Sunshine Country Club Estates
Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Dec 2019.
Sent 2019-12-31: Oven mit -
I have a black oven mitt that was left behind at the Christmas Dinner. If you are missing an oven mitt, call me and I will get it back to you. Marian Young 719-468-4556
In January we will have 2 meetings per the bylaws.
Monday Jan 6th, Directors and Residents meeting, agenda below.
Monday Jan 13th, board meeting.
John Chajec
SEPO President
Pledge of allegiance
Director reports
Mark Owen Treasurer
Frank Tewell Area 1
Clint Wunderlich Area 2
Jerry Utterback Area 3
Lynn Swonger Golf Course
Nominating Committee: Neil Morehead Nominating Committee
Nominations from the floor
Chuck McElroy: election chairman
Beth Parish: Web site etc
Organization reports:
Women's Club
Neighborhood watch
Woodworkers club
Birding and Nature Club
Men's Golf
Women's Golf
Good Neighbor Tournament
Open Mike
Sent 2019-12-30: NEW HOMEOWNERS PARTY -
New Homeowners Party, January 13, 2020
Social time 5:00 p.m.
Dinner 5:30
Introductions 6:30
Dance 7:00 p.m.
Please join us for an evening of fun! Virtual ticket sales Jan.3-9 in Library
Questions? Please call Denise Utterback (618) 546-1417
Sent 2019-12-29: Web site Updates (concerning meetings & activities) -
Yesterday I took all of the information published in the Jan 2020 Newsletter concerning upcoming meetings and activities and posted them on the Web site. You can get to the various pages by going to the "Events Legend" tab ( and clicking on your area or interest. Or you can simply click on the various tabs in the dropdown menu under the "Events Legend" tab. If this is confusing to anyone, please give me a call and I can walk you through it.
Notice I have added a page for Golf Events ( to go along with all of the previous events pages i.e. Women's Club, Club & Committees, Special etc.
I'm hoping everyone is utilizing the Web site to answer questions you may have about events going on in the community.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Web site Admin (
Sent 2019-12-27: Sunshine Newsletter: Jan 2020 -
Hi All – The January 2020 Newsletter has been sent to the office to be posted in the Library when Valerie returns from vacation next week.
Due to all of the colors and graphics I have not included the Newsletter in this e-mail but have posted it on the Web site ( where it can be viewed at your leisure and also printed if you wish.
Also note that going back to October 2018 all published Newsletters can be found on the Sunshine Web site here:
Beth Parrish
SEPO Web site Admin (
Sent 2019-12-27: Neighborhood Watch Fundraiser Friday 10 January 2020 -
Dear Friends,
1/2 slow cooked chicken Potato Salad - Cole Slaw - Fixins
Iced Tea Coffee Dessert
Friday 10 January 2020 4pm Retz Hall
Orders must be placed by Monday 6 January!
Chicken is grilled (slow cooked) over mesquite up by the Gazebo by our world famous grill team. Yum Yum. Come by and say Hi - cookin starts early.
Gameplan: When these big batches become done -
Volunteers will carry hot chicken in receptacles to Retz Hall
Volunteers will prepare To-Go Boxes or you may dine in.
A Neighborhood Watch lockbox is in the Library for your convenience
Envelopes are there to deposit your donation.
Call me if needed. Thanking you in advance for showing your appreciation.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 Neighborhood Watch -CERT Coordinator
Sent 2019-12-27: SEPO Board Nominees -
The 2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Neil Morehead (Chairman), Jerry Drost and John Whitley, are pleased to submit the following candidate names in alphabetic order for the 2020 election of the SEPO Board of Directors. All of the candidates have been interviewed by one or more committee members, and were considered by the committee for nomination based upon their responses to the ‘SEPO Nomination Committee Board Candidate Interview Questions Guideline’ and their willingness to sign the ‘SEPO Board Candidate Pledge’.
