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 Women's Club Meeting Minutes 

 (2018-2019 Winter Season  

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2019-03 WC Minutes



Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

March 15, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.


Sally Dronen led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 7 get well cards, 2 sympathy cards and 1 thinking of you card have been sent since the February meeting.


The minutes of the February 15, 19 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $6168.60, Total Expenses of $5536.93 and the bank balance is $26,155.40. The report will be filed for audit.


New Residents

There were no new residents present at today’s meeting.




Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be March 18th at 3:00 p.m. She announced the following:

  • There will be a class on “active shooter” in the future; details will be announced at a future date.

  • AED maintenance tests have been completed.

  • Best practices for the Vendors program are being reviewed.

  • A new form has been designed for personal medical information to be placed in a red envelope; this replaces the Vial of Life form; this will be proposed to the SEPO board at a cost of approximately $90.00.

  • A South Texas All Hazards Conference will be held March 27-28 in the McAllen Convention Center.

Vickie Jones reported on the following:

  • The Ronald McDonald charity dance held last night has netted $1400 with more donations coming in.

  • A planning meeting for activities for next season (October 2019 through March 2020) will follow this meeting; the planned activities need to be presented to the SEPO Board next Monday.


Casino Night Report: Dale Hopfner and Sherri Gardener thanked everyone for their participation in Casino Night; they noted this activity has generated over $20,000 over the past six years for the Women’s Club.


Old Business

Deb Robbins stated the Media System is installed and functional; information and instructions for use are on the SEPO web site. She indicated that if deemed necessary tan covers for the TV’s can be purchased for approximately $30.00 each. President Anderson thanked Deb and her committee for working on this project.


Lassey Dahlstrom continues to work on the video presentation of SSCE activities. There will be another committee meeting next Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. She stated it is an evolving project and hopefully it will be completed on the target date of March 2020.


New Business


Last month there was an inquiry regarding developing a SEPO photo directory; to date, volunteers for a chairperson and committee members have not come forth..


A member inquired about purchasing a Fire Pit; it was determined this would be a SEPO Board decision.


An amendment to the Women’s Club bylaws for Article V, Section 4 regarding an annual audit of the treasurer’s books is proposed.  The current bylaw reads…books shall be available once a year for an official audit; the proposed amendment to the bylaws would read:

…official audit to be conducted on March 1st of each year and in the event the treasurer changes, at the time the books are transferred to the new treasurer.


This amendment will be voted on at the October 2019 meeting.


Concern was expressed regarding the kitchen stove/oven.  Several members stated they were afraid to use it and didn’t feel safe using it. A motion was made by Marge Lehman and seconded by Karen Peterson to form a committee to develop pros and cons of keeping or replacing the current stove.  Mecca Henry volunteered to chair the committee and Sherri Gardner and Linda Jones volunteered to serve on the committee.


A motion was made by Mary Hendricks and seconded by Linda Jones to purchase 3 additional pool lounge chairs; the cost would be approximately $300.00 per chair.  Motion carried.


Helen Perry stated the 2 large heaters do not work; this concern should be placed in the suggestion box as it is SEPO’s responsibility for authorizing repair work.


Members voted to post the minutes of the Women’s Club meeting on the SEPO web site as suggested by Beth Parrish.


Linda Jones announced clear cups have been added to the kitchen inventory.


Share Nelson announced there is a benefit luncheon for Loaves and Fishes on April 2nd; the cost is $45.00.


A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Shirley Vickers).


There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Cathy Chajec and seconded by Lenore Combs.  The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Almond, Secretary







Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

February 15, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.


Ladonna Harvey led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 2 get well cards and 1 sympathy card have been sent since the January meeting.


The minutes of the January 18, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $2097.00, Total Expenses of $2098.88 and the bank balance is $25,523.73. The report will be filed for audit.


New Residents

There were no new residents present at today’s meeting.



Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be March 18th.  She announced the following:


  • The front gate code will change to 0214#

  • Encore Neighborhood Watch is releasing the chain for special events; however unauthorized individuals messing with the chain could be charged with criminal mischief.

  • Concern was expressed about golf carts, autos, etc. in violation of the one way traffic sign; there has been an initiation of police involvement for this infraction.

  • Guest tags are available for visitors as well as vendors.

  • All Hazards Conference will be held March 27-28 in McAllen.

  • Harlingen Citizens Police Academy class will be coming soon.


