Sunshine Country Club Estates
Clubs & Committees
(Winter 2019-2020)
Additional Details
CANCELLED (03-25-20)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Signs w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Mar 25th
12:30pm - 3:30pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
Signup in the Library ends Friday, Feb 28th.
Sent 2020-03-20): Crafty Creations Update -
Hey there! This is Heidi Dill. I need to let all know that , due to the risks involved, Crafty Creations will not be having our class on Wednesday, March 25th. Beings I do have all the supplies purchased and ready, I can assemble kits to complete on your own. Please let me know if you’d like a kit to complete your projects. Otherwise, we can reschedule a later date for class to reconvene. Heidi
Sent 2020-02-19: Crafty Creations Info for the Mar 2020 class -
Here's you last chance to get in on the Welcome Sign w/Danglers!
Final class is on March 25th!!!
12:30 to 3:30 in Retzlaff Hall

Create any of the Danglers you wish!
New designs and/or any we have already done during the 2019-2020 Winter Season.

I have also added a mini-sign option that can hold your dangler. Cost of is $20.

Signup will be Feb 19th - 28th
At the Sunshine Country Club Estates Library.
Anyone is welcome to attend but everyone must pre-register.

COMPLETE (Feb 20, 2020)
CLUB: Birding & Nature
(Sent 2020-02-19) Birding and Nature Field Trip -
​This is just a reminder to the twenty or so people planning on going on the Birding and Nature field trip to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge tomorrow, February 20th. Meet in front of the library at 6:45 a.m. We will meet as a group. Call roll. Then divide into cars for carpooling. Bring lunch, drinks, binoculars, etc. We will, probably, be riding in 2 busses through the reserve.
Jean Burgoine
(Sent 2019-12-17) Birding and Nature Group - February Adventury:
WHAT: We will have a field trip to Laguna Atascosa in February.
Jean Burgoine
CLUB: BIBLE STUDY/MOVIE GROUP (Starting Jan 6, 2020)
The first meeting of the year of the Bible Study/Movie Group is scheduled for Monday Jan 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Retzlaff Hall. The Sight and Sound Movie:-- "SAMSON" will be shown and will last approx. 2 hours.-- (we will take intermission.) Questions: Warren Hertel -- 314 719 6532
(2019-12-01 Newsletter) Bible Study/Movie Group -
The Bible Study/Movie Group will startup in early January.
Watch the bulletin boards for details.
Warren Hertel 314 719 6532
CLUB: STAINED GLASS (Thursdays – Starting Jan 7,2020 thru Mar 2020)
(Sent 2019-12-27:Newsletter) Stained Glass -
Stained glass will begin again in January through March. Anyone interested is welcome to join us to see what it is all about. This is for beginners and seasoned artists alike. No experience necessary. We will meet every Thursday evening in the wood shop from 6:30 till 8:30 p.m. Bring your gate clicker to get into the storage area. There are no fees. All materials will be provided for your first project. Hope to see many of you there. If you have any questions, call Cathy Chajec, 708-280-8910.
COMPLETE (02-18-2020)
COMMITTEE: SEPO Board Election Committee
Sent 2020-02-17: Election -
OK don’t wait until the last day. If you haven’t voted do it today. 😊 Chuck McEvoy Election Chairman
Sent 2020-02-15: SEPO Board Election & Your Vote -
The election is only two days away. If you haven’t voted now is a good time. Chuck McEvoy Election Chairman
Sent 2020-02-11: SEPO Election Reminder -
There is only one week left to cast your ballot in the SEPO election. If you haven’t voted now is a good time to do it.
Chuck McEvoy Election Committee Chairman
Sent 2020-01-23: CORRECTION for SEPO Election Material -
There is an error in the Notice of The Annual Meeting letter. Toward the bottom of the page there is line stating when the ballots are to be turned in. It should state:
All ballots must be turned in before 1:00 PM February 18, 2020.
Please forgive me for not catching this error before the letter was mailed. Chuck McEvoy
We are preparing to mail ballots out for the annual SEPO election next week. Your ballot material will be mailed to your Sunshine Country Club address unless you instruct us differently. If you would like your ballot sent to another address please email that address to the SEPO office before 4:00 PM on Wednesday January 15, 2020. The SEPO office email is sepo.office@gmail.com.
Sent 2020-01-10: SEPO Election: Nominee Update -
Clint Wunderlich has withdrawn his nomination for election to the SEPO board.
Chuck McEvoy Election Chairman
Sent 2020-01-07: Board & Residents Meeting Minutes -
John called Chuck McEvoy, election committee chairman to speak. Chuck explained the ballot process. Please read instructions carefully and deposit your signed proxy envelope with ballot envelope inserted inside the proxy envelope. Please only vote for 4 candidates. Spoiled ballots will not be counted. Ballot box is located outside Valerie’s office. Do not give to Valerie, but place envelope in ballot box.
CLUB: The Gathering (Every Tuesday Starting 01-07-20 & Ending 02-25-20)
(2019-10) The Gathering -
ATTENTION LADIES! "The Gathering" is a new ladies group, beginning in January, which will give you an opportunity to get to know your Sunshine friends and neighbors better! Varied activities will be planned. We will meet every Tuesday in the Card Room, from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
Most of our Winter friends will be here in January, so our first meeting will be held JANUARY 7, 2020, 10:00 AM in Card Room. Please join us! Ideas welcome! Questions: 970 618-3635. Leave message if no answer.
Nancy Luellen
COMPLETE (02-05-20)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Sign w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Feb 5th
12:30pm - 3:30pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
Signup in the Library ends Friday, Jan 17th.
Here are the "Danglers of the Month" ($10 Each)