We are pleased to announce these residents who met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2020 ballot. The nominating committee will make that motion during the January 2020 Board of Directors meeting.
John Chajec
Ron Clark
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Tony Tramel
Clint Wunderlich
Neil Morehead
2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee Chairman
Sent 2019-12-26: Resident Death CORRECTION -
Apologies - Earlier today it was erroneously reported that Shirley Vickers (a current resident) had passed away. She is indeed alive. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
Sent 2019-12-26: Residents Deaths -
These Former and Current Residents have passed away recently:
Lucille Cathcart (former): Nov 22, 2019
Patricia Bass (current): Dec 20, 2019
Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
Sent 2019-12-26: Lost Phone found -
Thanks for everyone's help. The phone that was lost this morning has been found.
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sent 2019-12-26: Lost Phone -
A phone was lost somewhere in Sunshine this morning. If found, please call the office (956-425-1420) or bring it by. Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sent 2019-12-26: News Year's Day Brunch Cancelled -
Since no on signed up to chair or work on this committee, the New Year’s Day Brunch is cancelled for Jan 1, 2020. Vickie Jones omen's Club Activity Director
Sent 2019-12-25: FINAL REMINDER: Jan 2020 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Dec 26th -
This is the FINAL reminder. If you have an article you would like published in the Jan 2020 Sunshine Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 26th of this month.
Newsletter Guidelines are posted here:
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish Sunshine Country Club Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-12-23: Marlys Knautz: New E-mail address -
Former resident (and my mom) Marlys Knautz has a new e-mail address if any of you would like to stay in contact with her. It is Cindy Shriver
Sent 2019-12-23: Web site Updates and Refresh Button -
If you ever go to a page on the Web site and it doesn't look like it's been updated with the info I said I have put out there, just hit the refresh button on that page in your browser and you should see the updated info there. I need to look into (in my spare time - HA) if there's something I can do about that. If anyone can assist me with this, I welcome the input. Thanks Beth Parrish
Sent 2019-12-23: Sunshine Employees time off -
Please note that the employees of Sunshine will be off for the holidays on Dec 24 & 25 for Christmas, and Dec 31 & Jan 1 for New Years. SEPO Board
Sent 2019-12-22: Women's Club Meeting Minutes: 12-20-2019 (pending approval) -
Please take note: Although these minutes are being distributed to the community today, they are the 'unapproved version'. These minutes will be officially approved at the next Women's Club meeting on Jan 17, 2020. They are available on the Sunshine Web site: Respectfully submitted, inda Almond, Secretary
Sent 2019-12-22: Christmas Dinner Signup ends today -
Do you want to attend the Women's Club Christmas Dinner event? If you've already signed up - you're in good shape and we'll see you there. If you haven't signed up yet, you need to get to the library today (Sunday, 12-22) as the signup sheet is scheduled to be taken down today. Details about this dinner can be found on the Web site: Marian Young (719-468-4556)
Sent 2019-12-22: Scruffy Santa Cancelled -
Since no one signed up to work on the Scruffy Santa committee, which was to be held the evening of Tuesday, Dec 24, this Women's Club activity has been cancelled. Mary Hendrickson
Sent 2019-12-21: Found ring -
The ring was claimed this morning. Kelly Kennedy
Please take note: Although the minutes from the Dec 9, 2019 Board of Directors meeting are being distributed to the community today, they are the 'unapproved version'. These minutes will be officially approved at the next director's meeting on Jan 13, 2020. They are also available on the Sunshine Web site (
John Chajec SEPO Board President
Sent 2019-12-21: Found Ring -
I found a men’s wedding band in front of the wood shop this afternoon (Dec 20). The owner can stop by my house (1917 Montana) to pick it up or call me at 816 645 5653. Kelly Kennedy
Sent 2019-12-20: Out of Office: Sunshine Employees -
I was informed that the Sunshine Employees will not be working this afternoon. Marian Young will be in the SEPO Office if you need copies of anything or have questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-12-19: CONFIDENTIALITY & the Gate Code -
Last week you received e-mails informing you of changes and additions to keypads being used around the Sunshine Estates. The locations of these keypads and the code to use for each of them has been posted on the Web site in the Resident's Only section (
Since the Front Gate code was also sent in an e-mail last week, for Security/Neighborhood Watch reasons, please either delete that e-mail or keep it in a secure location. If you forget the gate code, it is also in the Resident's Only section.