Vickie Jones reported on the following upcoming activities:

  • New Homeowners Party and the Art Show were great successes.

  • Deb Robbins and Tiffany Prater are chairing the March 14 party; they have decided to not have a potluck; the dance with Wade Prater’s band will be from 7 - 10 pm. A good will donation will be taken for the Ronald McDonald house.  More information will be forthcoming.

  • There will be a St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17 in the pavilion; more information will be published in the future.


  • Dale Hopfner stated the Casino Night is sold-out.  Check SEPO emails for individuals offering tickets for private sales.


Old Business

President Anderson announced that 2 70 inch TV’s will be purchased Monday for mounting in Retzlaff Hall.


Lassey Dahlstrom continues to work on the video presentation of SSCE activities. She

stated it is an evolving project and will extend into next year.


New Business

Jean Lawrence brought up a concern regarding the Memorial Book and Board; the names are placed in the book / board IF money is donated in that individual’s name. It’s been discovered that 7 out of 18 names were not included in the book due to no money donated in memory of the individuals. Jean Lawrence made a motion that the Women’s Club donation of $5 so the names can get in the book.  Motion seconded by Sue Stinnet. Jean then requested to amend her motion and recommended publishing the deaths in the SEPO newsletter as a means of tracking the names and the Women’s Club give a donation of $50 at the end of the year so names can be entered in the book. Cathy Chajec seconded the motion. Motion carried


Linda Jones distributed a list of 5 different sweeteners stored in the pantry; members were asked to indicate their preference and hopefully the inventory can be decreased.


Waynette Kennedy inquired about the possibility of having a photo directory; this topic was tabled and will be discussed at the March meeting in anticipation of developing a committee for this project.


Heidi Dill brought a sample of some of her crafts and polled the members present if they would be interested in forming a Crafting Club; she’s looking at 2 hour sessions one time per month. Many members present indicated by raise of hands a high interest in this activity.


Linda Abernathy is resigning her position as editor of the SEPO newsletter.  Beth Parrish volunteered to take the editor position after Linda’s resignation date is final.


Karen Baase announced there will be a memorial service for Joe Millsap on Wednesday, February 20th at 11:00 am in Retzlaff Hall.


A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Kay Sluyter).


There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Lois Humburg and seconded by Nancy Luellen.  The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.


Respectfully submitted, Linda Almond, Secretary






Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

January 18, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.


Carolyn Clements led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 5 get well cards, 1 sympathy card and 2 thinking of you cards have been sent since the December meeting.


The minutes of the December 21, 2019 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


President Anderson reported for Cathy Richmond’s treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $1281.00, Total Expenses of $1057.20 and the bank balance is $25,525.61. The report will be filed for audit.



New residents were introduced; they are:

  • Debbie Ciotti

  • Geneva Carr

  • Florence Parrish (renter)

  • Judi Cripple

  • Carol Breneman



Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities;

  • The next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be moved to January 28.  She stated the date change is to allow residents to attend the Winter Texan Appreciation festivities on January 21 from 1-5 p.m. at Casa D’Amistad.

  • Lenore also outlined the agenda for the January 28th Neighborhood Watch Meeting.


Vickie Jones reported on the following upcoming activities:

  • New Homeowners Party is Tuesday, January 22; the cost is $10.00 per person. There are 18 new home owners and to date 120 residents have signed up to attend.

  • Vickie distributed a “Wish List” for donations to the Ronald McDonald House in Harlingen which lists a variety of items need to support this charity. Grace Clark made a motion that the Women’s Club donate up to $5000.00 to this charity; motion seconded by Sylvia Nelson.  Discussion followed; a vote was taken with only one vote in favor and all other members opposed.  The motion failed to pass.

  • The March Mystery Theater party has been canceled and will be replaced with a potluck dinner followed by Wade Prater’s band providing the entertainment.  This is scheduled for March 14, 2018.  Debbie Robins and Tiffany Prater will be chairpersons for this activity.  Susanne Ulrich made a motion, seconded by Share Nelson, that a free will offering for the Ronald McDonald house be collected during this event.  Motion carried.

  • Vickie stated the art show “Young at Heart” will be January 26 from 6 – 9 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on January 27.  There is no charge to attend; there will be a silent auction on Saturday evening.


