Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: May 2021
Sent 2021-05-28: Missing Amazon Package -
It appears an Amazon package was delivered to the doorstep of Raylene Kelley while she was out. She is currently renting our house at 4305 N Kansas. Is it possible that someone may have taken it to the office or to the mailroom knowing that we were not there right now? If so, please call me. Sue Clifton
Sent 2021-05-28: MARKETPLACE: All of 33 Records are SOLD -
The Sunshine MARKETPLACE definitely worked. All of my '33 records' have sold. So please, no more calls.
Kathy Owen
Sent 2021-05-28: REFRESHER: SEPO Communication Guidelines -
Hi all - I hope everyone is having a nice summer. As a volunteer doing the SEPO Community e-mails and maintaining the Sunshine Web site, I definitely don't mind helping out the community this way.
However, I think it's time for me to 1) send a refresher to some and 2) send what is possibly new info to others.
Please review the guidelines on this Web site page to ensure you are getting your information to the right place for me to take action. I maintain three (3) separate gmail accounts - one for e-mails, one for the Web site and one for the Newsletter. Please do not send any communications related items to my Board gmail.
Although I have been responding to texts and phone calls since I came up north from TX, I prefer not to operate that way. I may not interpret something correctly or I may totally forget to follow-up on a request.
So please keep this Web site page handy. It's the easiest way for me to address your requests. Thx Let me know if you have any questions. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
Sent 2021-05-27: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, May 20, 2021 -
The UNNAPPROVED SEPO Board Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2021 are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Or they can be viewed/printed HERE.
Respectively Submitted, Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary
Sent 2021-05-27: ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: SEPO Communications (e-mails, Web etc) -
Just so everyone is aware, I will be taking a short vacation trip next week - June 1 thru June 4. During that timeframe, although I should be able to address emergencies, I don't plan to monitor SEPO communications constantly as I do now. If you have an emergency, send me the info and also call me at the number below.
Beth Parrish SEPO Communications 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-05-27: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - 33 Records -
See the items below and others For Sale/Free on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
"FOR SALE" - 33 Records - (Added 05-27-2021) ​
Kathy Owen
4137 N NE St.
About 50 old 33 Records
Sent 2021-05-27: Yard Sale -
We are having an “Everything must go” kitchen, garage & yard sale June 4 & 5.
4348 N. Kansas St. Randy & Linda Nicholas
“Make our old used stuff become your old & used stuff😄”
Sent 2021-05-26: Thursday Retzlaff Hall Potlucks -
Good Morning all. We won’t be having Happy Hour in Retzlaff Hall this Thurs the 27th.
We have been approved to have Happy hour in Retzlaff Hall. We will start next Thursday the third of June at 4:00 pm. Bring your beverage of choice and a snack or whatever food you wish to share. You may bring your own table service or there will be plates etc available.
Everyone is invited to attend. Please wear name tags as we have so many new residents. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and some new faces.
Ladonna Harvey
Sent 2021-05-26: Palm Trimming Postponed -
Due to complications, the Palm Tree Trimming will not take place until this Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30. You still have time until the end of the week to come by and drop off your payments for personal palms. I will stop taking payments Friday at Noon. $20 per palm. Sincerely, Valerie Basaldua Office Manager
Sent 2021-05-25: Friday Night Cards -
Friday Night Card Players - Cards will resume on June 11th at 6:45 pm. Play will begin at 7PM.
To begin with I am limiting the players to the first 12 to show up. As time goes on I will increase the number of players.
I look forward to seeing you guys then. Thanks
Mecca Henry (469) 766-4245 meccahen@yahoo.com
Sent 2021-05-24: UPDATED: 2-Pager Activity Sheet -
Since the Board lifted the SEPO Covid-19 restrictions last week, summer activities will again be happening at SEPO. I have done another review of the 2-pager SEPO Recurring Activities & Meetings document and also put appropriate updates on the Web site. The document below can be viewed/printed from HERE. Valerie will post this update (dated 05-24-2021) in the Library soon. Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
Sent 2021-05-24: Save The Date: Upcoming Summer Potluck -
Hey Everyone,
Our first Summer Potluck will take place on Memorial Day! I have reserved Retzlaff Hall from 4 to 6 pm.
Because May 27 and Memorial Day are so close together, I decided to start on the 31st.
The Thursday night social hour in the pavilion will still take place.
Date: Monday May 31, 2021
Social half-hour start time is 4:30 pm. So come and find a place to sit, and visit with your neighbors.