Please call with any questions or issues.
SEPO Board of Directors
Sent 2019-12-18: PLEASE REPLY AS APPLICABLE: Update to Web site Sale/Rent Guidelines -
The Guidelines for posting Sale/Rent residences on the Web site ( were updated this morning. I will now post up to THREE photos of any listing. Send the photos via e-mail to along with:
* Your Name and Address
* The Address of the Listing
* Whether this home is for Sale or Rent
Please review the info that is currently listed on the Web site ( to ensure everything is up-to-date. I'm not sure if any of the current listings are obsolete. If you see anything that needs changed or deleted please send the info to
If you have a renter in a residence you own, please ensure the Renter Directory info listed in the guidelines ( has been provided to the SEPO Office
Thank you in advance for any updates you may have to provide.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Web site Admin (
Sent 2019-12-17: Birding and Nature Group -
The Birding and Nature Group will not be having our monthly meeting in Jan 2020. Instead, we will be hosting a communitywide potluck followed by a speaker from Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge. The potluck is on Tuesday, January 7th in Retzlaff Hall. Doors open at 4:30. Serving will begin at 5:00, followed by the speaker. Just so we know how many tables to set up, we request that you sign up on the sign-up sheet that will be posted in the library on Jan 1. There is no charge for the potluck. Hope to see you there. We will have a field trip to Laguna Atascosa in February. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2019-12-17: REMINDER: JAN 2020 Newsletter Articles Due by End of Day on Dec 26 -
First - Please note the change in deadline date from the 24th to the 26th this month.
This is a reminder: Since this is a very busy month for everyone - preparing for the holidays, etc - if you have an article you would like published in the Sunshine Jan 2020 Newsletter, it needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 26th of Dec 2019.
Updated Newsletter Guidelines are posted here:
Please call with questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor ( 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-12-17: HELLO ALL - I'm back from Vacation -
Hi All - I'm back from Vac and will be resuming the SEPO communications responsibilities today. I want to give a great big THANK YOU to Pat Harvey for sending out the SEPO E-Mails in my absence. I see you kept him busy. I have received several other requests, questions etc concerning e-mails, Web site and so on and will be addressing those over the next few days. I'll be seeing you around the community.
Beth Parrish 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-12-16: NO NW meeting today -
No Neighborhood Watch meeting TODAY (that's Monday 12/16/19). Lenore J Combs
Sent 2019-12-15: Christmas Concert -
REMINDER - Christmas Concert
Monday, December 16th at 7 pm Dr. Leibert and his singers will be presenting a Christmas Concert in Retzlaff Hall. Please come and enjoy a wonderful evening of carols and other memorable songs. Vickie Jones
Sent 2019-12-15: Women's Club Meeting -
The December Women's Club meeting will be this Friday, December 20th at 9:00 am in Retzlaff Hall. All Sunshine women are welcome and encouraged to attend. Remember to wear your name badge (you might win a gift!!!). Coffee and sweets provided. Linda Almond, Secretary
Sent 2019-12-15: Mah Jongg Lessons -
Are you interested in learning to play Mah Jongg? Learning sessions will be held on Tuesday Dec. 17th and Dec. 24th from 1-3 in the afternoon in the card room.
