Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community E-Mails: March 2021
Sent 2021-03-31: REVIEW/REPLY REQUESTED: Renter's Directory Updates -
This is an e-mail I do need you to REPLY TO.
It's the end of the quarter already. (WOW) That means it's a self-imposed time for me to update the directories on the Web site. This e-mail concerns RENTERS and those who have been renting to them. The info I had attached in the original e-mail shows in (YELLOW) everyone I believe is either vacating today or has vacated recently. And also anyone who is going to be renting for some additional time. (If you need to see that document again, contact Beth Parrish - see contact info below).
I need the owner and/or the renters of these homes to confirm my info is correct (or not). Then Valerie and I will sync up so that the office records are accurate.
NOTE TO RENTERS: Once you vacate the house you have been renting, you will be removed from the SEPO E-news E-Mail list. You can always follow what is happening here at Sunshine by going to the Web site HERE.
If any residents have renters that should be on this list, please provide Valerie and I with that info. Thanks for everyone's Rapid Reply to this.
Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-30: Thank You for saying Happy 90th Birthday -
I would like to thank all of my Friends and Neighbors who came by Saturday to help me celebrate my 90th birthday.
Almost all of the beer was consumed, but we had cake left over. What does that tell you about this neighborhood.
Seriously, it was a lot of fun and I again, I thank you.
Sent 2021-03-30: Reminder - COVID Vaccine Moderna # 2 -
Dear Residents - Just as a reminder, for those of you who have a return visit for your 2nd dose of the Moderna Vaccine - it is this Thursday 1 April at the Cameron County Health Department 711 North L Street in Harlingen
The Staff is expecting you - best hours 8:30 am - 11:30am but as an exception they are open until 2:30pm,
Please pass this word out. Thanks
Please THANK our Heroes for your arrangements.. 😷❤
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-03-30: The Absolutely LAST Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday April 5th 4:30 pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday April 5th
4:30 pm in the wood shop.
This will definitely be the last class for the season.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
This handsome tabby found us at the Texas AgriLife Master Garden - Tuesday, March 16. He came running when he saw people with loud meows, saying “I am hungry, starving.” The fur coloring is a spotted tabby as the stripes are broken lines; bands of broken spots, evenly spaced. He is extremely affectionate. He is always swimming with his paws. Wherever volunteers are working, he is close by, listening to the human voices. I have been feeding every morning. When he hears me calling, he runs to me asking for attention rather than food.
He is approximately 9 months old. We would love to keep him, but we already have our limit of two cats rescued from the Harlingen Humane Society. Can you help us find him a forever home?
With much appreciation
Tom and Debbie Gossman
1952 West Iowa Avenue
956 371-9299
Sent 2021-03-27: CORRECTION - SUNSHINE NEWSLETTER (Special Edition): April 2021 -
The April 2021 Special Edition Newsletter (containing the correction to the Sunshine Gardening Club) has been posted on the Web site HERE. When you open that document you can see all of the great Graphics that I cannot put into the e-mail. Please check it out.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-26: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes, March 22, 2021 -
The UNNAPPROVED SEPO Board Special Meeting Minutes from Mar 22, 2021 are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Or they can be viewed/printed HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-25: Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday March 29th 4:30 pm -
Wood Shop Orientation Class Monday March 29th
4:30 pm in the wood shop.
This will be the last class for the season.
This class is a requirement for using the wood shop.
A one time attendance is required.
The shop will be closed during the class.
Limited class size due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Face Masks required.
Call John Chajec 708-280-8940 to register.
Sent 2021-03-24: Come say Happy 90th Birthday -
WOW - Gus Elliott is turning 90. Gus is opening up his garage (and as much of the street as possible without hindering traffic) so that you can come by his house (4333 N Minnesota) this coming Sat, Mar 27, from 2pm to 4pm and wish him a Happy 90th Birthday. He said he'd also offer you a beer if you came by to see him. Sounds like bribery to me - HA - But also a good offer. He will appreciate your visit thoroughly.
