Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: January 2021
Sent 2021-01-31: Corrected Article - SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2021 -
Below in yellow is a correction to the Woodworkers article originally published in the Feb 2021 Newsletter. The updated newsletter (Rev 2) can be found HERE.
February 2021
Woodworker’s Club News
As is the case with everyone, the woodworkers are hoping for 2021 to be better than 2020. Shop cleanup has been moved to the first Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am. Thanks to Cathy Chajec for organizing and supervising that necessity.
Woodshop orientation classes have been held in January. The woodshop limit of seven persons has required multiple sessions. If you are new to the community and wish to use the woodshop, you must attend one of these sessions prior to be given access to the shop. Contact John Chajec (jcsayjack@gmail.com) to get your name on the list for the next orientation.
Regretfully, due to Covid-19 protocols, there is no spaghetti dinner planned for this year.
Woodworkers Club meetings in January have been held using Google Meet. We will meet on February 12, 2021 in the Pavilion, weather permitting. The February 26 meeting will be virtual using Google Meet.
Jerry Wetherbee
Sent 2021-01-30: Your Neighbors - the Preters -
David & Geri Preter - 12100 W 109th St - Room 128 - Overland Park KS 66210-1200
They are in a nursing home. Would like to receive cards. Just to say Howdy. No phone calls. Kathy Wunderlich
Sent 2021-01-29: Missed Article - SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: Feb 2021 -
My Bad - I didn't see Chuck's Election Notice article until after I sent out the Feb 2021 Newsletter last hour. See below for an important notice about the 2021 SEPO Board Election. The Feb 2021 Newsletter has been posted on the Web site HERE. Beth Parrish
February 2021
SEPO Election
Just a reminder. Your election ballots need to be in the ballot box outside the SEPO office by 1:00 PM on February 16.
If for some reason you have not received your ballot package please call the SEPO office (956-425-1420) and we will get a packet to you. Chuck McEvoy Election Chairman
Sent 2021-01-29: SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER: February 2021 -
The Feb 2021 Newsletter has been posted on the Web site HERE and also sent to Valerie to print and place in the Library when she returns on Tues, Feb 2. Please contact me with any corrections, questions etc.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-01-28: HOMEOWNER TIP: Homeowners' Electrical Equipment -
Most people walk around looking at birds, flowers etc, not this old boy, my past haunts me, I look at electrical equipment. Below are examples of outages waiting to happen; not if, just when.
This equipment is the homeowners responsibility, not AEP.
If you experience an outage or only half your outlets are out, check with your neighbors before calling AEP. If they are OK most likely this is where the problem is and you need an electrician.
Keep in mind the old commercial, "you can pay me now or later". Later is always less fun than now.
John Chajec

Sent 2021-01-28: HOMEOWNER TIP: Homeowners' Electrical Equipment -
Most people walk around looking at birds, flowers etc, not this old boy, my past haunts me, I look at electrical equipment. Below are examples of outages waiting to happen; not if, just when.
This equipment is the homeowners responsibility, not AEP.
If you experience an outage or only half your outlets are out, check with your neighbors before calling AEP. If they are OK most likely this is where the problem is and you need an electrician.
Keep in mind the old commercial, "you can pay me now or later". Later is always less fun than now.
John Chajec
Sent 2021-01-27: MARKETPLACE: Dining Table & Six Chairs -
"FOR SALE" - Dining Set
​​Larry Reed (309-337-9503) or
Lynne Reed (309-368-8453)
​Dining Set
Table w/6 chairs
​​See this and other items in the Sunshine Marketplace. Larry & Lynne Reed

Sent 2021-01-26: CAMERA & Surveillance TASK FORCE 25 Jan 2021 1pm w HPD -
Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On -- Lock Up and Look Out for each other!
CAMERA & Surveillance TASK FORCE 25 Jan 2021 1pm w HPD
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Dear NW-CERT Volunteers, Residents and Friends,
Yesterday, Monday, 25 January, we met with Harlingen Police, District Representatives led by Sgt. Charles Fechner and Officers Elizondo, Moreno and Bravo.
Last week, on Friday, 22 January about 12 SCCE interested volunteers did a “walk-about” via golf carts around SCCE. The mission was to become familiar with Bad Guy hot spots and explore surveillance possibilities for Sunshine. We wanted to be prepared to have a conversation with Harlingen Police on their recommendations based on our findings and their experience. We had a suggested “cheat sheet” from the Bureau of Justice and other like organizations and took notes.