Kathleen Sunders stated 70 dinners and 6 to go dinners were provided for the Christmas Day party.  The profit for the Women’s Club was $164.00.


Pam Lacy reported that 118 tickets were sold for the New Year’s Day brunch; the profit for this event was $328.00; she thanked her committee for the success of this new event.


Sherri Gardner reported on the Casino Party scheduled for February 23.  She stated there is a need for donation of more prizes and also additional help is needed in the kitchen.  Beer and wine, plus a dessert bar will be available during the night.  She announced that she and co-chair Dale Hopfner will be resigning as chairpersons of this annual event and encouraged other residents to step up to this Women’s Club very profitable event.



  • Debbie Robbins reported on the research completed to date on upgrading a media system for Retzlaff Hall.  She stated the sound system has been checked out and it does not need any upgrading.  She stated that to install two 70 inch television sets with surround sound would cost approximately $3000.00.  Discussion ensued regarding a problem with live streaming; its was noted that Spectrum would need to assist with this.  Nancy Luellen made a motion to continue pursuing options available for installation.  Motion carried.

  • Beth Parish stated Lassey Dahlstrom continues to work on the video presentation of SSCE activities. All photos and videos should be forwarded to Irene Phillips.

  • President Anderson thanked Terry Debackere and her “elves” for the beautiful Christmas decorations this past season.


Linda Jones announced that 2 new regular handle can openers and a bigger can opener for the large cans have been purchased; they are designed to be more “user friendly”.


A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Bev Jamison).


There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Linda Covey.


The meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Almond, Secretary






Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

December 21, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Vice President Janis McFee


Susanne Ulrich led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 4 Get Well cards and 1 thinking of You card have been sent since the November meeting.


The minutes of the November 16, 2018 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $3095.97, Total Expenses of $1786.95 and the bank balance is $25,301.81. The report will be filed for audit.



Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities;

  • the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be January 21.

  • She asked for suggestions on how to improve the neighborhood watch program.

  • The front gate code will be changed on Valentine’s Day and will be 0214#.

  • She also talked about data being collected on speeding, non-stops at stop signs, etc.  The information will be forwarded to the SEPO Board as they consider the pros and cons of speed bumps.

  • Lastly, she distributed light activated bands to be worn when walking at night.


Vickie Jones reported on the following upcoming activities:

  • The tentative date for the New Homeowners Party is January 8; it will be chaired by Vickie Jones and Eileen Anderson.

  • The art show “Young at Heart” will be January 26; Items will be for sale and there will be a silent auction.

  • Vickie also indicated the Ronald McDonald house is in need of donations; Vickie has a list of needed items and she will bring more information to the January meeting.

  • She received a request from Lupe that when the stove/oven in the kitchen and the grill are used, they need to be cleaned immediately after use.


Janis McFee announced a $50.00 donation from Goofy Golf activity was donated to the Women’s Club.


Mary Hendrickson stated 108 residents were present for the Thanksgiving dinner.

There was no report from the Leslie Blasing concert; members present indicated it was well attended and enjoyed by all.


Jane Olson announced the December 15th Bake Sale / Craft Raffle was well attended and resulted in successful sales in the amount of $1419.45.


Lenore Combs spoke briefly about the Golf Cart Parade and Cookie Contest.  She thanked her Santa’s Elves and announced the winners for cookies and golf cart entries.  First, second and third prizes were awarded. (Report Attached)



  • Lorraine Lewis stated 44 residents participated in the Salvation Army Bell Ringing; This year’s collections exceeded last years with intake of more than $1300.00.


  • Beth Parish stated she has not started on the work for the media system; she will have a committee meeting after the 1st of January.


  • Lassey was not present to discuss the video production; residents were encouraged to look for good pictures to forward to her.


  • Vickie Jones talked about the pool chairs; by turning the fabric over, the foam that retains water can be removed.  It is suggested that be done and then in the future set a timeline to replace the chairs in the next few years.



  • Vice President McFee requested that residents who become aware of residents needing cards for illness, sympathy, etc. send the names to her and Cathy Richmond.


  • Beth Parrish encouraged members to put suggestions on which streets they would like speed bumps in the suggestion box located in the office.  She also stated the resident directory is up and running on the SEPO web site.


  • Pam Lacy encouraged residents to attend the New Year’s Day Brunch; the food will be furnished by the committee and in addition to food they have fun activities planned.