Beth Parrish (for Gus Elliott)
Sent 2021-03-24:UPDATED: Link to view Special SEPO Board Meeting held on Mar 22, 2021 -
The SEPO Board held a special meeting on Mar 22, 2021 which was Virtual, using Google Meet, and it was recorded.
The Board has been notified that if you use an Apple device to access the video, but don’t have a Google account, it requires you to set up an account. To resolve this issue, the video is now available to everyone, without restrictions, at this new link.
If you still can’t access the video please let me know. Thx for your patience with this issue.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-24: Lost n NOT Found - Lenore's stuff from Mardi Gras -
Dear Friends, Got a big favor - I never received my musical instruments and noisy things back from the Mardi Gras event in February. I had left them in a bin for us to use and several folks took them for the Parade. They are my washboard and 2 tambourines and a few other various noise making hand instruments. Please call me and I'll pick them up.. Thanks and sorry for the late delay in putting this out. -
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-03-23: MARKETPLACE: Face Masks -
Handmade Face Masks for sale
Genie or Cal Newsom
608.697.6719 or 608.697.6718
See full description and costs on the MARKETPLACE.
Sent 2021-03-22 - See above for Update sent on 2021-03-24:
Link to view Special SEPO Board Meeting held on Mar 22, 2021 -
The SEPO Board held a special meeting on Mar 22, 2021 which was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded.
Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view:
(see above for UPDATED LINK sent on 2011-03-24.)
The minutes from this meeting will be published very soon. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-23: FINAL REMINDER - REQUEST: For Apr Newsletter Articles -
I have been asked if I would put out a Sunshine Newsletter for April. After some thought, I decided I could do that. As always, if you have any anything upcoming that you would like the community to know about, here's your chance.
For this Newsletter we are going to go outside the lines somewhat.
You will be able to talk about any accomplishments your Club, Committee, etc have had this past winter season - even though we were still living with the pandemic.
I encourage those in charge of Clubs (like Killer Bees and Women's Club), Activities (like Tennis, Pickleball etc) or anything else anyone living in Sunshine might be interested in participating in next season, to compose a little bit about each in order for residents/renters to mull them over during the summer and possibly partake in things next winter season they might not have been aware of.
I sympathize with all of our New Homeowners in 2020 and 2021 who haven't been able to get out and about and experience all of the great things we have to offer here in Sunshine.
As always the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month.
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-22: Activity/Meetings Requests: Still need several -
Valerie has received several Acty/Mtg Request Forms. She still needs forms for some of the items approved at the Mar 8 Board mtg. Anything in RED on this document, if it's going to continue, also needs a request form, even if you've been doing it for years. Thanks in advance for your quick action on this as I am currently working on getting the Web site updated.
Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-22: UPDATE: SEPO & Covid-19 -
The SEPO Board held a 'special' Board meeting today (03-22-21) to discuss making changes to the current restrictions concerning SEPO & Covid-19. The board is trying to protect our employees, as well as our residents/renters and immediate families/guests (where permitted). We all hope we will soon be back to what life was before Covid-19. Thank you for your understanding. See everything HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-22: CANCELLED: Men's Golf League on 03-23-21 -
Men’s Golf League is cancelled this Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Per Dan Boardman, the greens are being aerated.
Rocky Lockwood Men’s Golf League
Sent 2021-03-19: Results of Men's Golf League Tournament and New Management -
Championship Flight
1st Low Gross Dan Boardman
1st Low Net Ralph Peterson
2nd Low Gross Jerry Wetherbee
2nd Low Net Tony Tramel
First Flight
1st Low Gross Dan Kubitz
1st Low Net Gene Campbell
2nd Low Gross Jon Sandusky
2nd Low Net Chuck Anderson
Second Flight
1st Low Gross Matt Lyne
1st Low Net Dick Parrish
2nd Low Gross Kent Dart
2nd Low Net Bruce Mead
Carlson Award Dan Boardman
Banks Award Mark Owen
Effective March 16th, Rocky Lockwood and Matt Lyne have taken control of the Men's Golf League at Sunshine Country Club Estates.