The "Signs" are availalbe to make every month. ($50 Each)

(Sent 2020-01-11) Crafty Creations by heidi -
Time to sign up for the next class.
Signup in the library ends Friday, January 17th.
Also - If there any Danglers which were available in past months that you would like to make during this class, please note that on the signup sheet.
Would love to have you join in the fun!!! -Heidi Dill :0]
COMPLETE (Jan 24 & 25, 2020)
Golf: Las Vegas Scramble and Potato Bake (01-24&25-20)
Refer to the Golf Detail Page for details about both the LV Golf Scramble & the Potato Bake.
COMPLETE 01-21-20
SEPO Woodworkers Spaghetti Dinner tickets will go on sale Monday Jan 6th.
$7 per ticket
Tkts available from your friendly Woodworkers.
Any questions call Cathy Chajec 708-280-8910
When & where: Tuesday January 21st 4:30 to 6 pm Retzlaff Hall
Spaghetti w/meat sauce, salad, garlic or nongarlic bread, dessert, iced or hot tea, coffee, water
Carryouts and delivery available
Only 270 tkts available, sells out fast, get your tickets early
Cathy Chajec
Sent 2019-12-27 Newsletter: Woodworkers Annual Spaghetti Supper -
The woodworkers will hold their annual spaghetti supper on January 21st from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tickets will go on sale January 6th and will remain $7. Supper includes delicious homemade meat sauce, garlic bread, salad with dressing, and your choice of homemade cake.
This is our annual fundraiser for the woodshop, which helps with tool purchases, repairs and general maintenance. The shop is proud to say its members’ hard work and diligence takes care of the shop so as not to be a burden on SEPO. Tickets are limited to the first 270 people, and tickets can be purchased through several of our woodworker members. Further email and notices will be posted the first week of January. As always, thank you for your support.
Cathy Chajec, 708-280-8910
Chairperson of Spaghetti supper

COMPLETE (01-16-20)
CLUB: Wood Shop Orientation
A Monitor Refresher Course will be held at 1:00 p.m. This is a mandatory class each year for all authorized monitors at the Woodshop. No refresher course, no key!
At 4:00 pm. an Orientation and Safety Class will be held. This class is mandatory for any SEPO residents who wish to use the equipment within the Woodshop.
Because of these two trainings, the Woodshop will be closed the afternoon of January 16.
Suzie Sawyer 573-216-4792
(Sent 2020-01-07) Woodshop Orientation Class on Thursday, January 16th at 4 pm
There will be a Wood Shop Orientation Class on January 16th at 4 pm in the wood shop.
A one time attendance is a requirement for use of the wood shop.
The shop will be closed during the class.
All residents are invited to attend. No signup is necessary.
Any questions call John Chajec at 708-280-8940
COMPLETE (01-10-20)
Neighborhood Watch - Finger Lickin’ Chicken
Have I got a deal for you!