The game will be introduced and the tiles explained. If you are new to the game or you need a refresher, this is your opportunity to learn. We play on Tuesday afternoons in the card room and Saturday evening at 6:30 in the library. Mah Jongg helps in keeping your mind active. Your are invited to join us. Jean Burgoine
Sent 2019-12-14: Christmas Dinner -
Hello Everyone! We will be celebrating Christmas with a potluck dinner on December 25th, 2019. The social hour begins at 1:00 pm and we will eat at 1:30 pm. We will be serving Black Forrest ham, rolls, and tea and coffee will be available. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with others. The cost of the dinner is $5.00 per person. The sign up sheet is in the library with envelopes for your check or cash. I can be reached at 719-468-4556 for questions. Hope to see you there! Marian Young
An editorial comment: I would hope that everyone who goes on Christmas gives Marian a hug for stepping forward and doing this. She's shown the true spirit of the season. Merry Christmas ! Pat
Sent 2019-12-13: Town of Combes Christmas Parade this Saturday evening 5:30pm -
Dear Friends - Chief Patrick Quill cordially invites us to their Christmas Parade.
Saturday 14 December 2019
Line up at Road Ranger Truck Stop at 5:30 pm
18337 Templeton Avenue Combes
Kick off 6pm sharp
Parade route down 107 with Police Escort and Santa to Combes Park on Hand Road
Golf Cart, bicycles and walkers invited
Parade ends - Santa ops - that's all folks
Call me for details if you wish. Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2019-12-12: Christmas Concert -
REMINDER - Dr. Leibert and Singers will be performing a free Christmas Concert on Monday, December 16th at 7 pm in Retzlaff Hall. Please come and enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Vickie Jones
Sent 2019-12-12: Keypad Update -
A Keypad was also placed on the East side of Retzlaff Hall with the same pin as the south door to the Library.
If any special Event or Activity is taking place that requires security, please contact the office and notify us in advance to make accommodations.
Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager 956-425-1420
Sent 2019-12-12: Pool & Hot Tub Update -
The Hot tub was down for maintenance for a few days. It is now available for use as well as the Pool.
Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager 956-425-1420
Sent 2019-12-11: DJ Doug -
REMINDER - DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant - This Evening - Wednesday, December 11th at 7-10 pm. $5.00 per person at the door, Retzlaff Hall. BYOB and snacks. Vickie Jones
Sent 2019-12-09: Information meetings -
Sherri Gardner will be making popcorn for the information meeting tomorrow at 1PM. Come and enjoy!
Cathy Richmond
Sent 2019-12--09: Reminder for Wednesday evening -
Don't forget that DJ Doug will be at Retzlaff Hall Wednesday evening from 7-10 pm for a fun evening of dancing. Bring your own snacks, beverages and don't forget your dancing shoes. The cost is $5.00 per person at the door. It will be a fun night! See you there! Vickie Jones
Sent 2019-12-09: Keypad Lock -
Keypad code has been changed to the gym (Exercise Room) and another keypad lock has been placed on the south door to the Library to give our Residents 24 hour access. The code has been changed to be the same pin as the Front gate (but without the #). If you have any questions feel free to contact the office…
Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager 956-425-1420
Sent 2019-12-09: SCAM Alert !!!!! - sounds like such a deal but..... (Second Verse) -
Just had a phone call from a neighbor.... Incoming call on the neighbor's AT&T Mobile phone recording said that" Because of suspicious activity on your phone, you will be disconnected. To stay current, press 1". She did not follow thru - Soooo - guess the Bad Guys are bored. 😢 Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2019-12-08: SCAM Alert !!!!! - sounds like such a deal but..... -
Dear Friends, Please be aware of this number 844 633 2305. They will offer you such a deal - it won't be believed. Seems like AT&TV with eBay put out a call with an offer too good to be true. A Police Report is underway and I will keep you posted on follow-up.
REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 956 216 5940. This number is answered by PD Dispatch (a real person).