We now shared our findings with the Police. They listened to our concerns, toured the Estates and made some recommendations. This is not meant to endorse any products but to be used as an example of what is out there. Many home-owners personally choose a “Ring” system which has many components designed for your needs – from simple to extravagant. There are several reputable vendors locally with other options. Bottom line – the responsibility is yours. A simple thing we can all do is place solar lighting around areas that are always dark. A specific report will be forthcoming from Bill Peterson and Tom Gossins on cameras etc. and on the Sensaphone System.
Included in this walk-about was aging cameras in the Woodshop, the IR Sensaphone system in the Woodshop and Storage Lot, Valerie’s cameras in the Office and the bank of Cameras at the Front Gate. The cameras belong to SEPO but once upon a time we had many various volunteers who shared the responsibility to “keep track of and etc.” “It takes a Village” By and by, we lost our faithful volunteers and the task fell by the wayside. So recently it was brought back to life.
This planning exercise surfaced in December 2020 over conversations regarding concern for our overall security in SCCE. It was further explored with the NW Camera Task Force volunteers who responded to a call-out. (some volunteers are not NW but were interested SCCE residents.) Even though we have had comparatively less criminal mischief disturbances than other similar communities we are not immune and should stay on top of security to keep us safe.
Respectfully, Lenore J. Combs
Looking for a home for our cat. Haseyfu is a mellow 18 year old cat. He is declawed on front paws. He is current on all vaccines. Please call David at 808 2690948 if interested or if you would like to see Haseyfu. Dave Fleiner

Sent 2021-01-26: Out of Office Notice -
The office will be closed Jan 29, Friday and Feb 1, Monday. If you need anything before the weekend please come in before then. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 956-425-1420 sepo.office@gmail.com
Sent 2021-01-26: Lost & Found Area -
From Buzz: For those of you who may not be aware, there is a Lost & Found area where you can look for items you have Lost and place items you have Found. It is located in the Office/Library building next to the coffee maker in front of the larger bulletin board.
From Beth: If you use this area it will take some of the workload off of Beth by not having her send out e-mails.
Thank You. Buzz Sawyer & Beth Parrish
Sent 2021-01-24: NW: Alternative to Finger Lickin' Chicken Fund Raiser -
At Beth Parrish's suggestion, here is a reminder of your opportunity to help with our Neighborhood Watch program.
Currently we are having a Neighborhood Watch fundraiser. It is a virtual Finger Lickin’ Chicken dinner. Back in the old days, before COVID-19, our Firefighters would come out to SCCE at o’dark:30 and stoke the mesquite and coals for a scrupdelicious dinner. Volunteers provided the fixin’s. But – new times and COVID-19 Commandments prevail.
So, as an alternative for a donation - In the Library there is a supply of designated envelopes and a lock box in which to $how your $upport. You can please make your check payable to Neighborhood Watch. This opportunity will end 31 January and I hope you will take advantage to support us. Thanks.
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Sent 2021-01-24: FOUND: golf club cover -
Purple K State golf club cover found. Call 956-893-3032 to claim. Lowene Werkmeister
Sent 2021-01-24: Front Gate - FOUND: Male Kitten -
My mom (Nancy G) and I and Larry and Lehua Keller rescued this fairly young male kitten, we think about six months old, from Larry and Lehua's bushes late this morning. He is very friendly, so at some point has been somewhat socialized. He has some wounds and is very thin, so has been living outside for a few weeks.
You can contact me at 402-350-5508. Kim Rowell

Sent 2021-01-26Sent 2021-01-24: Front Gate -
Folks have been inquiring as to why the front gate isn't being locked at night. The key-pad is what is giving us the problem. Everything else works, so a new key-pad is on order. It was decided to keep the front gate open until the new key-pad is installed, in case someone needed in during the night and couldn't use the key-pad.
Jim Kennedy SEPO Board President
Sent 2021-01-24: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 27th -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 27th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Sent 2021-01-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Portable AC Unit -
Please check out the MARKETPLACE for this and other great items that your Sunshine neighbors have for sale.
"FOR SALE" - Black & Decker portable AC
Contact: Randy Nicholas, 956-222-6876
Black & Decker portable air conditioner.
Used sparingly in our RV.
Asking Price: $175.00
Sent 2021-01-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Tow Dolly -
Please check out the MARKETPLACE for this and other great items that your Sunshine neighbors have for sale.
"FOR SALE" - Tow Dolly by Master Tow
Contact: Randy Nicholas, 956-222-6876
Tow Dolly by Master Tow
This unit has surge breaks.
Comes with spare tire and all the straps.