Mark Owen
Past President
Sent 2021-03-19: SEPO Board: Who is responsible for What / Best Way to get their Attention -
In case you may be confused about who to contact on the current SEPO Board concerning specific areas of responsibility, please refer to the Web site HERE to see who is doing what.
The easiest way to get the board's attention is by filling out a "Suggestion/Complaint/Idea" form which can be found:
Outside the Office
On the Web site HERE.
The board is currently working on updating/redefining the process and possibly the form. Thanks for your patience while this new board is working to update/improve some of your experiences here at Sunshine.
SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-19: MARKETPLACE - LOOKING FOR: House to Rent winter 2021-2022 -
I am looking for a house to rent in Sunshine for a five (5) month period during the Winter Season (2021-2022). Please contact me if you have anything. Millie Noonan (phone number can be found in the Renter's Directory HERE.
Sent 2021-03-18: MARKETPLACE: HOUSE for RENT -
4121 N Missouri St - (added Mar 18, 2021)
Home Owner: Sam Davis
Contact: Sam Davis (956-244-4682 Cell) or (956-425-4193 Home)
2 bdrm - 1 1/2 bath Mobile
Fully furnished
Satellite T V furnished
WiFi not included, but is available
Golf Cart Included
Sent 2021-03-18: REQUEST: For Apr Newsletter Articles -
I have been asked if I would put out a Sunshine Newsletter for April. After some thought, I decided I could do that.
As always, if you have any anything upcoming that you would like the community to know about, here's your chance to do that.
For this Newsletter we are going to go outside the lines somewhat.
You will be able to talk about any accomplishments your Club, Committee, etc have had this past winter season - even though we were still living with the pandemic.
I encourage those in charge of Clubs (like Killer Bees and Women's Club), Activities (like Tennis, Pickleball etc) or anything else anyone living in Sunshine might be interested in participating in next season, to compose a little bit about each in order for residents/renters to mull them over during the summer and possibly partake in things next winter season they might not have been aware of.
I sympathize with all of our New Homeowners in 2020 and 2021 who haven't been able to get out and about and experience all of the great things we have to offer here in Sunshine.
As always the article needs to be submitted to by End of Day on the 24th of this month.
Please call with questions.
Beth Parrish SEPO Newsletter Editor E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-18:MARKETPLACE: House for Rent -
Home for Rent (added Mar 18, 2021)
Home Owner: Jim Delsardo
Bill Delsardo at 903-641-8438
OR -
Jim Delsardo at 412-901-5803
Renting For:
3 month minimum
Two bedroom
1 1/2 bathrooms
Fully furnished
Rent includes utilities
Sent 2021-03-18: SEPO February 2021 Financials -
Fellow Homeowners - HERE are the February Financials. If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks
Mecca Henry SEPO Treasurer (469) 766-4245
Sent 2021-03-17: AGENDA for 'Special' Board Meeting on March 22, 2021 @ 1:30 PM -
The Agenda for this meeting can be viewed/printed HERE. Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall today.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-16: Porch sale this Friday -
2037 W Montana - Friday, Mar 19 - 9 AM until noon. Many items - most of them between 1 and 5 dollars.
Nancy Steele
Sent 2021-03-16: Birding and Nature Club Outing -
The SCCE Birding and Nature Club has scheduled its annual Spring outing on Monday, April 5th to Estero Llano Grande state park in Weslaco. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the park will not offer any guided tours and no shuttle carts. All tours will be self guided. Masks will be required as well as social distancing. The cost for park entrance is $5.00 per person unless you have a park pass. The park features a variety of habitats for birds and wildlife to include a beautiful covered deck overlooking a very active pond scene. A variety of birds to be seen at the park include the rare Elegant Trogan, Pauraque, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Audubon’s Oriole and the usual south Texas specialties. For those that desire to eat lunch at the park, it is a bring your own. The deck offers very relaxing spot to eat and chat. For those caravaning over, we will meet at the parking area outside our library at 8:15am and depart for the park promptly at 8:30. To sign up for the trip or for questions about the trip contact Ralph Peterson at 607-590-0606 or email at
Sent 2021-03-15: FOR RENT: Golf Cart -
For Rent:
Club car golf cart
$150 per month
Contact: Sam Davis (956-244-4682)
Sent 2021-03-14: Neighborhood Watch Meeting VIRTUAL Monday 3pm -
Dear Neighborhood Watch volunteers and Friends - Please join us tomorrow for our monthly meeting. Harlingen PD will be with us. Just click on the invitational code below about 2:45 pm.
