Sunshine Country Club Estates
Age Verification Survey (55+)
Age Verification Survey (55+)
(as of January 7, 2022)
1. Form Submission -
It is the resident/renter responsibility to inform the SEPO Board of any Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas they may have by utilizing the process described below.
The first step is to fill out the form available outside the SEPO Office or by printing it from HERE.
Please be as detailed as possible, providing a thorough explanation and any photos and documents that help explain why you are submitting the form.
If you have a suggested solution(s), please include on the form. -
Before submitting the form, ensure your NAME, DATE and CONTACT INFORMATION are included. (If your NAME is missing, your submission will not be addressed by the Board, and you will be notified of such.)
There is a Suggestion Box outside the Office to submit your form.
Please allow five to ten days to receive a response from the Board.
2. SEPO Board Review & Reply to Submitter –
The Office staff checks the Suggestion Box every weekday for submissions.
When the Office receives a completed and signed form it will be scanned and e-mailed as an attachment to everyone on the SEPO Board, noting the date and name of the person submitting the form in the e-mail of transmittal.
The President may then consult with the Director(s) most responsible for the area(s) in question.
The President will prepare a “draft response” within 1-5 days of receipt of the form and send the draft to all Board Members, requesting comments and or suggested edits to the draft, via e-mail, within a reasonable timeframe.
After receipt of provided edits/comments, the President will determine the final text of the response.
At that point, a direct e-mail response will be provided from the President to the submitter of the form along with a copy of the submitted form, for ease of reference. Copies of the e-mail and attachment(s) will also be provided to all Board members.
In the event the submitter has not supplied an e-mail address to the Office, the reply and submitted form will be hand-delivered to the submitter.
The success of this approach is predicated upon providing a timely response to the person submitting the form.
3. SEPO Board Notice to Community –
To keep the Community informed of the content of submitted forms and the Board’s responses, both the forms (minus the Submitter’s name and Contact Information) and the responses will be distributed as a “SEPO Suggestion / Complaint / Idea Response Publication” by the Board. This would make the submittal and the Board response a public statement. It would also provide further notice that the Board wishes to be known as being responsive, transparent, and informative.
The "Response Publication" will be:
Sent to the Community via e-mail
Posted on the Sunshine Web site
Physically posted in the Office/Library Building (for 30 days)
NOTE: The name and/or contact information of the person who submitted the form will not be published.
SEPO Board
Age Verification Survey (55+)
(as of July 20, 2021)
1. Form Submission -
It is the resident/renter responsibility to inform the SEPO Board of any Suggestions / Complaints / Ideas they may have by utilizing the process described below.
The first step is to fill out the form available outside the SEPO Office or by printing it from HERE.
Please be as detailed as possible, providing a thorough explanation and any photos and documents that help explain why you are submitting the form.
If you have a suggested solution(s), please include on the form. -
Before submitting the form, ensure your NAME, DATE and CONTACT INFORMATION are included. (If your NAME is missing, your submission will not be addressed by the Board, and you will be notified of such.)
There is a Suggestion Box outside the Office to submit your form.
Please allow five to ten days to receive a response from the Board.
2. SEPO Board Review & Reply to Submitter –
The Office staff checks the Suggestion Box every weekday for submissions.
When the Office receives a completed and signed form it will be scanned and e-mailed as an attachment to everyone on the SEPO Board, noting the date and name of the person submitting the form in the e-mail of transmittal.
The President may then consult with the Director(s) most responsible for the area(s) in question.
The President will prepare a “draft response” within 1-5 days of receipt of the form and send the draft to all Board Members, requesting comments and or suggested edits to the draft, via e-mail, within a reasonable timeframe.
After receipt of provided edits/comments, the President will determine the final text of the response.
At that point, a direct e-mail response will be provided from the President to the submitter of the form along with a copy of the submitted form, for ease of reference. Copies of the e-mail and attachment(s) will also be provided to all Board members.
In the event the submitter has not supplied an e-mail address to the Office, the reply and submitted form will be hand-delivered to the submitter.
The success of this approach is predicated upon providing a timely response to the person submitting the form.
3. SEPO Board Notice to Community –
To keep the Community informed of the content of submitted forms and the Board’s responses, both the forms (minus the Submitter’s name and Contact Information) and the responses will be distributed as a “SEPO Suggestion / Complaint / Idea Response Publication” by the Board. This would make the submittal and the Board response a public statement. It would also provide further notice that the Board wishes to be known as being responsive, transparent, and informative.
The "Response Publication" will be:
Sent to the Community via e-mail
Posted on the Sunshine Web site
Physically posted in the Office/Library Building (for 30 days)
NOTE: The name and/or contact information of the person who submitted the form will not be published.
SEPO Board
SEPO Suggestion/Complaint/Idea Form
(Signature Required at Bottom in order for Board to Review & Reply)
If you have more info to provide, you may attach more pages, photos or documents.
Print Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Phone: ________________ E-Mail (if you have one): ________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________
(Required so we may contact you with a Reply or for More Information.)
As of: 07-20-2021