Sunshine Country Club Estates
Activities - Women's Club (2018-2019)
Additional Details
10-27-18 ----- Sat ----- Halloween Party / Shrimp Boil (Marsha Santow) COMPLETE
11-11-18 ----- Sun ----- Veterans Day Tribute (Lenore & John Combs & Helen Perry) COMPLETE
11-18-18 ----- Sun ----- Goofy Golf & Picnic (Janis & Derek McFee) COMPLETE
11-22-18 ----- Thu ----- Thanksgiving Dinner (Mary & Bob Hendrickson) COMPLETE
12-06-18 ----- Thu ----- Leslie Blasing Concert (Dee Novak & Bev McIntosh) COMPLETE
12-15-18 ----- Sat ----- Craft & Bake Sales/Raffle (Jane Olson & Marla Welch) COMPLETE
It's that time of year for homemade goodies and pretty handmade items. The annual Bake Sale, Raffle and Craft Sale held by the SCCE Women's Club will be Saturday, December 15th at Retzlaff Hall. The doors will open at 8:00am with cinnamon rolls and coffee available for $1. Last year for the first time Glenda and Jerry Wetherbee made lafse that morning for us, and what a treat! They sold out in no time. Glenda and Jerry have generously agreed to come back again.
This is a great time to come relax and enjoy coffee and a treat with your neighbors and visit. Don't forget to buy some homemade goodies to take home also. We are incorporating a cookie walk into the bake sale so you have the option of having more variety. Another thing we are doing this year for the first time is a "Pie a Month" (for 6 months) auction.
We will be selling raffle tickets, $1 ea or 6 for $5. You will be able to view the items on display before the drawing, which will be held about 11am. We already have quite a number of nice items donated.
Crafters from the Estates are ready to "wow" you with their hand crafted items. What a great time to do some Christmas shopping.
Come out, visit, support your community and you might even win a door prize. We plan to give one away every 20 minutes or so but you have to be present to win. We hope to see you there!
Co-chairs if you have questions: Jane Olson 217-414-1656
Marla Welch 573-465-0050
If you wish to donate to the Raffle, the chair is Marian Young 719-468-4556.
Our annual Bake Sale and Raffle is fast approaching. We need the help and support of all the residents for this to be a success. The Women's club has been able to help support our park by purchasing needed equipment and accessories in the past with funds raised. Many of you heard discussed at the November meeting the plans for purchasing a new sound system. This is something that will benefit everyone as it would be used for parties, programs, meetings, memorials and basically all events.
Please consider making a generous donation of baked items to make our bake sale a success. The bake sale begins at 8am on Saturday, December 15th in Retzlaff Hall. You may bring donations of baked goods to the hall Friday evening from 6 - 8 pm or beginning Saturday morning at 6:00am. On Saturday morning you must come to the kitchen door as we will not unlock the hall until 8am.
Please wrap your items with clear plastic wrap and add a bow or ribbon. Label your item and price it.
Co-chairs if you have questions: Jane Olson 217-414-1656
Marla Welch 573-465-0050
If you wish to donate to the Raffle, the chair is Marian Young 719-468-4556.
BAKE SALE & RAFFLE (from Jan 2019 Newsletter)
Wow! Our residents are awesome, we had a most successful bake sale and raffle this year making $1,419.45 for the Women's Club treasury. You all did a wonderful job baking, donating prizes and money and gifts, working and purchasing.
We owe a special thanks to a wonderful committee: Diane Tewell, Judy Berning, Linda Braden, Sue Ann Crapsey, Jan Anderson and our raffle chair Marian Young. Also thanks again Mom for being our door greeter.
Glenda and Jerry Wetherbee came back again this year and made lefse. More popular than last year, they sold out by 9:30am. What a treat people really enjoy! We also had our cinnamon rolls and coffee for residents to enjoy and visit with neighbors. Thanks roll bakers.