Sent 2020-01-13: A Big Thank You -
As a resident of Sunshine, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Lenore Combes for putting on the "Finger Lickin' Chicken" event last Friday. I know she always says it takes a village to carry off such an undertaking. But it also takes a strong person to lead that village. So thanks again to Lenore and her village. It was delicious. Beth Parrish
Sent 2020-01-05: Finger Lickin' Chicken REMINDER -
Dear Friends,
Orders for Chicken purchasing will go in tomorrow - Monday 6 January. Please get your order in by envelope or phone call 956 245 1276. Thanks to all who have contributed already. You are appreciated.
This fundraiser is to acquire funds for the NW expenses - mainly Golf Cart, but for other items such as First Aid and Fire Extinguishers. This is a modest budget for your NW and your money is spent wisely. Books are always open.
Don't want chicken?? - Have you considered a "virtual" Finger Lickin' Chicken plate donation as an option? Envelopes are for the taking in the Library - clearly marked with a chicken and a dollar bill.
Your assistance will be most appreciated. Thanks 😇
--Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2020-01-03: Neighborhood Watch Fundraiser -
Dear Friends:
Asking for your support for Sunshine NW expenses, please.😇 Need to place orders for chicken purchase by Monday, Jan 6. Envelopes are in the Library to place orders or to make a donation. You may also call me. Your consideration is most appreciated. Thank you.
Friday 10 January. Slow cooked Chicken should be done around 4pm
See ya in Retz Hall - Dine In or Take Out
potato salad slaw dessert iced tea coffee water1/2 chicken fixin
Lenore J Combs 956 245 1276 NW-CERT Coordinator
Sent 2019-12-27 in Newsletter: inger Lickin' Chicken -
Finger Lickin’ Chicken - Friday 10 January - fundraiser for Neighborhood Watch $10.00 plate
Our world famous grillin’ team will be out doing Finger Licken’ Chicken.
Expect ETA about 4pm – Meet in Retzlaff Hall to Dine In or Take Out.
Sunshine NW - CERT Team has been faithfully serving SCCE for over 10 years – 365 days a year. We have open communication with the SEPO Board. We constantly have training and our valued partnership with Police, Fire and EMS is acknowledged and appreciated. Our rapport with them is indispensable. Volunteers don’t get paid because their worth is priceless. We wish to have a fundraiser for operating expenses. This week batteries for the McGruffmobile were just installed. Our modest bank account is almost depleted. Monies are monitored and spent judiciously for our Patrol Golf cart and necessity items such as flashlights, batteries, First Aid equipment etc.
So, please join us for a Finger Lickin’ Chicken plate: $ 10.00
½ slow cooked grilled chicken prepared on mesquite wood by experienced Firefighters.
Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Fixins, Iced Tea, Coffee & Dessert.
Gameplan: When these big batches become done -
Volunteers will carry hot chicken in receptacles to Retz Hall
Volunteers will prepare To-Go Boxes or you may dine in.
RSVP: place your orders ASAP. I need to place the chicken order by Monday 6 January.
Envelopes will be in the Library. I will gladly take phone orders with an IOU. You may pay cash or write a check to Neighborhood Watch. We have 306 homes in Sunshine and we look forward to everyone’s support.
Sincerely, Lenore Combs, NW-CERT Coordinator
COMPLETE (01-08-20)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Sign w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Jan 8th
12:30pm - 3:30pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
(2019-12-05) Crafty Creations for Jan: Deadline for registration -
Hey there!
Friday, Dec. 6th is the final day to sign up for our next class, Jan 8th!
Please note the time change for the classes. The rest of the season they will be from 12:30 to 3:30 in Retzlaff.
You can register at the SCCE Library,
or email me at heididill316@gmail.com
or text me at 307-272-2440 with the info. Thanks!!!
-heidi dill :0]