  • Dale Hopfner reminded the members that the Casino Night committee would appreciate donation of prizes.


  • Tim Elliott requested the announcement be made regarding a meeting on January 2 at 5:30 pm at City Hall regarding proposed plans for Tony Butler Golf Couse and encouraged SEPO residents to attend.


A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Paula Tramel).


There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Lenore Combs and seconded by Sylvia Nelson.


The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Almond, Secretary






Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

November 16, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.


Nancy Luellen led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 3 Get Well cards and 3 Sympathy cards have been sent since the October meeting.


The minutes of the October 19, 2018 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $657.02, Total Expenses of $00.00 and the bank balance is $23,992.73. The report will be filed for audit.


Aida Leach, current resident on Missouri, was introduced as it was her first attendance at Women’s Club.



  • Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be November 19.  She also spoke about the upgrade to the McGruffmobile; asked for someone to assist with the monthly maintenance of the Neighbor Watch generator and announced the Stop the Bleed kits are located in the woodshop, Manny’s work area and the SEPO office. (Report attached)


  • Marsha Santow reported on the Shrimp Boil held on October 27, 2018.  There were approximately 30 less attendees than last year; the profit was $657.02

  • Lenore Combs stated the Veteran’s Day program and potluck was a success and thanked Carolyn Clements and Helen Perry for their presentations.

  • Vickie Jones reported the following on upcoming activities:

  • Two events, Christmas Dinner, and the New Homeowners Party, are in need of volunteers for chairing these events.

  • Goofy Golf is scheduled for November 18 and the Leslie Blasing Concert is scheduled for December 6th from 6 – 8 p.m.

  • The posters for every event are to remain on the bulletin board even if the event has concluded.

  • Janis McFee announced Goofy Golf is planned for Sunday, November 18 at 2 p.m.  100 players have signed up; there is a “spare list” posted if a space opens up. The “bring your own picnic lunch” will be at approximately 4:30 p.m.


  • Mary Hendrickson stated between 65– 70 have signed up for Thanksgiving dinner.  She stated turkey, ham, gravy, stuffing and drinks will be furnished.  Doors will open at 1 p.m. and dinner will be served at 2 p.m. 

  • Mary Dronen –

    • Announced the Memorial Committee provided 6 lunches this year.

    • For the historian book, she would like to have photos of summer activities forwarded to her.


  • Dee Novak noted that more information on the December 6th Leslie Blasing Concert will be forthcoming.

  • Jane Olson announced the Bake Sale / Craft Raffle will be on December 15th; the doors will open at 8 a.m.  So far, only 3 have signed up to help so there is a need for more volunteers.  The baked goods should be packaged and priced.  Crafts can be set up Friday night.  She requested gently used items be donated for the raffle.

  • Lenore Combs said the Golf Cart Parade will be December 15; staging will be at 4:30 and the parade will start at 5 p.m.  The parade will go down every street here.  At this point Encore will not be involved however Lenore and Helen Perry volunteered to work on this with the SEPO board.



  • Irene Philllips stated she now has help with watering the plants at the front gate.  She has researched a “drip” system which would cost about $200.00. After discussion Vickie Jones made a motion to form a group of volunteers to further investigate how to work on solutions to improve the décor. Motion was seconded by Sherri Gardner.  Debi Warner volunteered to serve on the committee and a suggestion was made that Ralph Peterson be approached to assist with this project.  To volunteer, contact Irene Phillips.

  • Lorraine Lewis requested that SSCE residents please adopt angels for the Christmas Angel Tree.  The angels can be procured at local businesses or contact Lorraine and she will get them for you.


  • President Anderson discussed the issue of the pool lounge chairs; they are 5 years old and are in need of repair.  The estimated cost to repair is $45 per chair and replacement is approximately $185.00.  Repair would probably last a year or so.  President Anderson and Vickie Jones volunteered to conduct a cost analysis for repair and replacement.

  • Joyce Smith reported on Ladies Golf; dues are $25.00 and she encouraged more women to join.  The Las Vegas scramble will be December 8th followed by a potato bake.

  • Cathy Richmond announced a request for a microwave oven on a cart for Thursday Night Happy Hour.  Kay Sluyter donated her microwave; a cart will need to be purchased as the current number of carts are needed for events in the hall.