Have your info and story ready - most likely a PD Unit will come to make a report which then goes thru Detectives.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2019-12-08: Christmas Golf Cart Parade 2019 -
Dear Friends - Once again, Sunshine had a great time with the Annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade following the Annual Craft and Bake Sale. Thanks for your support.
Many residents lined up along the Parade Route showing their support, cheering us on, tossing candy and enjoying this seasonal festivity with family, friends and neighbors.
A special Thanks goes to all the entrants as their time and talent plus endurance led to this successful event. Eleven challengers vied for the prestigious Women's Club award for "best decorated". Winners were 1st Place: Terry and Rich Debackere - 2nd Place: Heidi Dill and 3rd: Kathy Walker and granddaughter Jessica. Cathy Richmond with fearless Gizmo and Share Nelson with mischievous Maggie contributed to this pet-friendly part of the entourage and the McGruffmobile was proud to have his crime fighting four legged buddies as backup. Larry Lentz and his wife Linda, (son of Alice Montgomery), new resident, new volunteer for NW Patrols and recent Citizens Police Academy graduate drove his golf cart advertising our CERT Team.
Lisa (new resident) was pressed into action 30 minutes before showtime as our Firefighters were battling a field fire until the last minute - possibly not able to show up to carry Santa. Several of Santa's helpers helped dismantle her beautiful Thunderbird convertible so Santa could be chauffeured. (The reindeer had a previous engagement). Sgt. Jaime Palafox volunteered to be our lead HPD Police Car supporting efforts of our Neighborhood Watch. Bob Saylor drove the NW Golf Cart (the McGruffmobile is named after the famous crime-fighting dog Mr. McGruff).
So the phrase "It takes a Village,,,," puts it mildly when you think of how many Sunshine folks were involved and our neighbors - don't forget the Choraliers, the Christmas Tree Lighting, Hot Cocoa and cookies and Santa photo op. Guess you noticed the famous gate was wide open (like having our own International Peace talks.....).
Hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year.
Photos available c/o Karen & Lenore
Encore will download my chip and we will have more photos too.
If you have any to submit, let me know.
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2019-12-17: HELLO ALL - I'm back from Vacation -
Hi All - I'm back from Vac and will be resuming the SEPO communications responsibilities today. I want to give a great big THANK YOU to Pat Harvey for sending out the SEPO E-Mails in my absence. I see you kept him busy. I have received several other requests, questions etc concerning e-mails, Web site and so on and will be addressing those over the next few days between doing loads of laundry (SHEESH). I'll be seeing you around the community. Beth Parrish 314-960-6710
Sent 2019-12-08: women's club events -
A big thank you to Terry Debackere and Deb Robins for a successful event on Saturday morning. Also thank you to all those who baked, donated and bought raffle tickets and goodies today.
This is just a reminder that on Wednesday, December 11th from 7-10pm there will be a dance in Retzlaff Hall with music provided by DJ Doug and his Lovely Assistant. The cost will be $5.00 at the door per person. Bring your own drinks, snacks and dancing shoes and come and have a great time.
The next week on Monday, December 16th at 7pm we will be hosting Dr. Leibert and his singers as they perform a Christmas concert and other memorable songs for us. A freewill offering will be taken and donated to charity. So join your neighbors and friends for an evening of Christmas celebration.
There are several events planned that we do not have chairpersons to coordinate the event. One is Christmas Dinner and the other is New Year's Day Brunch. So please consider chairing/volunteering for one of these events or we may have to cancel them.
Another event that is planned is Scruffy Santa for December 24th. Mary Hendrickson has volunteered to chair the event but has no one signed up to help her. If interested or have questions please call Mary at 651-239-2307.
If you have any questions about upcoming events please call me at 262-689-7068.
