Sunshine Country Club Estates
Sent 2024-02-03: Sunshine Community Gardens/Flowers -
We cleaned up what we could. Now fingers crossed no more freeze temps.
Thank you Tom Perrier and staff for the mulch and transporting it to our sites.
Thank you Tony Adams for the plantings of the passion vine along wooden fence.
We are training them now to climb the fence. Should be beautiful. They were not affected by the freeze.
- Susanne Ulrich (Garden Club from SEPO Facebook)

Sent 2023-01-24: Garden Club Pics -
I'm finally getting a little more free time to work on the Web site. Today I was able to add a 'few' of the pics I have of the wonderful work the Garden Club and all of their helpers are doing this season at the 'butterfly garden' on TX Ave. I'll keep adding them as I come across more in my files. Please send me additional pics as you guys work on various areas around the community.
And thank you all so much for helping make Sunshine a beautiful place to live.
Beth Parrish, SEPO Web site Admin E-Mail: sunshinecountryclubweb@gmail.com 314-960-6710
Jan 2023
Hard at work at the Gazebo area on TX Ave

Jan 18, 2023
Thank you, Leona and Ross, for securing the garden flower. You guys will be missed once you head up north.
Lots of new growth on butterfly plants. Bring on the butterflies. Community project we can all be proud of.
Thank you. Susanne

Jan 16, 2023
A huge thank you to Lassy for refurbishing this garden art, donated by Tiffany, recovered by Robin, and professionally painted by Lassy. Plan to put in Butterfly Garden. Susanne