Sunshine Country Club Estates
SEPO Community Emails: June 2024
Sent 2024-06-28: Website: Directory, Photos & Activities 2-Pager Updated -
Hi all - I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer, in spite of the horrific heat in lots of places.
It's a dreary day in St. Louis today, so I took some time to update the following on the website:
The directories (by Name, by Address, Emails & Renters)
And as New Residents have been coming and going this summer, I've been updating the photo pages
Beth Parrish, SEPO Website Admin Email: 314-960-6710
Sent 2024-06-28: Line Dancing (Beginners) -
I will start up beginner line dance classes in the hall next Tuesday July 2nd at 10:30. Come join us. Great exercise for body and mind. And it’s a lot of fun. - Donna Myers (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-06-28: Closure of Pool Aread -
Weather pending maintenance/installation of new handrail by the pool stairs and pool deck repainting will be going on. Due to work being done, that area of the pool will be closed July 8, 9, and 10th. Thanks in advance for your support and understanding. Tony Adams (SEPO Board)
Sent 2024-06-23: Poisonous Toad: w/picture -
OOOPs - I forgot to insert the pic of the toad.
Although this is outside of the SEPO Email Guidelines, I thought it was worth sending an email about. Thx for the info to the community Cathy. (Beth Parrish)
There is a Cane toad living near us that we see nightly. It is the most poisonous toad in America, especially dangerous to dogs. If they lick the toad the toxins on its skin can kill them! I fear there may be more of them around. While they are nocturnal, they hide in shady places where inquisitive dogs may find them.
Just a heads up! - Cathy Richmond (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-06-23: REMINDER & INFO: Summer Community Potluck -
I saw the following 'Reminder & Info' on the SEPO Facebook page and thought it was definitely SEPO Email material as well. Hope all of you still in Sunshine this week ENJOY!
NOTE: I'm just the conduit of this info. Please contact Pam Davis if you have questions, etc. Thx
Beth Parrish, SEPO Email Mgr Email: 314-960-6710
Our first summer community potluck is happening this week on June 25!!!
Doors open at 4PM. We start eating at 4:30 and this talented guy (see below) plays at 5!!! The event is free but we will have a pass the hat for the artist. Come join the FUN!!!
- Pam Davis (from SEPO Facebook)
I'm excited about the community potluck on Tuesday (6/25). It's a chance to eat some great food and see who has the best rain story. Then, when we're tired of talking about the weather, a great local musician (Steven May) will entertain us.
Doors open at 4, eat a 4:30, and Steven at 5. Also, the only money he will get is from tips, so bring a couple of bucks. Many folks in our community go offsite to see musicians. I've heard from a few people that they are happy my wife, Pam, has put this together. We're looking forward to seeing everyone there.
- Randy Davis (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-06-21: RECIPE: Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake -
Better late than never, I guess. Deb Dierker made "Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake" for the Ladies Golf Guest Day Luncheon last March. Everyone loved it so much she graciously provided me with the recipe. She said some of the ingredients are specific to Canada, so you'll need to substitute ingredients you can find in the states.
Enjoy! - Beth Parrish (for Deb)
Sent 2024-06-18: Women's Club LOGO Contest -
Hey ladies!!! Just a reminder that The Women’s Club will be having a Logo contest our first meeting in October! The winner will win a prize and a chance to utilize your design all season!
- Pam Davis (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-06-17: Storm Prep (Sand Bags & Sand) -
Sand Available to Bag for our Residents During Storms.
Location: Beside Can Cottage
(Do not grab Golf Course Sand in Concrete Pit)
Bags are not provided... Those can be found at Johnny's True Value or Tractor Supply.
Any questions feel free to call the office 955-425-1420.
- Randy Davis
Sent 2024-06-14: Loved One Passing -
Our condolences to Cathy Chajec and family for the loss of Barb, her mother. We will have many fond memories of Barb at Rock Club. She was a real artist! - Cathy Richmond (from SEPO Facebook)
Sent 2024-06-08: UNAPPROVED: SEPO Financials, 2024-05 (May) -
The UNAPPROVED May 2024 SEPO Financials and posted on the Sunshine Website HERE. If you have any questions, please email me at the address below.
- Tracy Wagner, Treasurer for Sunshine Estates Property Owners, Inc.,
Sent 2024-06-04: MARKET: Home For Sale -
The home at 4217 North Minnesota Street is For Sale. See details on the Sunshine MARKET.
Marketed by:
Cindy Shriver, Broker/Owner, Dream Valley Properties, LLC 956-970-0449
Sent 2024-06-04: REMINDER: Summer Community Potluck -
Just a reminder of our summer monthly potluck later this month, Tuesday, June 25th! Doors open at 4PM, dinner starts at 4:30PM, and Steven May will perform at 5PM. This event is free, but we'll have a hat pass for the artist. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
- Pam Davis (from SEPO Facebook) Women's Club President
Sent 2024-06-04: Call for Palm Tree Trimming -
We are working on a date for Palm tree trimming for the month of June. Any Residents that are interested in trimming their personal palms the fee has not changed - $25 per Palm. Please stop by or call the Office ASAP to be placed on the list. Thank you.
- Valerie Basaldua SEPO Office (956) 425-1420
Sent 2024-06-04: Dumping Regulations in Storage Lot -
PLEASE NOTE: This dumping area in the Storage Lot is to be used strictly for "Tree Limbs and Brush" ONLY!
- Frank Tewell SEPO Board
Sent 2024-06-01: REMINDER: Private Event schedule in Retzlaff Hall this evening -
I was working on the Sunshine Website today and wanted to notify / remind everyone there is a Private Event scheduled in Retzlaff Hall this evening. The hall has been reserved from 4 PM until 9 PM for setup, the actual event and subsequent cleanup.
- Beth Parrish SEPO Website Admin Email: 314-960-6710