Sent 2019-11-24: Crafty Creations for January 2020 -
Hey there! Due to the holidays, sign-ups for January's class will begin on
Wednesday, Nov. 27th and end on Friday, Dec 6th.
NOTE: The information has been put on the Web site for you to view/download. You can also see the poster and sign-up using the form in the Library.
Thanks oodles!!! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to All!!! -heidi dill =0]
COMPLETE (01-07-20)
CLUB: Birding & Nature - Potluck & Program
(Sent 2020-01-06) Birding and Nature Potluck & Speaker -
Birding and Nature Club sponsored Potluck & Speaker
Tomorrow is the big day, January 7th, for the Birding and Nature Clubs POTLUCK DINNER in Retzlaff Hall. Everyone is invited and their is no charge. Bring your favorite potluck dish to share. Following dinner a SPEAKER from Laguna Atascpsa will give a presentation. If you don't make it to the library to sign up, come anyway.
SOCIAL AT 4:30. DINNER AT 5:00 with speaker following dinner. Coffee, tea, and table service will be provided. A donation basket will be available. Ladonna Harvey
(Sent 2019-12-27:Newsletter) Birding and Nature Group Potluck -
The Birding and Nature Group will not be having our monthly meeting in Jan 2020. Instead, we will be hosting a communitywide potluck, followed by a speaker from Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge. The potluck is on Tuesday, January 7th in Retzlaff Hall. Doors open at 4:30. Serving will begin at 5:00, followed by the speaker. Just so we know how many tables to set up, we request that you sign up on the sign-up sheet that will be posted in the library on Jan 1. There is no charge for the potluck. Hope to see you there. We will have a field trip to Laguna Atascosa in February.
Jean Burgoine
(2019-12-17) Birding and Nature Group - Potluck & Presentation:
NO monthly meeting in Jan 2020.
We will be hosting a communitywide potluck
Followed by a speaker from Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge
Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020
Retzlaff Hall.
Doors open at 4:30
Serving will begin at 5:00
Followed by the speaker
Need everyone to sign up in order to know how many tables to set up.
Signup sheet will be available in the library starting Jan 1.
Jean Burgoine

COMPLETE (01-04-20)
CLUB: Birding & Nature - Annual Christmas Bird Count
(Sent 2020-01-01) Birding and Nature Reminders -
The annual Christmas Bird Count will take place this Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020. Anyone is welcome to assist - no experience needed! Please meet at the Gazebo at 8:00am for area assignments. Please bring binoculars if you have them. Our count was in the 80's last year - can we do it again?!? Questions? Contact Debi Warner at 956-357-8999.
COMPLETE (01-06-20))
Committee: SEPO Nominating Committee
(2020-01-06) Directors & Residents Meeting -
Nominating committee chairperson, Neil Morehead, along with John Whitley and Jerry Drost, were thanked by John for their service. Neil presented the candidates for the 2020 election. Mecca Henry, John Chajec, Lyn Swonger, Ron Clark, Clint Wunderlich, Tony Trammel.
John asked for nominations from the floor. No one came forward.
(2019-12-27) SEPO Board Nominees -
The 2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee, consisting of Neil Morehead (Chairman), Jerry Drost and John Whitley, are pleased to submit the following candidate names in alphabetic order for the 2020 election of the SEPO Board of Directors. All of the candidates have been interviewed by one or more committee members, and were considered by the committee for nomination based upon their responses to the ‘SEPO Nomination Committee Board Candidate Interview Questions Guideline’ and their willingness to sign the ‘SEPO Board Candidate Pledge’.
We are pleased to announce these residents who met the requirements and are in good standing in the Sunshine Estates Community. We encourage the current Board of Directors to include their names in the 2020 ballot. The nominating committee will make that motion during the January 2020 Board of Directors meeting.
John Chajec
Ron Clark
Mecca Henry
Lyn Swonger
Tony Tramel
Clint Wunderlich
Neil Morehead
2019 SEPO Board Nomination Committee Chairman
(2019-12-01 Newsletter) SEPO Election -
There are 4 board positions open for election in February 2020. The following board members are completing their first term: John Chajec, Dick Shelton, Lyn Swonger and Clint Wunderlich. Anyone interested in running for the board please contact our nominating committee; Neil Morehead, Jerry Drost or John Whitley.
The SEPO nominating committee for the 2020 board election is:
Neil Morehead, Chairman: 815-535-3271
Jerry Drost: 231-588-6354
John Whitley: : 956-551-0266
Please contact one of them if interested in running for the board.
John Chajec SEPO Board President
(2019-10) SEPO ELECTION -
In preparation for the February 2020 SEPO board election, a nominating committee needs to be appointed by the December board meeting. Anyone interested in serving on this committee please see a board member. There are four board positions open for election. The following board members are completing their first term: John Chajec, Dick Shelton, Lynn Swonger and Clint Wunderlich.
COMPLETE (12-04-19)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Sign w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Dec 8th, 2019
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
(2019-12-05) Crafty Creations for Jan: Deadline for registration -
Just a friendly reminder that registration for the Dec 4th class ends on Tues, Nov 19th. (I need to get all of the supplies ordered ahead of time.) You can find the Signup Sheet etc in the Library. Hope to see you there. Here is the info for this class:
-- Heidi Dill

