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Here you will find E-Mails that have been sent to the SEPO Community in May 2019. 

Sent 05-29-2019: Sunshine gardens - 

I hope everyone here and elsewhere is having a happy beginning of summer!

I have really enjoyed working in the gardens and appreciate the support.  Due to some health concerns I am dividing the work now. Starting now,  the entrance area will be taken care of completely by Marion Young.

The three pots by the pool are taken care of by Lupe, and her daughter who is filling in for her currently.  I will still care for the new garden by the office, and only that area.     Best wishes to all!   Irene Phillips


Sent 05-28-2019: You are invited - Jerry Bressler Birthday Party - 

Jerry Bressler’s having a 79th Birthday Party!

           Wednesday, May 29th.    3 -4 pm.

Drop by & have a piece of cake at his home at:

            2024 W. Michigan Drive

Judy Parker


Sent 05-25-2019: Memorial Day Ceremonay Invitation - 

City of Harlingen Memorial Day Sun Set Ceremony

The Harlingen Veteran’s Advisory Board and the Veterans Memorial Project Committee, invite you to a Memorial Day Candle Light ceremony on Thursday,   May 30th, 2019 at 7:30 pm.

 The ceremony will be at the Veteran’s Memorial Park at Pendleton Park 1425 Morgan Blvd. Harlingen, TX.

Since it can't be attached to the e-mail, Beth has loaded the original invitation - which is a very moving picture - to the Sunshine Web site HERE. Please click on this link to view it.

Lenore J Combs


Sent 05-25-2019: Memorial Day - 

Pool Party And Games are planned for Monday 27th.
Happy hour 4:30 eats at 5:00.
Bring your floats and fill the pool !
We will have hot dogs,baked beans, chips , slaw with cake and homemade ice cream for dessert.
We ask that you bring your own drinks and a good will donation to offset the cost of food.
Looking forward to a fun filled day that we can all enjoy.

Sherri Gardner

Sent 05-22-2019: Update on Lupe - 

Lupe came out of surgery yesterday (05-21-19) with no complications. She was kept overnight for observation and will be going home today (05-22-19). If you would like to send her get well cards, it will be to 1214 N B Street, Harlingen TX 78550.     Valerie Basaldua   Office Manager


Sent 05-19-2019: Lupe Information - 

Lupe will be having surgery on the 21st. She will recuperate for a month. While she is out her daughter Melinda will be filling in for her. Please welcome her with Sunshine smiles! If you would like to send Lupe get well wishes, her address is:
Lupe Garza
1214 North B Street
Harlingen, Tx. 78550

Cathy Richmond for Dick Shelton (Board President)


Sent 05-19-2019: Neighborhood Watch agenda for this Monday 3pm Retz Hall - 

Click HERE to view and download, if you wish, the agenda for our meeting on Monday, May 20.  Good chance of HPD and Detectives showing up.     Lenore J Combs


Sent 05-06-2019: Bad Guys again - 

Dear Friends, Over the weekend, the Bad Guys visited Encore via the resaca possibly from the loop taking advantage of shabby gates. - got some opportunistic cars and homes etc. Police report filed. I suggest you check your stuff..
Seems like point of entry was shabby gates.  We checked the condition of our resaca gates on the ridge off Missouri.  They are probably not a challenge to them either!.  They were "fixed" a while back but probably could use a facelift with some updated security measures.
SEPO Board is aware and we shall share info today.  
Last week Norm Pankow and I were invited to Paradise Park by Sgt Michael Brooks.  They recently had some Bad Guys visit them too.  Now they are reconsidering a Neighborhood Watch.  
Guess what - we discussed to ID dark spots, place solar lighting, locking up stuff - sound familiar?????  Seems they don't have a No Trespassing sign .....  Another thing in common was a favorite entry point for the Bad Guys.  
Also met an old friend who attended Citizens Police Academy with us - we shall keep in touch.  
2 Bad Guys and all of us - why are they winning????? ðŸ˜ž HPD has talked to us for 10 years.
Lenore J Combs  956 245 1276   Coordinator NW - CERT Team Sunshine CC Estates


Sent 05-06-2019: Estate Sales and Garage Sales advisory - 

Dear Friends - Our friend and neighbor, Virginia Carubia will have an Estate Sale on May 30, 31 and 1 June Thursday, Friday and Saturday - all day..
Expect traffic in SCCE on & off all 3 days and especially busy on Iowa.  Our resident population is less in the summer and would like for you to do episodic random Safety Patrols essentially for all 3 days.  Please, may I suggest you use your personal golf cart and to wear your Orange vest while cruisin' or checking out a bargain..  Keeps the Bad Guys on their toes too.  ðŸ™ƒ
Observe and report.  Call in suspicious activity  956 216 5940 (PD Dispatch)
-- have your little piece of info ready. 
Thank you.     Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276   Coordinator NW-CERT

NW CERT Estate Sale vs Garage Sale, April 2019

Sunshine Neighborhood Watch – CERT Team  (Est. 2008)
SCCE - Harlingen’s premier NW & CERT Team.
Lights On --  Lock Up  and Look Out for each other!
Lenore J. Combs,  Coordinator  956 245 1276
Officer Alicia Garcia,  NW HPD District Representative
A Garage sale is typically the sale of someone’s unwanted household items usually held in your garage or driveway. A Yard sale has so much stuff it tends to spill into your yard.  It’s not very structured and is a fun day in the community.
An Estate sale is the sale of items from an estate to sell items from the home.   Many Estate Sales are managed by companies hired by the individual to help with selling an entire home of possessions.    More businesslike – usually goes 3 days.
A Garage - Yard sale at Sunshine – residents are all out there and it attracts many residents who may also have their sale.    Great social day too.
An Estate sale is a business function and the Company does a call out to “their friends and associates” to enhance the buying power from their wide customer base as well as place ads professionally to advertise in advance via print and social  media, website etc. 
Safety and security concerns increase.  The customer base is expanded.  This summer, many Winter Texans are already home.   Please sign up for random Neighborhood Watch Patrols for these days.  You can use your own golf cart. Wear your orange vest – it speaks volumes.  The special signup sheet and details are in the Library on the NW bulletin board. 
Concern will also be for reasonable care so the streets have enough room for an emergency vehicle to get thru Senin a hurry.   Please contact me if you can help or have questions.  Thanks.


Office: (956) 425-1420

FAX: (956) 425-1420


1957 W Michigan Dr

Harlingen, TX 78550

Information in this site is authorized by

Sunshine Estates Property Owners Association (SEPO) and its residents.

©2025 by Sunshine Country Club Estates

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