Lenore Combs has invited you to join a video meeting for Neighborhood Watch on Google Meet starting at 2:45 Monday 3/15/21. The actual meeting will begin at 3:00.
Or open Meet and enter this code: nnr-nrai-oyz
Dial in (audio only): (US) +1 574-318-7442 PIN: 272 657 775#
More phone numbers:
The Agenda can be found HERE.
Thanks-- Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 😷❤ NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2021-03-14: Missing package -
We are missing a package that would have been delivered to someone’s home via UPS in the last few days. Please, if you received it, could you please let me know. (307-272-2440) Thanks oodles!! -heidi dill
Sent 2021-03-13: SEPO Forms/Documents & Processes -
I wanted everyone to be aware that several of the items mentioned in the subject line of this e-mail are available on the Web site HERE for your reference. I will be working with Lenore (not sure if she knows it yet or not - HA) to get information concerning the Storage Lot area on the Web - layout, prices of the various types of lot, who is renting which lot (will be posted in the 'Residents Only' area on the Web), what can be put on each type of lot, etc.
If there are any documents or processes that are not already defined on the Web that you would like to be addressed please let me know and I will investigate. I have some folks I plan to approach for info as my time permits.
Beth Parrish SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-13: AMENDED: Activities/Meetings Scheduling for 2021-2022 -
There have been minor corrections and additions made to the e-mail sent yesterday on this topic. Please read the below in it's entirety. Thx for your understanding.
Beth Parrish
SEPO Board Secretary
Please note that the SEPO Board is reviewing the current SEPO/Covid-19 Policies as listed on the Web site HERE.
‘Some' restrictions were loosened slightly after the Mar 8, 2021 Board meeting. At this time, the SEPO Board is hoping we will be back to (at least mostly) normal activities and meetings during the 2021-2022 Winter Season here at Sunshine. Here is where you come in.
At the March 8, 2021 Board meeting, activities that are normally up for review/approval during each March Board Meeting were approved.
In the previous e-mail on this topic a 2-page document was attached. Most of you are familiar with it from using it pre-Covid-19. This list shows both the items that were approved verbally on Mar 8 (in YELLOW) and other activities that need to be requested via the SEPO Office and approved by the SEPO Board. The request process and revised Request Form were also attached in the previous e-mail.
I believe the documents mentioned above more than likely appeared small in the previous e-mail. Please note that those documents can also be viewed and printed from the Web site HERE. I did fail to mention that the revised Request Form is also available: in the document slots - on the wall - in the Library area. Once we get more activities/meetings approved the 2-pager will also be available in those document slots.
I know some of you will look at the 2-pager and say - We do this all the time (i.e. tennis or water aerobics). The board would like everyone to look at this as a fresh start and please be so kind as to submit a Request Form for ALL things that you want/hope to do going forward. NOTE: This includes all items verbally approved at the Mar 8, 2021 meeting as well.
If you have any issues or questions, please contact Valerie in the office (956-425-1420 or You can also contact Beth Parrish (314-960-6710 or
Thanks in advance for your help with getting us prepared for the summer and for next winter season.