Asking Price: $1,250.00
Sent 2021-01-23: LOOKING FOR: Outdoor Lawn Games for next WC Activity -
Plans are underway to possibly have a Lawn Games event in the near future. If you have any outdoor lawn games, would you please let me know...this includes croquet, lawn darts, dice, frisbee, jenga, etc.
Sue (Suebob) Swidryk 2012 W Iowa 847-452-7804
Sent 2021-01-23: FOUND: Odyssey putter -
I found an Odyssey putter on the golf course. Please contact me to claim it.
Sue (Suebob) Swidryk 2012 W Iowa 847-452-7804
Sent 2021-01-23: PLEASE RETURN: Glow Balls -
If anyone has any glow balls from last night, please return them to Suebob. We are missing 57 balls!
And please, those of you playing golf at Sunshine over the next few days, keep your eyes peeled for these Glow Balls (which probably won't be glowing anymore) and return them to me. For those of you who didn't play last night, these balls look just like normal golf balls but are clear/seethrough.
Thanks All, Sue (Suebob) Swidryk 2012 W Iowa 847-452-7804
Sent 2021-01-23: MARKETPLACE: Microwave for Sale -
"FOR SALE" - Microwave
Contact: Cal Newsom, 608-697-6718
It has been around the block, but still functions great. We just bought a bigger one.
See a picture of the specification sheet below. If you cannot read it, it is 1200 watts of cooking power.
Asking Price: $25
Pictures and the Specification sheet are available on the Web site in the Marketplace.
Sent 2021-01-23: LOST, Golf Club -
I left my 8 iron (Cleveland with blue cover) laying on #8 green last night towards the end of Glow Golf. If you found it, please contact me at 573-480-6530. Thanks, Buzz Sawyer
Update - The club has been found.
Sent 2021-01-23: FINAL REMINDER: FEB 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on JAN 24 -
This is the FINAL reminder. If you have an article you would like published in the FEB 2021 Sunshine Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on the 24th of the current month. Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE. Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-01-20: ATTENTION: Glow Ball Night Golf POSTPONED until Friday, 01-22-21 -
Due to weather conditions the Glow Ball Night Golf scheduled for this evening (Jan 20) is being POSTPONED to this coming Friday evening (Jan 22). Everything planned for today now applies to Friday. See the Web site HERE for details.
Sue Swidryk WC Activities Director
Sent 2021-01-20: Calling All Dogs -
Hello Dog Lovers, Sandra Delaunay has offered to come to our community to clip our dogs' nails. Sandra loves dogs, and has over 20 years of experience. All sizes of dogs are welcome.
PLACE: Small Dog Park in the Storage Lot
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 1 to 4 pm
Contact: Text Pam Lacy @ 218-443-3416 to set up an appointment
Cost: $10
Masks as always. Thanks, Pam Lacy Marge Sandusky Marian Young
Sent 2021-01-19: Glow Ball Golf: Captains Duties & Pairings -
If you haven't had a chance to look at the latest pairings yet, they are listed HERE.
All Glow Golf team captains should go to the pool pavilion to pick up glow balls, necklaces, etc. between 6:00pm and 6:15pm and on to your tees. Please wear masks.
Also monies will be distributed Thursday afternoon at pavilion. Team captains ONLY to pick up between 1pm and 3pm. Please wear masks.
Check emails Wednesday to see if we need to change the date because of forecast rain. Bum humbug.
Thanks Sue Swidryk Women's Club Activities Director
Sent 2021-01-18: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 20th -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 20th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Sent 2021-01-17: GOLF GLOW BALL EVENT: Team Pairing Adjustments & Masks -
Team Adjustments: There have been some pairing adjustments made to the Golf Glow Ball Teams. So please be sure and look at the roster carefully before heading to your starting hole.
Golf Cart Occupancy: Since there will be 72 golfers playing in the event, I have obtained permission from the Board for the following. If you will be playing with residents who are not within your household, you may double-up while riding in a Golf Cart - as long as you are wearing a mask while riding in that cart.
Sue Swidryk
Sent 2021-01-17: Code for the Neighborhood Watch Virtual Meeting (Jan 18. 2021) -
The January Neighborhood Watch meeting is Monday (1/18/21) at 3:00. Lenore sent a SEPOeNews that included the agenda to you a couple of days ago. As with most meeting you may want to check-in a little early, maybe between 2:45 and 3:00.
To "Join" the meeting just click on the following link:
https://meet.google.com/qwt-peic-dez <https://meet.google.com/qwt-peic-dez>
and once your browser shows you a screen be sure to click on the "Join" button on the right side of the screen.