Bring a dish, or two to share with everyone.
Time to Eat: 5:00 pm
At about ten minutes till five, we will introduce guests and new residents.
The Women's Club provides coffee, iced tea, plates, napkins, plastic utensils, and serving utensils.
Feel free to bring your own plates, drinks, and silverware if you wish.
Call or text me with any questions. 719-468-4556. Hope to see everyone there! Marian Young
Sent 2021-05-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Paintings -
"FOR SALE" - Original acrylic paintings by Ellen Johanson - (Added 05-24-2021)
Contact: Pat Skye
1925 W Michigan Dr
Ocean Storm
44” w x 31 1/2” h
Gold tone framing
Price: $100
White Swan
27 1/2” w x 23” h
White framing
Price: $60
See Pictures on the Web site HERE. Pat Skye
Sent 2021-05-24: MARKETPLACE: For Sale - Motorcycle -
"FOR SALE" - Suzuki V-STrom 2012 (Until 05-29-2021) - ​
Contact: Pat Skye
1925 W Michigan Dr
1000 cc
Only 4300 miles
Excellent condition
Clear Title
See Pictures on the Web site HERE. Pat Skye
Sent 2021-05-23: Videos of Board Mtgs have been relocated -
The SEPO Board meetings starting on Feb 16, 2021 through May 20, 2021 have been held Virtual, using Google Meet, and were each recorded. The location of these videos has changed over the weekend due to technical difficulties with their prior location.
Here are the links to the Board meeting recordings, starting Feb 16, 2021 through May 30, 2021.
02-16-2021: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/2851bf_cbb88dc9cb0c42d7aab0946fa9fc869d/720p/mp4/file.mp4
02-25-2021: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/2851bf_8c4bb9fb9cbc491fbce4b32e460732f2/720p/mp4/file.mp4
03-08-2021: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/2851bf_f63d2d2bc8ed4a99b541fa089d1214f2/720p/mp4/file.mp4
03-22-2021: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/2851bf_f2b0355f9d1c4f68aaf621f756f57d7a/720p/mp4/file.mp4
05-20-2021: https://video.wixstatic.com/video/2851bf_ddea237cad0f4d68bfdbc76f543493f7/720p/mp4/file.mp4
The links to the videos on the Sunshine Web site have also been updated to reflect this new location.
If you have any questions about or issues with viewing any of these videos, please let me know.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-05-22: Link to view Special SEPO Board Meeting held on May 20, 2021 -
The Special SEPO Board meeting held on May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded.
Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view:
The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 2-3 days.
If you have any questions about this video or issues with viewing it, please let me know.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-05-22: CORRECTION TO (UPDATE: SEPO & Covid-19 restrictions) -
The following contains a correction to the date of the first activity scheduled after SEPO Covid-19 restrictions were removed this past week. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
Beth Parrish, SEPO E-Mail E-News Admin E-Mail: sepoenews@gmail.com 314-960-6710
The SEPO Board met earlier today (May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM via Google Meet). One of the agenda items was as follows:
Determine next steps (Review/Change or Not/Approve) SEPO Covid-19 Restrictions with discussion and potential Action.
During the discussion of this item, each board member voiced his/her opinion on what the next step should be pertaining to the current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. At the end of this discussion, a motion was made and seconded to ‘remove’ all current SEPO Covid-19 restrictions. A formal vote was taken with the following results – YES from Beth Parrish, Larry Keller, Lenore Combs and Jean Burgoine & NO from Mecca Henry and Lyn Swonger. Since the vote was not a tie, President Tony Tramel did not vote.
The Board would like to thank everyone for being diligent over the past 16 or so months in helping keep our Sunshine Estates residents safe.
Although, Sunshine is now starting our normal activities, we encourage you using your personal decision regarding mask use / attendance at meetings and other activities. We believe each person has to be responsible for themselves. Please do what YOU feel comfortable doing.
It is my feeling that SEPO owners are highly vaccinated and have been so for more than a couple of months, which I believe, was a primary reason for the positive vote to remove our restrictions.
Prior posted Covid-19 restrictions which have been posted on SEPO buildings and the Sunshine Web site will be removed.
The May 27th Summer Potluck, chaired by Marian Young, will be the first activity that will not have SEPO Covid-19 restrictions.
Refer to the Sunshine Web site Activity Summary page for additional scheduled Activities.
It appears this is the beginning of the end for Covid-19 for SEPO, and hopefully the State and the Nation.