SEPO Board
(Amended by Beth Parrish, SEPO Board Secretary on March 13, 2021)
Attachments in previous e-mail:
2-Pager Activity/Meeting list (as of Mar 11, 2021)
Sunshine Activities/Meetings Request Process (Updated on Mar 13, 2021)
Activity / Meeting Room Request Form (as of Mar 11, 2021)
Sent 2021-03-10: COVID Vaccine notice - this Friday -
Dear Friends, Please call me, Lenore (956 245 1276) if you need a COVID-19 Vaccine. You need to get on my list.
Get your paperwork (COVID-19 consent) from me or the Office. Health Department this Friday 9am - 11 am 😷
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-03-10: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes (2021-03-08) -
The UNAPPROVED minutes from the Mar 8, 2021 Board meeting are posted on the Sunshine Web site HERE. Or they can be viewed/printed HERE. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-10: Out of Office: SEPO Office Mgr -
I will be working Friday Mar 12, 2021 until 12 noon and then be out of the office until Tuesday, Mar 16, 2021. If you need anything please stop by before and after those days.
Valerie Basaldua Office Manager 925-425-1420
Sent 2021-03-10: Encore Concert Series -
This is Beth Parrish - I wouldn't normally send out this kind of information via sepoenews. However, I believe the below affects several Sunshine residents. Thank you Paula.
This is Paula Tramel -
I have been in touch with Connie Garcia, Activities Coordinator at Sunshine RV (Encore) about the 2021 concert series which was obviously canceled this year. If you had purchased tickets for this year and had advised Encore that you would like to 'roll over' your tickets, you are all set. No money will be owed and you will have the same seats you purchased. The same groups will be performing, with the dates adjusted for 2022.
Ultimate Chicago - January 12, 2022
Nashville Gold - January 26, 2022
Tenors of Comedy - February 9, 2022
Oh Canada - February 23, 2022
Starlets - March 2, 2022
California Forever - March 16, 2022
If patrons currently have tickets and have not requested a roll-over or refund, the person who purchased the tickets should get in touch with Connie Garcia (956)425-7448.
Tickets for 2022 for anyone who doesn't already have them will be available for purchase next fall. She did not have a price for new tickets.
Sent 2021-03-10: APPROVED: SEPO Board Meeting Minutes (Feb 25, 2021) -
The minutes from the Feb 25, 2021 Board meeting were amended (added to) at the Mar 8, 2021 Board meeting prior to being approved. The entire 'approved minutes are now on the Web site HERE. You can also view/print the entire document from HERE.
The following was added to the Feb 25 minutes under New Business, Item 2.
2 .Mecca, Treasurer - Consider amending our Policy and Procedures to provide for a section noted as “Fiscal Policies.”
Mecca Henry read her Fiscal Policy proposal (Attachment 2). Discussion of her proposal follows:
All checks should be signed by the Treasurer unless the Treasurer is unavailable. If that occurs, the next available persons, in the following sequential order shall be sought out to sign requested check(s): President, 1st VP, then 2nd VP.
(Discussion) This is more of a clarification of the ByLaws. They already state this but it is just not quite as determined.
Invoice related payments will normally be issued only once a week on Fridays. In the case of a COD or an emergency, accommodations will be made to issue payment. Ideally this needs to be coordinated with the Treasurer.
(Discussion) Mecca wanted to put it in writing - write checks once a week. We don’t really have consistent items where we need to be writing checks all the time. It makes it easier for Mecca Henry and Valerie to plan their time.
Invoices and timecards must be approved by a Board Member.
(Discussion) Mecca Henry wanted to make sure that whoever is in charge of employees is looking at their timecards and can sign off on them. Same thing with invoices. Whoever’s responsibility should confirm that – Yes, we need to pay this. Mecca isn’t comfortable with invoices being paid without this verification.
Credit card charges must have a receipt.
(Discussion) This has sometimes been an issue sometimes. Receipts have been lost. A copy can be requested. We need this backup, especially if something come up tax-wise. These are things we need to be doing. Mecca just wanted to get it in writing.
Board Members should not, under normal circumstances, use their personal funds and later seek to be reimbursed by SEPO. Only in emergencies should this occur.