We had a lot of crafters this year with a variety of beautiful products to purchase. This all came together to make a very successful event.
Wish we could thank each of you individually, you have made this such a success. We do great things working together, thank you all.
Marla Welch and Jane Olson
12-15-18 ----- Sat ----- Golf Cart Parade (Lenore Combs) COMPLETE
Christmas Golf Cart Parade and Cookie Baking Contest 15th of December 2018
The “true meaning of Christmas” is a phrase that began to appear in the mid 19th century when a shift toward a more secular culture began. But some feel that the true meaning of Christmas is actually in bringing the greatest happiness to others – take Charlie Brown vs. the Grinch. So – end result, many participants and on lookers enjoyed this evening – that’s the Sunshine way!
Thanks to all who turned out for this event and made it special – from participants to judges to helpers and to spectators. There was lots of work behind the scenes to make this successful. The Harlingen Police Department lead out followed by our Neighborhood Watch McGruffmobile and assorted Golf Carts. Our Christmas Chorus sang assorted carols along with the Christmas Tree Lighting. The Harlingen Fire Truck brought Santa who arrived at Retzlaff Hall for photo ops. Cocoa and cookies were served plus we inherited the delicious left overs for the Bake Sale (Jane Olson et al). What a day!
The wonderful Elves deserve a huge round of applause – Kat Sunders, Marian Young, Sally Hardy, Helen Perry, Sherry Gardner, Mary Hendrickson, Pam Lacy Janice Drost
The awards ceremony began with the winners of the decorated Golf Carts:
1st Place Irene Philips, 2nd Place Aida Leach and 3rd Place Dee Novak.
The award winning cookie prizes were presented to:
Sherri Gardner for 1st Place, 2nd Place Wanda Levencourt and 3rd Place Mary Hendrickson.
We wish you and your family a blessed Christmas and happy healthy New Year.
Submitted by Lenore Combs
12-25-18 --- Tue --- Christmas Dinner Potluck (Kathleen Sunders, Marian Young and Tiffany Prater) COMPLETE
Mark your calendars -
Tuesday, December 25th, 2018. Please join us for a Christmas Dinner Potluck.
Sign-up sheets & Virtual Ticket Sales will be in the Library starting Tuesday, Dec 11th @ noon.
Doors open @ 12:15*****Social Hour @ 12:30*****Dinner@1:00
Cost: $6.00 per person.
Ham, Rolls, Coffee and Tea will be provided.
Please bring a dish for 8-12 to share.
Reserved signs will be available at the check-in tables.

01-01-19 ---- Tue --- New Year’s Day Brunch (Pam Lacy & Bev McIntosh) COMPLETE
Tickets are ready for sale for the New Years Day Brunch.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Retzlaff Hall
Tickets $7.00 per person
Let's celebrate together - With:
Fun and
Food. Hmmmm? Come join us and find out.
Pam Lacy and a great volunteer committee!

01-22-19 --- Tue ----- New Homeowners Party: Welcome New Homeowners Fiesta
(Vickie Jones & Eileen Anderson) COMPLETE
Come and meet the new residents in the community and enjoy a fun evening of entertainment.
Signup is available now. See the poster below.
​New Homeowners are our guests for the evening. Therefore, their entry is free.
DJ Doug & His Lovely Assistant will be entertaining us from 6:30 - 9:30 PM.
Anyone who would like to help with this event should sign up on the Committee Sheet available on the Women's Club bulletin board in the Library.

01-26 & 27-19 --- Sat --- Young at Heart Art Show (Laurel Becker & Virginia Carubia
Call For Entry -
Original Artwork - 2D, 3D, Mixed media, wood art. (If it is from a pattern, it is not original)
Entries are Juried by by Committee
Bring Artwork to Laurel Becker or Virginia Carubia on or before 1-15-2019
Opening Night 1-26-2019 @ Retzlaff Hall (Artwork will be on display for the following week)
Seeking Donations of Artwork for Silent Auction
Virginia Carubia
(FROM 01-19-2019 E-NEWS):
Young At Heart Art
We would like to thank everyone for their response to our call for entry— we have well over 100 pieces entered into the show.
