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Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in Jun 2019. 

NOTE: All SEPO E-Mails sent concerning the rains in June 2019 can be found here. Several e-mails were added daily so please view them if you haven't already seen them or if you need a refresher on the information that was sent out.

Thx - Beth Parrish (314-960-6710) 


Sent 06-30-2019: 4th of July Potluck! - 

Hey Everyone, We will be having a potluck dinner on Thursday, July 4th. Social hour will start at 4:30 and we will eat at 5:00 pm. Coffee, tea, and plates etc. will be provided. Bring a dish to share with everyone.  If you know any new neighbors, or someone who doesn't have email, please let them know.


I can be reached at 719-468-4556 if you have any questions or comments. Thanks, and see you on the 4th!     Marian Young


Sent 06-29-2019: Resident Death - 

I was just informed that long time resident Konnie Gush passed away at 4 PM today, June 29, 2019. She is going to be cremated. Services will not be held at this time but will be down the road. When/If I get informed of additional information I will pass it along to the community.     Beth Parrish


Sent 06-29-2019: Pea Rock - free - just get it yourself - 

Dear Friends:  
A posting from the McCorkle's: 1957 W Iowa Ave (918 915 0671) - 
They plan to plant grass and are going to replace the Pea Rock - therefore the offer.
                        PEA ROCK - 650 square feet - hardly used
If you wish to take advantage of the offer, please notify them for the details, otherwise just pass the word.  Thanks.     Lenore J Combs


Sent 06-28-2019: Residential Palm Tree Trimming Update - 

Due to Flooding and wet golf course the trimming has been postponed and will be taken care of tomorrow morning 06/29/19 as per Mr. Dimas.     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 06-23-2019: Resident death - 

Dear Friends, Jerry Bressler passed away this morning (23 June 2019) per Marilyn.     Lenore J Combs

Sent 06-20-2019: Ro Garrett's 90th - 

Rosalie “Ro” Garrett will be 90 years young on Thursday, June 27.  An Open House will be held at Cambridge Fire Dept., 303 S East Rd, Cambridge, IL from 1 pm to 3 pm on Sunday, June 30.  Friends and family are invited to attend.

Cards can be sent to:
1317 Nelson Ave
Galesburg, IL 61401


Thank you, Bonnie Fransene


Sent 06-19-2019: Sunshine Being Advertised - 

Hi Again - While we are on the subject of Sunshine 'being advertised' I wanted you all to know that my efforts last winter paid off and we are listed on the following site ( as well as having our own Web site.

If any of you are aware of any other free sites that you would like to see info about Sunshine listed on - send me the site name and/or site address.


Beth Parrish

Sunshine Country Club E-News



Sent 06-19-2019: ACTION REQUIRED: Sunshine Homes for SALE on Web site  

Hi Everyone - I hope you are all enjoying your summer.

Apparently our 'advertising' Web site is working. Last month I received inquiries on whether Sunshine had any houses for Rent. So I solicited your input and set up a 'For Rent' page. This week I got inquiries concerning homes/lots for sale. Therefore, I've decided to go ahead and list any information you sellers would like posted to the Web. If you want your contact info out that send me that. If you want to point them in the direction of your Realtor, send me that. At this time, no pictures please. Let's see how this goes and I will consider expanding the info at a later date.

The Web page is ( So send me your info and I'll get it on the Web. Let's get all of those For Sale signs out of your yards.

Beth Parrish

Sunshine Country Club E-News



Sent 06-16-2019: Neighborhood Watch Meeting tomorrow 3pm Retzlaff Hall - 

Dear Friends: Hope to see you tomorrow for NW meeting.  3pm    ðŸ˜ŠðŸ•’ 

The documents you will need for the meeting are on the Web site and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276


Sent 06-11-2019: SUMMER POTLUCK (June 2019) - 

Apologies for late notice. Our next Potluck will be THIS Thursday the 13th of Jun.

Jean Fredericks

Sent 06-10-2019: Ice Cream Social Turn Out - 

A huge thank you to everyone who showed up and participated at the ice cream social for Lupe. There was a great turn out, over 100 residents came by and the home made ice cream was awesome. Lupe was  surprised and very much appreciative of every ones support. Thank you     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 06-09-2019: NW - CERT "How to Safeguard Your Home Against Crime & Burglary" - 

Dear Friends, You can find a general list of suggestions from Sgt. Michael Brooks HPD by clicking on this title How to Safeguard Your Home against Crime and Burglary etc.