(Discussion) Mecca’s point is, it doesn’t look very good if, on a monthly basis, we are cutting big checks to board members. She’s not saying they are doing anything wrong. It just has the appearance of looking a little funny and she would like to cut down on this.
All backup documentation should be reviewed by the check signer prior to signing checks.
(Discussion) Prior to now Valerie was giving a board member the checks to sign. If they had a question, she answered it. Mecca has instructed her, from now on, she wants to see all backup documentation to ensure it’s been signed off by a board member. It should be for something reasonable before it is signed off on. Also, if it is coded to the wrong line item, Mecca can fix it immediately and she won’t have to go back a week or a month later and try to find it.
Mecca Henry then made a motion to incorporate her proposal into the Policies & Procedures. Jean Burgoine seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by those present at the meeting.
Please call w/questions etc.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-09: Link to view SEPO Board Meeting held on Mar 8, 2021 -
The SEPO Board meeting held on Mar 8, 2021 was Virtual, using Google Meet, and was recorded. (Note: There were some technical difficulties at the beginning of the meeting for around 6 or so minutes. You can fast forward through the silence.) Here is the link to the recording, which everyone is welcome to view:!ArA0fRIwdohihKlO98BSAKkFn6hMSw
The minutes from this meeting will be published within the next 2-3 days or sooner. If you have any questions about or issues with viewing this video, please let me know.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-09: UPDATE: SEPO Policies & Procedures (Mar 8, 2021) -
In order to clear up confusion concerning the ‘heading’ on the SEPO Policies & Procedures document, the SEPO Board voted at the Board meeting on March 8, 2021 to update it.
Previous heading stated:
All previous standing rules are null and void after this date.
Updated heading now states:
(All previous Policies & Procedures are replaced by this Update of March 8, 2021.)
The Policies & Procedures are available HERE and can also be printed from there. SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-08:UPDATE: SEPO & Covid-19 Policies -
At the SEPO Board meeting earlier today (03-08-21) there was a discussion concerning current Covid-19 policies within Sunshine Country Club Estates. The following changes were voted upon by the Board. You can see all SEPO & Covid-19 Policies (including the update below) on the HERE.
Effective Immediately:
The following areas will be reopened to Resident’s family and overnight guests –
Shuffleboard court (equipment is stored near the hot tub)
Tennis and Pickleball courts
The Golf Course – providing:
Greens Fees are paid for the non-residents as specified in our Policies & Procedures
The residents and family/guests play together (in isolation from other golfers)
Residents family/guests may not participate in organized Golf Events, including the 4 O’Clockers.
Remaining Closed to Visitors:
Hot tub
SEPO buildings
NOTE: A review of the ‘remaining closed’ areas is being performed this week. You will be notified of the results of that review.
SEPO Board
Sent 2021-03-06: MARKETPLACE: Golf Cart for Sale -
New item added yesterday for the Hendericksons. See the below and other items for sale by your friends and neighbors HERE. Beth Parrish
"FOR SALE" - Golf Cart - (Added 03-05-2021)
Contact: Mary Henderickson (651-239-2307) OR Bob Henderickson (320-679-6859)
2000 Club Car Golf Cart
Electric with back seat with cover
"3" yr old batteries
Battery charger
Pricing: $1450.00
Sent 2021-03-06: SEPO January 2021 Financials -
Greetings Homeowners, I have the January Financials ready for everyone. February should also be coming out soon. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support of the Board.
Mecca Henry SEPO Treasurer (469) 766-4245
Sent 2021-03-05: AGENDA for Board Meeting on March 8, 2021 -
The agenda can also be viewed/printed by clicking HERE. Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall this afternoon.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-05: Men's League Golf Tournament Results -
The Men's League Golf Tournament Results are posted in the library and on the outside of the building. Mark Owen
Sent 2021-03-05: FOUND: Reading Glasses -
Reading glasses found on Missouri St. Description: Black Kate Spade with white flowers on the inside.