Tony Tramel
SEPO Board President
Sent 2021-05-18: Library -
I will be gone from Sunshine from May 22 – early September. There will be nobody to process gift books. Please hold all gift books until mid-September or take them somewhere else. You are welcome to take all the books you want to read. I could use a volunteer to put books away on the shelves for the summer.
Marsha Santow 269-267-1308
Sent 2021-05-17: - AMENDEMENT: AGENDA for Board Meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2021 @ 1:30 PM
I goofed in the Subject Line earlier. The meeting is this coming Thu, May 20, 2021 at 1:30 PM via Google Meet.
Due to the number of pages in the Agenda and the fact that it contains several graphics, I am unable to copy and paste it into this e-mail. Therefore, you will need view it (and print it you wish) by clicking HERE.
The agenda can also be viewed/printed on the Web site now by clicking HERE.
Valerie has also be posted it outside of the SEPO office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall today.
Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have. Thx
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary sepoboardbeth@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-05-16: Resident Passing -
Current resident, Lori Hunt, has passed away. Catherine Richmond
Sent 2021---05-15: Saturday Golf Scramble -
I will organize this event for next Saturday, May22nd, if at least 12 participants will sign up by next Friday noon. This would provide friendly competition of 3 teams. All normal rules apply. If you have questions, please call me at 956-792-2931. Grace Clark
Sent 2021-05-14: Reminder - Neighborhood Watch meeting/class Monday 17 May 3pm -
Dear Friends -
We shall hold a review of STOP THE BLEED and Hands-Only CPR and an AED review in Retzlaff Hall at 3pm this Monday.
Please sign up or call me if you can attend. Thanks
2. The McGruffmobile should be getting a new door in the next week or so. Can somebody help us get it on? Also, I will have new "windows" made for the passenger side.
3. AEP sent me about a dozen short interesting CDs on Electrical Safety. They will be available for you to view.
4. The new climate normals are here - are you ready - a warmer normal, a wetter normal?
5. Cometupdates - This is a free course supplement (like a weather watcher program) to download graphics - great info.
6. National Night Out 2021
We are a partner both Nationally and with our local Police. Don't know yet if Hgn or even Combes will have anything, but stuff is opening up. This program promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood unity. We have a valued relationship with Harlingen and Combes. (and CERT with HFD)
Hoping things get back to some normalcy - Sunshine is a great community because you make it that way.
See ya Monday 😀 Lenore J. Combs, Coordinator 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-05-12: SEPO April 2021 Financials -
Hello Homeowners, HERE you can find the April 2021 Financials. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks. Mecca Henry SEPO Board Treasurer (469) 766-4245 meccahen@yahoo.com
Sent 2021-05-06: Dog Found Trapped in Encore: Is She Yours? -
Lynnette (from Encore) has found the dog in the picture below and no one has claimed her over there. She can't get close to her to see her tag. And she is stuck by the leash under the tire. If she is yours you can claim her @ Encore 832-890-8779, Lot #226. Lynnette

Sent 2021-05-01: Golf Scramble (commonly known as the "4 O'Clockers") - Time Change as of 05-03-21
We will be starting the afternoon Scramble at 6 PM starting Monday, May 3rd. Open to all golfers in the community. Every level of golfer welcome. No charge. Meet beside shuffleboard court at 5:45 for team assignments. Just out for a fun time. Donna Myers
Sent 2021-05-01: Palm Tree Trimming -
Palm Tree Trimmings are being scheduled for May 26, 2021 (Wednesday). $20 per palm for Residents.
Please stop by the SEPO office to sign up and drop off your payment or mail your check to: 1957 W. Michigan Drive
Checks should be made out to Yuridia Oloarte.
You will have until May 24 to make arraignments to have your Palms trimmed.
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager Sunshine Country Club Estates 1957 W. Michigan Dr.
Harlingen, TX 78550-3100 956-425-1420 sepo.office@gmail.com
Sent 2021-05-01: eye glasses and hearing aids -
The Lions Clubs across the U.S. collect old glasses and hearing aids to redistribute in poorer nations. We have have a collection box in our library. On May 17 the items in the box will be collected. If you have old glasses and hearing aids you no longer need, please, place them in the box. Place hearing aids in a small baggies so all the parts stay together. Thank you.
The box will remain in the library so all you Winter Residents can donate your items when you return in the Fall. Stay safe. We look forward to your return.
Jean Burgoine
Sent 2021-05-01: Neighborhood Watch - CERT class/meeting Monday 17 MAY 2021 3pm -