  • Discussion was held on the need to update the media system for Retzlaff Hall.  A motion was made by Pam Lacy to have volunteers investigate options; The motion was seconded by Sally Hardy.  Beth Parrish volunteered to chair the committee; Lassey Dahlstrom volunteered to serve on the committee.

  • Lassey Dahlstrom would like to put a video presentation of all activities SSCE together; She will have a meeting at her house on November 20th at 2 p.m.  Irene Phillips volunteered to help and it was suggested Warren Hertel be invited to attend.

  • Beth Parrish announced she is taking over from Stan Nelson, the communications for the Beth is also taking over the SEPO Web site ( for marketing purposes and updating the activities tab. She is working on inclusion of the SEPO board minutes which would be private and only accessible to SSCE residents.

  • Jan Anderson announced that Mahjong is scheduled for Saturdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Library and Tuesdays from 1 – 3 p.m. in the card room.

A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Lowene Werkmeister).

There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Sherri Gardner and seconded by Vickie Jones, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Almond, Secretary







Minutes of Women’s Club Meeting

October 19, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Eileen Anderson.


Lois Humburg led us in prayer.



Vice President Janis McFee reported 21 Get Well cards, 2 Sympathy cards and 1 thinking of you card have been sent since the March meeting.


The minutes of the March 16, 2018 meeting were read by Secretary Linda Almond.    The minutes will stand approved as read.


Cathy Richmond presented the treasurer’s report stating Total Income as $323.58, Total Expenses of $1084.46 and the bank balance is $23,335.77. The report will be filed for audit.


The new residents present were:

  • Heidi Dill, 1925 W. Iowa Ave.

  • Marsha Remington, 1949 W. Michigan

  • Kathleen Sunders, 1909 W. Montana Ave



  • Lenore Combs reported on the Neighborhood Watch and Cert activities; the next Neighborhood Watch meeting will be November 19.  She also spoke about an upcoming 20 hours CERT class.  Those individuals who are interested in attending the class should contact her.


  • Cathy Chajec reported for Marsha Santow on the Shrimp Boil scheduled for October 27, 2018.  Virtual tickets are on sale now for $10.00 per person.  Volunteers are needed to assist with clean-up.  She indicated attendees could dress up for Halloween if desired.  Social hour starts at 4:30 p.m. with dinner at 5:00 p.m.

  • President Anderson reported for Vicki Jones on upcoming activities:

  • Veteran’s Day will be honored on November 12; Lenore Combs stated the flag burning will be at 4 p.m. and veterans are needed to help with colors.  Lenore will be working with other residents relative to having a potluck after the Veteran’s Day ceremony.


  • Janis McFee announced Goofy Golf is planned for Sunday, November 18 at 2 p.m.  The contest will be in the same format as the previous contests. A “bring your own” picnic lunch will be held in the pavilion at approximately 4 p.m.



  • President Anderson announced the Thanksgiving dinner will be on Thursday November 22.  Bob and Mary Hendrickson are chairing that event and details will be announced at a later date. 

  • Irene Phillips reported on the new garden area outside of the SEPO office and her activities related to caring for the plants and other greenery at the SSCE gate. Her report is attached to these minutes. Discussion ensued for using a professional landscaper for the front gate area; it was suggested this item be placed on the November agenda as there will be more residents in attendance to share their thoughts. It is likely if this avenue is pursued, the SEPO board will need to be involved in the discussion, and decision. The Memorial Lunch Committee needs additional members; Please contact Karen Baase for more information.



There was no old business on this meeting agenda.



  • Lorraine Lewis spoke about the Salvation Army bell ringing that will be held at Walmart on November 23rd.  She needs approximately 40 individuals to volunteer 1-2 hours from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. that day.

  • Sharon Schaub stated due to a change in leadership at the Salvation Army SSCE will not be participating in the Angel Tree giving at Christmas this year.

  • Lenore Combs gave a presentation on Wreaths Across America.  Harlingen will participate in this event which is scheduled for December 15 at 11 a.m. at Pendelton Park.  Ten (10) cemeteries will be participating in this event.  Additional information will be forthcoming.

A gift was given to the individual randomly selected for wearing her name tag (Cathy Chajec).

There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Sherri Gardner and seconded by Cathy Chajec.


The meeting adjourned at 9:55 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Almond, Secretary

2018-10 WC Minutes
2018-11 WC Minutes
2018-12 WC Minutes
2019-01 WC Minutes
2019-02 WC Minutes
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Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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