Valerie (SEPO Office)
Sent 2021-03-05: MARKETPLACE: Several 'for sale' items added -
Please go to the MARKETPLACE and see pictures all of the nice items that Wendy Lindberg has for sale. Here's a quick summary.
Contact: Wendy Lindberg, 715-919-1767 (cell), (email)
Description: Lazy Boy: Love Seat & matching Rocker Recliners (2)
Pricing: $750.00
Oak 3 piece matching set:
coffee table
end table
sofa table
Pricing: $300.00
Description: Oak Dining room set: Hutch, table & 6 chairs
Pricing: $750.00
Sent 2021-03-05: SEPO EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING NOTICE for March 8, 2021 -
Monday, March 8, 2021
3 PM, Board Only w/Social Distancing and Masks
This is a formal notice to the Sunshine community that SEPO Board President Tony Tramel has called an Executive Board Meeting to be held next Monday, March 8, 2021 at 3 PM in Retzlaff Hall for all Board Members. Social distancing and masks are required. This is a closed session as permitted by Texas law since the meeting pertains to personnel and potential litigation issues. This meeting will consist of discussions, resolutions and / or identification of action plans regarding issues noted above.
Tony Tramel SEPO Board President
Sent 2021-03-05: AGENDA for Board Meeting on March 8, 2021 -
The agenda can be viewed/printed by clicking HERE. Valerie will be posting it outside of her office and on the poolside door to Retzlaff Hall this afternoon.
Beth Parrish SEPO Board Secretary 314-960-6710
Sent 2021-03-02 & 03 & 04: GARAGE SALE: Sunshine only -
We are having a garage sale on Friday, March 5th. This is for sunshine residents/renters only. It's from 8am-1pm for most organizers. Since this is only for Sunshine and it is not advertised anywhere else, our addresses can be found in the Resident Directory on this Web site. Thanks
Terry Mensing and Lynn & Doug Nuckolls and Cheryl Roley
Sent 2021-03-03: COVID Vaccine opportunity for those Needing Assistance: Sunshine residents only -
WHO: This is a special vaccination clinic set up for Sunshine residents only!
WHAT: Get your COVID Vaccine (Moderna - 1st and or 2nd dose)
(Remember to bring your card if this if for your 2nd dose)
WHEN: Friday, 5 March, 9am until 11 am
WHERE: Cameron County Health Dept.
711 North L Street
Harlingen, TX
Please note - Friday 9a – 11am on 5 March 2021 is only for us. The Health Dept. will be open for certain exceptions until 3pm.
Our efforts to date have indicated that quite a few of our residents welcomed the opportunity to utilize the “assistance” we now know we can provide.
Next Steps / Game plan:
This strategy is to keep patient privacy intact and for the local Health Department to have a heads up on who is coming.
I need to know who is coming on Friday. TODAY I will be contacting those of you who have indicated you want the vaccine and are currently on the list.
If you are not on the list and would like to be – please contact me as soon as possible by any of the following methods:
Best way - email me your request to so I have a record for follow-up.
Phone (956 245 1276) is next best.
Drop off a note (4137 N Minnesota St) to me listing COVID Vaccine info, Name & Phone #.
Lenore Combs 956 245 1276
Sent 2021-03-02: Resident Directory Updates posted to Web site -
I have updated the following Directories on the Web site in the "Residents Only". They are all dated 03-01-2021.
Resident Directory by Name and by Address.
E-mail addresses for all resident and renters who have supplied them to me.
And if you weren't aware this page also contains the 'contact info' for all 2021 SEPO Board members.
I'm requesting that everyone review these documents to ensure their accuracy. If you have any changes, let myself and Valerie both know. Thx
Beth Parrish SEPO Communications
Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office Mgr
Sent 2021-03-02: FOR SALE: Window A/C -
See the listing below and other items on the Sunshine Web site HERE.
"FOR SALE" - Window A/C - (Added 03-02-2021)
Larry Lindberg
5,000 btu window air conditioner with remote.
Perfect for a bedroom or Texas room.
Great condition.
$65.00 firm
Larry Lindberg