We would like to remind everyone to come out on Saturday the 26th from 6:00 to 9:00 to see what our friends and neighbors have been creating! Light refreshments will be served. We will have a silent auction on Saturday evening with some great donations, so bring your checkbooks!
For those who can’t make it on Saturday the show will be open for viewing on Sunday the 27th from 10:00 to 4:00.
The entries are now closed for the art show though we would be more than happy to accept any donations for the silent auction—if you would like to donate please contact Edna Hockett at 816-289-0442.

(FROM 01-26-2019 E-NEWS):
Art Night/Silent Auction -
Hey all, Had a great turn out tonight even with the rain and the competition at Sun & Fun! If you missed it tonight come out tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. -we are still serving light refreshments and wine! Due to many requests we have decided to extend the silent auction until the show’s end at 4:00 on Sunday, hope to see you there! Laurel Becker
(FROM 01-28-2019 E-NEWS):
Art Show -
Wow, we had a great show this weekend, with approximately 115 pieces of artwork entered for our viewing pleasure! Our community artists entered a variety of fabulous work from jewelry to woodwork to porcelain painting ,encaustics, acrylics, alcohol inks, watercolors, and oils. I’d like to thank the committee for their hard work putting the show together, and the non-committee members Steve and Bill for pitching in as well. I’d also like to thank all the people who so generously donated to and bid on the silent auction that supported this event! Laurel Becker
02-23-19 --- Sat --- Casino Night (Sherri Gardner & Dale Hopfner) COMPLETE
Yup! It's that time of year again! Getting ready for our much anticipated Casino night 2019!
When: It will be held Saturday, Feb 23, 2019.
Tickets: On sale Feb 4.
We usually sell out so get them early, more details will follow. -
Donations: For now we just want to remind you that we are looking for items for the prize table. We have had many beautiful items donated over the last 5 years, of which we are most grateful! We are looking for new items, hand crafted items or gift cards, which can be dropped off with Sherri Gardner or myself, Dale Hopfner.
Dealers: If anyone wants to try their hand at becoming a dealer, contact Carolyn Anderson as she will be happy to train you and have you take part in our fun event!
Volunteers: We are always looking for volunteers for our committee. "it takes a village" Next committee meeting is Jan 7, 2019 at 9:00 am in the Library or contact one of us.
Bye for now and will keep you posted!
Dale Hopfner & Sherri Gardner
Casino Night Chairs
(FROM 01-04-2019 E-NEWS):
Casino Night - We are preparing for our 6th Annual Casino Night as well as "our" last. We have decided to step down as Casino night co-chairs. It has been an interesting and at times overwhelming experience. We feel we have it fine tuned now and it is a great fund raiser for the Women's Club. Therefore, it is our hope that someone else within our community would enjoy the challenge and continue this project and keep it going for the Women's Club!
We feel that if it is dropped at this point, it would be difficult to reestablish, as well could end up with higher costs. So, we are hoping there are a few of you out there in our community, that would be willing to shadow us in our last year and see what it takes to operate. Now would be a great time to step up and learn the ropes! You are welcome to attend our next meeting on Tuesday and discuss any questions you may have or give either one of us a call if you are interested.
Thank you
Sherri Gardner & Dale Hopfner (Current Casino Night Co-chairs)
(FROM 01-04-2019 E-NEWS):
Our Casino night meeting which was scheduled for Monday, January 9th has been changed to Tuesday the 10th @ 11:00 am in the library. Thanks Dale Hopfner
Casino night is less than a month away, so just updating you on what's happening!
Tickets go on sale Monday, February 4th from 10:00-1:00 in the Library. They are $20.00 each and NOT virtual ticket! You must be present to purchase and a resident or the guest of a resident! If need be we will also sell on Tuesday, February 5th. We usually sell out the first day so get there early, as we are limited to 180 tickets!