(2019-11-12) Crafty Creations Club Dec 4, 2019 Class Info -
Hey there! It's time to sign up for the next Crafty Creations class!! YAY!!!!
It will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, from 1:00-3:00pm in Retzlaff Hall. Please note that you will be required to pre-register in order to take a class.
Registration will start tomorrow, Wed. Nov 13 at 4pm in the Library. It will close end of day Nov 19, two weeks prior to the class date. Payment is due at time of registration.
You can also see the poster and sign-up using the form in the Library. Or you can view/download.
Thanks so very much for supporting me in my creative efforts. -heidi dill =0]
COMPLETE (11-13-19)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Sign w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Nov 13th, 2019
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
(2019-10-25) - Crafty Creations Club description/signup info for rest of 2019-2020 season:
The Crafty Creations Club is in full swing for the 2019-2020 season.
Please see this document for the "info on what we will be making this season".
Please see this document for the "Registration Form for the Nov 13 class".
Registration info prior to each class will also be available in the Sunshine Library.
Please come join your friends and meet new friends and make some great items for your home. Trust me, you will have a blast!
Heidi Dill --
call or text 307-272-2440
COMPLETE (11-09-19)
CLUB: Wood Shop Orientation
(2019-11-09) Wood Shop Orientation Class -
There will be a Wood Shop Orientation Class on Thursday Nov 14th at 4 pm in the wood shop.
A one time attendance is a requirement for use of the wood shop.
The shop will be closed during the class.
All residents are invited to attend. No signup is necessary.
Any questions call John Chajec at 708-280-8940
COMPLETE (10-18-19)
CLUB: Crafty Creations by Heidi:
Interchangeable Sign w/Danglers
Class Date: Wednesday, Oct 18th, 2019
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
at Sunshine Country Club / Retzlaff Hall
(2019-09-24) Crafty Creations begins in October! -
Hey there! Hoping everyone has had a wonderful time over the crazy hot summer!!!
Whew!!! I’ve been working very hard on our projects for the season, and I’m looking forward to all who will be joining in the fun this year!
This winter season we will be making these beautifully crafted signs to enhance your home or entry!!!😊
...Not only that, each month, we will be creating these adorable seasonal danglers!!

Please save the date: Friday, Oct 18th, 9-11:00am, At Retzlaff Hall
More details about signup, prices etc will be furnished soon.
“So let’s get our crafty wings on and make some fluff!!!” -heidi 😊
(2019-09-29) Sign-up info for Crafty Creations -
Please click here to see all of the signup info for the first Crafty Creations project which is scheduled for Oct 18, 2019.
(2019-10-03) Sign-up deadline for Crafty Creations -
----- JUST A REMINDER -----
Sign-up for the Crafty Creations session to be held on October 18 closes October 5th!
All of the info about this session can be found here:
You can e-mail me at heididill316@gmail.com. You can also text her at 307-272-2440. - Heidi Dill ---