As with most meetings, this meeting will be recorded to help the secretary with the meeting minutes. Any questions, please let me know. Pat Harvey patharvey4169@gmail.com
​Sue Swidryk Women's Club Activities Director
Sent 2021-01-17: REMINDER: FEB 2021 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Jan 24, 2021 -
If you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Feb 2021 Newsletter, the article needs to be submitted to seponewsletter@gmail.com by End of Day on the 24th of this month.
Newsletter Guidelines are posted HERE. Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: seponewsletter@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-01-15: Thank you Letter From Neil Morehead!! -
I just want to take the time to Thank a few Residents who have given Sunshine a little TLC during the time I was on the Board...
Front Gate:
Susanne Ulrich, Sue Swidryk, Terry DeBackere, Glenna Boardman and Patty Wood
Back Gate:
Ralph McConnell
Garden Started:
Irene Phillips and Marian Young
Donations & Plants:
Tiffany Prater and Nancy Lyne
I want to express my appreciation for your support and personal commitment. It was incredibly helpful to Sunshine.
Sincerely, Neil Morehead Director of Common Area 2
Sent 2021-01-14: NW agenda January 18 2021 3pm VIRTUAL Meeting -
Information for this meeting can be found HERE.
Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276 LJCombs44@gmail.com
Sent 2021-01-13: MARKETPLACE - Free Rock -
"FREE" – Rock​​
Contact: Dick or Beth Parrish
Dick (314-402-0219)
Beth (314-960-6710)
1940 W Iowa Ave
Rock just purchased for landscaping.
This pile (in the picture below) was excess we didn’t need.
Take as much or as little as you want. Hopefully you can use it all.
Asking Price:
​FREE (you want it – you haul it)
​See this and other items for Sale/Rent/Free on the Sunshine Web site under the MARKETPLACE tab.
Sent 2021-01-11: REMINDER: Signup for Glow Ball Night Golf -
Signup is Tuesday, Jan 12 and Wed, Jan 13 at the Pool Pavilion between 9am and 10am.
The fee to play will be $10 - Cash only.
The fee will be used to cover expenses and do the payouts. All money will be paid out after expenses.
Each team will consist of four (4) players. If you want to play with friends, sign up together.
Each team of four (4) will get five (5) balls. No one will be disqualified for putting a ball in the water. We will have people retrieving balls from the water.
Sue Swidryk Women’s Club Activities Director
Sent 2021-01-08 & 11: Resident Death -
I have been informed that Dick Shelton passed away yesterday, Jan 7, 2021. Condolences can be sent to:
Katrina Shelton
1025 Saxton Drive
Huron, SD 57350
Several residents have reported this is the address for Mrs. Shelton.
Sent 2021-01-11: Men's Golf League this week -
Men's League Golf for Tuesday, January 12, 2021 has been Canceled. Mark Owen
The Jan 13th Woodshop class has met the Covid-19 maximum attendance. Next class will be based on interest. Contact me to be on a future list. John Chajec 708-280-8940
Sent 2021-01-11: Amended - 2021 SEPO board nominees -
2021 SEPO board nominees:
Dana Weise
Beth Parrish
Larry Keller
Jean Burgoine
Lenore Combes
Chuck McEvoy
Election Chairman
Sent 2021-01-10: NEED TO READ IMMEDIATELY: What Address do you want your SEPO Board Ballot sent to? -
Please see below - And DO NOT reply to sepoenews as it make double work for your enews manager. Thx. Beth Parrish
Ballots for the 2021 SEPO Board of Directors of election will be mailed out on Saturday, January 16. If you would like your election packet sent to an address other than your Harlingen address, please send Valerie an email with that address. Her email address is: sepo.office@gmail.com
Chuck McEvoy SEPO 2021 Board Elections Committee Chairman
Sent 2021-01-10: Wood Shop Orientation Class Wednesday Jan 13th 5:00pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class
Wednesday Jan 13th
5:00 pm in the wood shop.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to covid restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Sent 2021-01-10: Final Message to Residents -

Sent 2021-01-10: Approved Board Minutes from Dec 14, 2020 -
The Approved Minutes from the Dec 14, 2020 Board Meeting can be found HERE.
Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-01-10: Revised Approved Board Minutes from Nov 30, 2020 -
The Revised Approved Minutes from the Nov 30, 2020 Board Meeting can be found HERE.
Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-01-09: REMINDER: Web site 'Residents Only' Password Change -
This is a reminder that the Web site 'Residents Only' Password will be changing on Sunday, Jan 10. The new PW has been provided to all current residents. And remember -
Please do not give this password to anyone outside of your immediate household.