The grand prize raffle tickets will also be available for purchase at this time. They are $5.00 each or 3/$10.00. The raffle tickets will also be available at Casino night as well as tickets for Share the Wealth.
We are once again accepting gift donations from our generous residents for our prize table. We are looking for new gift items, hand crafted items, gift cards or cash donations. Please drop them off with either Sherri or Dale, as we appreciate your contribution to our fun evening. See you soon!
(FROM 02-03-2019 E-NEWS):
Casino night dealers - DEALERS for CASINO NIGHT---Tickets go on sale tomorrow and Tuesday. Tickets for dealer and spouse/guest are set aside for you. When purchasing your tickets let them know you are a dealer and they will check your name on the list. Practice sessions will be set up the week prior to the event. Dates and times will be posted in the library. Your volunteer participation is sincerely appreciated and helps to make this event fun and successful. Thank you, Carolyn Anderson 309-253-5543
(FROM 02-04-2019 E-NEWS):
Casino night tickets - There are a few Casino night tickets left. They will be sold tomorrow, Tuesday February 5th in the Library from 10am - noon, $20.00 each. Casino night committee

(FROM 02-05-2019 E-NEWS):
Casino tickets - There are a couple of Casino tickets left if anyone is interested. Call Deb Robins @ 956-230-3115 while they last, as we will NOT be selling in the Library tomorrow. Thank you for your support!
Casino Committee
(FROM 02-16-2019 E-NEWS):
Practice sessions are posted in the library. Please try to attend at least one for a refresher and to get instructions for the night of the event.
Monday 2/18/19 1:00
Tuesday 2/19/19 3:00
Wednesday 2/20/19 7:00
Looking forward to seeing you. Any questions please call. Thanks for volunteering.
Carolyn Anderson 309-253-5543
(FROM 02-17-2019 E-NEWS):
Casino Night -
Casino night is almost here!! This Saturday Feb. 23rd @ 5:30 sharp, the south side pool gate will open. Please remember to bring your tickets for entry!
We will enjoy beverages and dinner in the Pavilion, so dress for the weather!
At 6:30 sharp the Casino doors will open, where you will receive a voucher for your complimentary $500.00 playing chips. Find yourself a place to sit and redeem your voucher for playing chips from your dealer.
Beverages, dessert bar & popcorn will be available in the Casino all evening.
You will also need to bring some extra cash to purchase 50/50-share the wealth tickets, as well as tickets for our Grand prize raffle. A chance to win either -
$500.00 cash - donated anonymously by some of our generous community members
$500.00 Estes Park, Co. - Wildwood Inn gift certificate - donated by Lucille Younglund
SPI Getaway - 2 night stay donated by Holiday Inn Express & Suites SPI
plus complimentary meals at Yummies Bistro & Lobo Del Mar Café
There will also be BINGO in the Library with a new exciting format!!
Once you are done playing (or 9:30 when the tables close), cash in your chips with your dealer for tickets. Then place your tickets in the corresponding basket of the gift you hope to win! Most of these gifts have been donated by some of our generous community members!
The draws will then start, so have Fun and Enjoy your evening!
Thank you to all who donate and volunteer, we can't do this without you!!
Dale Hopfner & Sherri Gardner - co-chairs and our wonderful Casino night Committee
(FROM 02-18-2019 E-NEWS):
The Practice session for the 19th has been cancelled. The practice session for February 20th will be 2:30 and 6:30. See updated Schedule below.
