Sunshine Country Club Estates
Clubs & Committees
(Summer 2020)
Additional Details
INFORMATION (May 14, 2020)
CLUB: Birding & Nature
Sent 2020-05-14: Nesting Killdeer -
A Killdeer is nesting on lot #111 in the Storage area. In order to make her more visible to those driving in the area, I have placed a ring of red rocks around the nest. Her young will be adorable, so I hope you will join in helping to protect her. See pictures below. Debi Warner

COMPLETE (Apr 13, 2020)
CLUB: Killer Bees Quiting
Sent 2020-04-16: Quilt Show Pictures on Web site -
I have uploaded pictures from this last Monday's Outdoor Quilt Show to the Web site. Thanks so much Debi Warner for providing them to me. I hope you all enjoy viewing the beautiful quilts that the ladies of your Sunshine Community had on display - especially those folks who were not here to see them up close and personal.
ALL of the pictures are here under the Amenities: Quilting Tab -
And just a TASTE of the display (with a link to ALL) is here under the Events: Pics & Videos from Events Tab -
ENJOY !!! Beth Parrish (Web site Admin)
Sent 2020-04-14: Quilt Show Thank You -
The Killer Bees would like to thank the residents of Sunshine Estates for making our quilt show yesterday so much fun! It was great to see so many out and about, but still social distancing.
Thanks also for not touching the quilts! You all made it easy for us to do this show!
Debi Warner for the Killer Bees
PS: I have given photos to Beth to put on the Web site. She will let everyone know when they are out there.
Sent 2020-04-11: Quilt Show addendum -
On Monday, April 13 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, the Killer Bees will try to bring some cheer to Sunshine Estates. We will be having an outdoor, drive-by (walk-by, bicycle-by) Quilt Show.
Addendum: I apologize for leaving off the following:
1941 W. Michigan - Marge Lehman
4129 N. Minnesota - Debbie Robins (in absentia, with help from Terry DeBackere)
Debi Warner
Sent 2020-04-10: YOU'RE INVITED, Outdoor Quilt Show -
On Monday, April 13 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, the Killer Bees will try to bring some cheer to Sunshine Estates. We will be having an outdoor, drive-by (walk-by, bicycle-by) Quilt Show. Here is where you can view the quilts:
Tennis Court Fence: Diane Hines, Linda Swonger, Diane Tewell, Mark and Debi Warner
1933 W. Montana - Marsha Santow
4168 N. Missouri - Mary Dronen
1905 W. Wisconsin - Glenda Wetherbee
1917 W. Wisconsin - Vicki Jones
4324 N. Kansas - Terry DeBackere
2033 W, Michigan - Jan Bathke
2021 W. Michigan - Diane Tewell
Please keep in mind that this is for Estates residents only and please keep in mind social distancing. With the new Cameron County rules, face masks are needed if you are outdoors.
Also, keeping safety in mind, PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE QUILTS.
Even if you have not registered with us, you are welcome to join us by hanging a quilt on your porch, etc.
Questions? please text or email Debi Warner, debi.warner1129@att.net or 956-357-8999.