Sunshine Country Club Estates
Sunday Night Music
w/Ice Cream @ Intermission
(This event has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021.)
Music - Roy Ridlon
Coffee & Ice Cream - Marian Young
Location: Retzlaff Hall
Sunday Evenings
Nov 14, 2021 thru Feb 19, 2022
(Has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021) -
6 PM to 8 PM
Music -
Classic Country Music for listening/dancing.
Special guests will join the band throughout the season.
This is NOT a Jam Session.
Coffee will be available for Free throughout the evening.​
Ice Cream Bars (by the Women's Club) will be available during the Band's intermission for $1.00
News & Notes
Sent 2021-12-19: SUNDAY NIGHT MUSIC: Final Evening Cancelled - Dec 19, 2021 -
Sorry for this late cancellation, but I am under the weather (so to speak) and should not be out in this nasty cold and rain today. Thank you for your understanding. Roy Ridlon
Sent 2021-12-18: Sunday Night Music: Final Night -
We have decided tomorrow (Dec 19) will be our last night of Sunday Night Music. Roy Ridlon
Sent 2021-11-14: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff (starting Nov 14, 2021) -
Sunday Night Music - w/Ice Cream @ Intermission
Music - Roy Ridlon
Coffee & Ice Cream - Marian Young (Women's Club)
Location: Retzlaff Hall
Sunday Evenings
Nov 14, 2021 thru Mar 12, 2022 (Has been cancelled as of Dec 19, 2021)
6 PM to 8 PM
Music -
Classic Country Music for listening/dancing.
Special guests will join the band throughout the season.
This is NOT a Jam Session.
Coffee will be available for Free throughout the evening.​
Ice Cream Bars will be available during the Band's intermission for $1.00
Information about this Activity "PRIOR TO" Winter 2021
Sent 2020-02-27: Reminder -- Band Appreciation Potluck -
Band Appreciation Potluck In Retzlaff Hall on Sunday, March 1. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. We will eat at 5 p.m. The band will play from 6 to 8 p.m. Donations will be taken at the door for the musicians that have played for free on Sunday evenings during the winter season. Jean Eich
Sent 2020-02-24: Save the Date: SUNDAY NIGHT BAND APPRECIATION -
On Sunday, March 1, we will have a finger food potluck appreciation night for the musicians who have played classic country music every Sunday evening, except for Super Bowl Sunday, during this winter season. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and we will eat at 5 p.m. They have played country music and entertained us for our listening and dancing pleasure, and they have done it all for free! Other places in the Valley they would be paid. Donations will be taken at the door; let's show them how much we appreciate all their efforts. Bring finger food for the buffet; coffee, iced tea, water, paper plates and plastic silverware will be provided. The Band will play for us from 6 to 8 p.m. So, put it on your calendar, March 1, 4:30 p.m., bring finger food. And then come and enjoy the fellowship and the music.
​Look for more information in the March Newsletter. Jean Eich
Sent 2020-02-09: LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO TONIGHT (Sunday, Feb 9)? -
For those of you who like to listen/dance to live Classic Country music, you can do that every Sunday evening at Retzlaff Hall from 6 pm - 8 pm.
This week the band has a special guest: Kiley & Company
There's NO Cover Charge. Just BYOB and have some fun.
OH - And during the band's break, the Women's Club serves Ice Cream for $1. YUM
Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon & the Women's Club)
Sent 2019-11-11: Sunday Night Music Update -
I wanted to thank everyone who came to listen to me play last night in Retzlaff. It looked like everyone was having a good time - sure hope so.
I know you were expecting a 3-man band and you ended up seeing me do my solo act. That was because the rest of the band isn't in the valley yet. However, my other two band members will be here by this Friday and will be playing with me next Sunday (1-17).
Jim Collins plays base guittar and lives in Lakeside. Chuck Penn does vocals and plays rhythm guittar. He will be renting here in Sunshine this season.
So hope to see you next Sunday.
Roy Ridlon
Sent 2019-11-09: UPDATE: Sunday Evenings - Ice Cream -
With the start of music on Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm, the women’s club will be having ice cream available during intermission, approximately around 7 pm. The cost will be $1.00 a bowl per person
Denny and Jean Eich will be getting the ice cream on a weekly basis but we need volunteers to:
serve the ice cream
make coffee
do clean up
There will be a sign-up sheet for someone or several people to take a Sunday evening and be responsible for this to happen. This is only a one-time commitment unless you sign up for several Sundays. The sign-up sheet will be available starting this Sunday at the music event in Retzlaff Hall. After that it will be in the library. We hope you will consider this fun event! If you have any questions please give me call.
Vickie Jones, Women's Club Activity Director
Sent 2019-11-06: IMPORTANT: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff -
Additional Details & Request for Assistance
Those of you who used to attend the Sunday Night music activity in the past are aware that during the band's break there was Ice Cream (YUM) available for $1. Jean and Denny Eich have agreed, at least for this Sunday, there will be Ice Cream for sale at 7 PM during the band's break. However, if noone steps up to assist the Eich's with this ongoing, this Sunday will be the ONLY Sunday Ice Cream will be served.
If several residents volunteer, that means the duties of having the pleasure of meeting new folks and conversing with others you already know - all while serving them a delicious treat - won't be your responsibility every week. It will only be periodically, that is unless you want to do it every week. LOL
It is my understanding the duties consist of:
purchasing the ice cream
making coffee
serving the ice cream
cleaning up the kitchen afterwards
The Ice Cream is a Women's Club activity so please step up and contact the Women's Club president Eileen Anderson at 507-317-0296 if you would like to volunteer.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Communications, (for Eileen)
Sent 2019-11-05: Sunday Night Music @ Retzlaff -
For those of you who like to listen/dance to good Classic Country music, you are going to get your chance to do that starting this Sunday, Nov 10 thru end of Mar 2020, from 6 to 8 PM in Retzlaff Hall.
Roy Ridlon (new resident) and two other gentlemen who play with him will be providing musical entertainment for us here at Sunshine. They will also be having special guests join them in the band throughout the season.
If any other information is provided, I will send it out via e-mail.
So come out this Sunday and support this new Sunshine Activity.
Beth Parrish (for Roy Ridlon)
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