You wouldn't want your 'private' information available to just anyone, would you?
Thanks again in advance for your understanding with this matter.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Web site Admin
Sent 2021-01-07: Pool and Hot Tub -
Pool and Hot Tub now working .... but will take time to warm up. Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office Mgr
Sent 2021-01-06: MARKETPLACE: Motor Home for Sale -
​​ "FOR SALE" - Motor Home
Contact: Randy Nicholas
​956 222-6876
2014 Thor Freedom Elite 22 ft Motor Home on a Ford E350 frame.
Asking Price:
​Priced to sell.
See Picture HERE. Randy Nicholas
Sent 2021-01-05: Blown Transformer -
A transformer blew out and the pumps for the hot tub and swimming pool are out. Waiting on AEP...
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sunshine Estates Property Owners
Sent 2021-01-02: Agenda for the Jan 5, 2021 Board Meeting -
The Agenda was sent to the Sunshine Community via e-mail and has also been posted on the Web site HERE.
Tony Tramel SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-02: Web Site: ON Jan 10, 2021 @ 8 PM -
I can just hear some of your groans after you read this - but it must be done!
My current plan is: Shortly after 8 PM CST on Sunday, Jan 10, I will be changing the "Residents Only" password on the Web site. We've had lots of our friends and neighbors move out of our community during 2020. So it's time to reset the 'key' to the Sunshine confidential information area of the Web site.
I plan to send out another e-mail on Sat, Jan 9, reminding you of this change and providing current residents with the new password.
Thanks in advance for your understanding with this matter.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Web site Admin 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-02: DIRECTORIES: All Updated on Web site -
Happy New Year to everyone.
The directories I put on the Web site just now are dated 01-01-2021 and contain all updates I have received since 12-12-2020. They are in the 'Residents Only' section. If you have forgotten or never had the Password, click HERE.
HERE you will find links to the following:
Resident Directories (sorted by both Name and Address)
E-mail addresses of all 'current' Residents and Renters who have provided them
Current Renters (Note - This doc has some questions)
HERE you will find the link to the document listing which page the Residents who are in the 2020 Photo Book are located on.
Please let me know if you have any issues/questions/updates.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Web site Admin 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-01-01: Christmas Bird Count -
The Christmas Bird Count will be held tomorrow, Jan 2. Meet at the Gazebo at 7:30 a.m. Dress for the weather. Tomorrow should be much like today - cool and sunny. Bring binoculars and something to write on. We will gather and split into two groups. One group will ride their golf carts around our community. The other group will use cars to canvass the area assigned to us outside of Sunshine. Ralf Peterson will tabulate our results and forward them on to someone on the state or national level.
FYI: This annual bird count takes place throughout the U.S. It is called the Christmas Bird Count because it takes place around Christmas. Any wild birds cited during the 24 hour period are counted. Chickens and farm ducks are not counted. Wild turkeys are included.
Jean Burgoine
See below for updated information after the Jan 2021 Newsletter was sent out concerning:
How about coming out and trying to golf at night with golf balls that glow in the dark?
I tried it the other night...it was quite interesting and pretty funny actually. Only one ball in the water on hole 9.... but the balls float so was able to retrieve it.
Nothing too serious, just looking to have a good time with friends and family and some “glow in the dark” golf balls. Night golf is a unique experience.
This is a woman’s Cub event to start off our New Year 2021.
If you are interested:
The event will take place on Wednesday, January 20.
Signup WILL NOT be in the Library. It WILL be as follows -
Sign up Tuesday, Jan 12 and Wed, Jan 13 at the Pool Pavilion between 9am and 10am.
The fee to play will be $10 - Cash only.
The fee will be used to cover expenses and do the payouts. All money will be paid out after expenses.
Each team will consist of four (4) players. If you want to play with friends, sign up together.
Each team of four (4) will get five (5) balls. No one will be disqualified for putting a ball in the water. We will have people retrieving balls from the water.
Keep you eye out for posters hanging throughout the community concerning the above.
Hope to see you there.
Sue Swidryk Women’s Club Activities Director
Sent 2021-01-01: SEPO Board of Director terms -
The following four (4) SEPO Director terms expire and are required to be filled by an election in 2021:
Jim Kennedy
Frank Tewell
Jerry Drost
Neil Morehead
This information is also available HERE on this Web site.
Jim Kennedy SEPO Board President
Sent 2021-01-01: Trailer on storage lot#708 -
Will the owner of the trailer parked on my rented storage lot please immediately remove it. I need clear access to my storage shed. Warren Clark