Vickie Jones, Activity Director
Sent 2019-12-06: NOV 2019 SEPO INCOME & BALANCE SHEETS -
Well - Mark Owen (SEPO Board Treasurer) caught me today before I left on vacation Sunday, so I have posted his Treasurer's report on the Web site. Beth Parrish
The SEPO Nov 30, 2019 Income Statement and Balance Sheet have been posted in the 'Resident's Only' section of the Sunshine Web site:
Please review these documents and bring questions/comments to the Resident's meeting on Tuesday, Dec 10 at 1 PM in Retzlaff Hall. Mark Owen SEPO Board Treasurer
Sent 2019-12-06: GOLF BAG TAGS -
Golf Tags
Everyone on the golf course should be displaying one of the following golf tags.
Resident golf tag: yellow circle stating: resident
See Valerie if you do not have a resident tag.
Guest golf tag: yellow circle stating: guest
Guest tags are only available to immediate family members: mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandchildren and spouses of immediate family. Guest tags are available at the office, they are signed out and should be returned when your guest leaves. Residents and immediate family are the only golfers, who play free.
Red / pinkish paper tag: paying guest golfers
John Chajec SEPO President
Sent 2019-12-05:Crafty Creations: Deadline Reminder for Jan 8 Class -
Hey there!
Friday, Dec. 6th is the final day to sign up for our next class, Jan 8th!
Please note the time change for the classes. The rest of the season they will be from 12:30 to 3:30 in Retzlaff.
You can register at the SCCE Library,
or email me at
or text me at 307-272-2440 with the info. Thanks!!!
Click this link to see the Danglers for the Jan class:
Click this link to see the Registration Form for the Jan class:
-heidi dill :0]
Sent 2019-12-04: Christmas Golf Cart Parade - ROUTE -
Dear Friends - We expect the Police Unit to lead and they will meet us in the Encore RV Park
The Neighborhood Watch - CERT golf carts are next
- all Golf Carts proceed and the Fire Department Truck carrying Santa is at the end.
4:15 PM Debut your Golf cart and line up at our SCCE Mail boxes for a photo op display in day light. Then we shall travel to Encore - Friendship Hall parking lot at 4:30
4:30 PM Friendship Hall Parking Lot line up and judging
5:00 PM is Parade Kick-off
We will do a big square thru Encore then proceed thru our Golf Cart Gate - which the SEPO Board will have open wide for us, then around Sunshine on the outside square streets. We are not going thru Lakeside (Encore).
There is a map posted (in the Library).
We (Sunshine) have our prize money c/o from the Women's Club for the best decorated Golf Carts - 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Encore is sponsoring this year - so we go back there for Cocoa, goodies, Santa photo ops and awards. How better does it get?
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 - Parade Chair Sunshine CC Estates
Norm Pankow 815 985 3413 - Parade Chair - Encore RV Resort
Sent 2019-12-03: SEPO BOARD MEEETING AGENDA 12/9/2019 -
The board meeting agenda for the Dec 9th meeting,1pm is posted HERE. As of today no one has submitted a request to speak at the meeting. The deadline to submit a request to speak is Friday, Dec 6th 12 noon.
The Resident meeting will be Tuesday, Dec 10th, 1pm in Retzlaff Hall.
Sorry about the quick turnover between meetings but I'll be heading North shortly.
John Chajec, SEPO President
Sent 2019-12-03: Thanksgiving, Item left at dinner -
Dear residents and friends: Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Thanksgiving dinner. Hope everyone had enough to eat! We do have some amazing cooks here. For the few who could not join us because of illness, we hope you are feeling much better.
To all my helpers in bringing this together, Thank You all!!! You all made hosting this meal a great success.
There was one casserole brought to dinner wrapped in a pretty white towel with embellishments. If this is yours, please call me at 7082808910.
Thank you again, for spending the holiday with your friends and neighbors here at Sunshine😊.
Sincerely, Cathy Chajec
Sent 2019-12-01: missing phone -
I think I did a dumb thing and let my cell phone slide off my golf cart somewhere here in the Estates. It is a samsung with a green rubber case. If you find it, you know where I live, Thanks Sam Davis