dogs that have wandered into our community.

So many residents helped with this event from Woodshop donations, handmade quilts, Dog themed baskets, to cashiers, kitchen help, set up and clean up and more. Special shout out to Wade Prater and his band Whisky Dent who donated their talents and tips to the event. Tiffany Prater who created all the posters for the the silent auction, each individualized for each item.

The Harlingen community gave generously and big thanks to Sally Hardy who obtained all the South Padre boat trips. Each contribution

was large and necessary for the success of our event.

Many have been asked how much we raised. We raised $4,993, rounded out to $5,000. We did have to cover the cost of the food which was $672.21 so our total donation to Lost Ball was $4347.79.
They are very appreciative, thank you to each and every one of you who helped.

Marge Sandusky

Sent 2022-04-02: Resident Passing: Marigenne Elliott - 

The love of my life, my wife and best friend of 69 years, died Friday, April 1, 2022.  She went peacefully and her family was by her side in her last hours.  I would like to thank everyone in this community for your love and support.  Marigenne and I have truly enjoyed our many years down here.  It is a special place with special people.     Gus Elliott

Sent 2022-04-02: Meeting Minutes: Birding & Nature Club - Mar 7, 2022 - 

The Birding & Nature Club meeting minutes from Mar 7, 2022 can be found HERE.

These minutes plus other Birding & Nature Club info can be found HERE.

Bill Peterson     B&N Club Secretary

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