SCCE has Operation ID already in place.  Information and Inventory Lists are on the NW bulletin board in the Library. Along with a "property list", it is advised to make a photo CD of your stuff - the Insurance people will luv it.  Call me for further info.
Report All Suspicious Activity  956 216 5940
This is a non-emergency phone number to the Police Department.
You will speak with a person - so please have your details ready.
What - where - when - how - why etc.
If you have an emergency or crime in progress call 911
Crime in progress: who - where - what - any weapons etc. DO NOT INTERVENE!
Medical emergency: what- are they breathing, are they conscious, are they bleeding
     know your location - any other pertinent info. 
Also - a word about weather.....  June - November = Hurricane Season
According to a 30 year average prediction, there are 14 named storms, 6 predicted hurricanes including 2 major.
There are Disaster materials in the Library for you. - Be Prepared!
By the way, while on Patrol, your Neighborhood Watch became aware of lots of potential "flying stuff" laying around - especially in the Storage Lot.  And is your shed tied down according to standards?
Please be proactive and be prepared. ðŸ˜Š

Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276     NW - CERT Coordinator


Sent 06-07-2019: Tree Trimming - 

The time is here to start Palm tree trimming at Sunshine Estates. If you have any palms on your property that need trimming please give me a call to the office so we can add you to the list at $17.00 a palm.

Thank you     Valerie Basaldua, Office Manager  956-425-1420

Sent 06-07-2019: Sunshine Woodshop - June Hours - 

It's Summer time and like everything else in Sunshine, the woodshop slows down in the summer. In spite of the summer heat, the woodshop Monitors are making an extra effort to keep the woodshop available. For the month of June the shop will be open:

  • Tuesdays 9:00 until Noon

  • Tuesdays 1:00 until 3:00

  • Thursdays 9:00 until Noon

  • Fridays 9:00 until Noon 

In fairness to the Monitors, if there is little activity, they may close early, so if you wait until 5 minutes before closing time you may be disappointed. If you have a crisis need, you can contact any Monitor to find a time other than the above. Enjoy the summer.    Pat Harvey


Sent 06-07-2019: Lupe Garza- Big Thank You - 

Hi Everybody, this is Lupe.
I would like to express my sincere thanks, gratitude and love to my friends at Sunshine Country Club Estates. I want to thank each and everyone for all your prayers for a safe and speedy recovery, and all the beautiful cards sent. It brought me joy to know that I am cared for and MISSED. I just want you all to know that my next check up with my doctor is on June the 14th and at that time I will know when I can safely return back to work. Hope to see you all very soon.
Sincerely, Lupe



You were all informed about Lupe's surgery in SEPO e-mails sent on May 19 & 22, 2019. If you didn't see them or don't remember the circumstances they are on the Sunshine Web site here ( for you to review.

As it turns out Lupe is going to be off work for medical reasons longer than anticipated, and that extra time off will unfortunately be without pay. Therefore, if you would like to help with her situation, here's how you can do it.

  1. Those residents who are physically living at Sunshine right now will be able to attend a Fund Raiser for Lupe at Retzlaff Hall on Saturday, June 8 at 3:30 PM. There will be varieties of homemade Ice Cream and Cookies (YUM). You can make your contribution at that time.

    OR if you don't want to attend or are not at Sunshine right now you can follow Step 2 below.


  2. You may contribute to Lupe's situation by sending a check - 

  • Make the check out to Lupe Garza (but DO NOT send it to her)

  • Instead - send your check to: 

SEPO office
1957 W Michigan Dr.
Harlingen TX, 78550-3108


You all know how much Lupe means to us and what a fantastic person and employee she is. So please be generous at this time. Also - If you know of anyone not on this e-mail list, please let them know about all of this. Thanks     Sherri Gardner / Beth Parrish


Sent 06-01-2019: Do you have a house in Sunshine for Rent - 

I've received inquiries this summer from people in various parts of the US  wanting to know if there were any houses for rent in Sunshine. So I've decided it might be a good idea to list available rentals on our Web site - just as long as those wanting to rent their home keep me informed when they do get rented and also when they open up for rental again.

This will also help Valerie to keep the 'Renters Directory', which is posted on the Web site under the Residents/Password Required tab, up-to-date. The current 'Renters Directory' on the Web site is OUT OF DATE. If you currently have changes to this information, please notify both Valerie and myself.

So if anyone wants me to post their available Rentals on the Web site please send me the information you would like a potential renter to see i.e., your contact info, months house is available, price, pictures of your house etc. That information will be located here ( You will notice we already have one available rental listed there.

Questions? Contact Beth Parrish.


Beth Parrish

Sunshine Country Club Web site




Sent 06-01-2019: Brett Hamill (former resident) Passing - 

Our deepest sympathy to Pam and the family of former resident Brett Hamill who passed away the morning of May 31.     Beth Parrish


Sent 06-01-2019: Everett Kompelien Passing - 

For those of you who havent' heard Everett Kompelien passed away on May 26. His obituary can be found here ( Our deepest sympathy goes out to Emalie and the rest of their family.     Beth Parrish


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