Monday 2/18/19 1:00
Tuesday 2/19/19 Cancelled
Wednesday 2/20/19 2:30 and 6:30
Sorry for any inconvenience. Carolyn 309-253-5543
(From 02-23-2019 E-NEWS):
Squares/Bars for Casino night -
To all the ladies that have volunteered to make squares/bars for Casino Night, please remember to please make something that is not too sticky and needs no refrigeration. It's really helpful if you line the pan with parchment first, so much easier to get it out of the pan when your doing 18 pans. Please bring to Retzlaff Hall between 9 & 10 am tomorrow. If I'm not there when you deliver, please mark your name on the pan so I can keep track.
Thanks to you all, Linda Abernethy
(From 02-262019 E-NEWS):
Casino Night Thanks you -
Well, another successful Casino night has come and gone! We would just like to thank everyone for their support of this event, not only this year but over the past 6 years!
We never knew that Casino night would grow into such a popular event, but we are sure glad it did. Without the large number of volunteers it takes to run this event, our success would not have been possible. We are so grateful to all who have volunteered their time, effort and financial support to our Casino night. As well as to all of our Sponsors and all who attended our event and helped to make it one fun and exciting evening!
Thank you as well to all who sing our praises, it is very much appreciated but humbling. Because it really does "take a village" and what a village we have here in Sunshine Estates. Please keep supporting the Women's Club events, as well as all the other events that make our community so fun and vibrant!
See y'all around Sunshine and thanks again!
Most sincerely
Dale Hopfner & Sherri Gardner
Past Casino night co-chairs
03-14-19 ----- Thu ----- Dance/Fundraiser: Music by The Classics Band (Deb Robins & Tiffany Prater) COMPLETE
The March Mystery Party was canceled for this year but a new event is being planned for the same night, March 14th. Watch for more info about this event!
(FROM 02-15-2019 Women's Club Mtg):
The March Women's Club Activity will be a Dance in Retzlaff Hall. Music will be provided by The Classics Band. Wade Prater is a member of this band. They will play from 7 pm - 10 pm. Bring your own Snacks and Drinks. Watch for more details as they are finalized.

(From 03-09-2019 E-News):
Hi All! This is a reminder that on this coming Thursday, March 14, 2019 the Women's Club will be putting on a dance/fundraiser donating to Ronald McDonald House Charities. Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Rio Grande Valley supports our community by providing a "home-away-from-home" for families of critically ill or injured children at local hospitals and clinics. We hope you plan to attend so that you can help them continue with the important work they do! A representative from this charity will also be in attendance.
In order to supply them with items they need we are asking for everyone who attends this event to either give a $5 donation per person or bring an item from the wish list. Their Wish List is posted in the Library and can also be found on the Web site by clicking on the icon located here (www.sunshinecountryclub.com/activities-details).
ALSO - Bring along some extra money so that you have a chance to win one of the many prizes that have been donated and that will be given away/raffled off. Remember, this is all for a very good cause.
The dance is being held in Retzlaff Hall from 7 PM to 10 PM. Music is being provided by the Classics Band (of which Wade Prater is a member). This is a BYOB and snack type of event. AND - You may think the committee isn't aware that this is the normal Thursday Pavilion Happy Hour event day. BUT - You would be mistaken. We'd very much like folks to come out before the dance and join in the fun of the Pavilion Happy Hour. You might even be able to snatch a sizzling hot dog or two off the grill.
NOTE - This is no signup for this event. Just come and get your groove on and enjoy your neighbors and friends. This will be one of the last events (and definitely the last Womens' Club event) before most of us head north for the summer. Thanks in advance for your support.
Tiffany and Debbie
(From 03-17-2019 E-News):
Donation Results - Ronald McDonald House
From Beth: I saw Deb had posted the below on the SunshineCCE Facebook page. I know lots of you SEPO e-mail suscribers don't use Facebook so I thought it would be nice to share this with others.
From Deb Robins: A big thank you to all of our generous neighbors. We were able to raise over $1400.00 for Ronald McDonald House! For those of you that missed the party, but would still like to donate, please feel free to drop by my home (4129 N Minnesota). I will be dropping off their wish list items, gift cards and money on Tuesday. Again, thank you for being so generous.